New Verhoeven Kino

What we should expect?

>in french language
throw it in le garbage

More smut for cucks. Just what we needed.

What kind of movies does Verhoeven even do anymore? Why is it in French? Isn't he Dutch?

Wtf I see that chicks nipple

Hope it's gone be as good as Elle

Protip for newfags: when you spoiler the image you guarantee nobody will respond.

Why is there an obsession with turning Mary into a slut? Its the same in Moorcocks Behold the Man.

There seems to be no inbetween.

I thought it said "Based Virgin" at first.

The Dutch film industry only wants to make rich people vanity project rom coms. In France he can get a bigger budget and much better actors and crew.

He had trouble making movies in Holland when the government turned from right to left wing around 30 years ago, which is why he started working in hollywood (watch the Robocop making of, he talks about it)

I imagine that still goes on

>Holland when the government turned from right to left wing around 30 years ago
it was the opposite m8

I don't know what Verhoeven said on the commentary track, but that's factually wrong. 30 years ago the government was right wing conservative, and besides a brief period in the 90s the largest Dutch parties have been right wing conservatives. Meanwhile, the time when Verhoeven was making movies in the Netherlands was the most culturally left wing and progressive time in its history.

What posted is closer to the truth.

Elle was in my top 5 of last year. I have high hopes for this one.

hol up. so you be sayin that the country famous for coffee shops where you can buy and smoke cannabis and a red light district where prostitution is legalized, not to mention one of the most progressive countries in europe, is conservative right wing?

Something lewd

Not him, but he's right. There have been lots of clashes within the government about banning all these things, but the country would lose way too much money because of lower income from taxes and tourism.

Basically they're choosing wealth over their principles.

>New Verhoven Kino
>it's a shitty art film
Make more action movies you dumb Dutch cuck

that nipple looks beyond fake but i have a huge fetish for nun porn so we'll see

kay, had a completely different idea of that country, thanks for the heads up
