Draw your ideal middle east

Draw your ideal middle east.


Just wipe Israel off the map and replace it with Palestine and I will be happy. Also make Saudi Arabia lose 50% of it's territory to the adjacent countries.

Pic related

And where do we place the Jews? In Iceland?

In D*nmark.

>I told you; you will pay for the exploitation of the noble West-Nordic peoples!!

Then they will just start affecting you more than they already do.

good joke
now go back to your danish class


>now go back to your d*nish class

Already graduated, LOL. how are your Icelandic/Faroese/Greenlandic skills, if I may ask?

>Then they will just start affecting you more than they already do.
>Affecting Iceland after 1944

>Already graduated,
>Affecting Iceland after 1944
user, I..

Zoroastrian Persia and Christian Byzantium, with autonomous Jewish, Berber and Assyrian territories.

It's because if we learned Norwegian or Swedish instead of D*nish, D*nish would be completely lost to us, we'd never understand it, if we learn D*nish, we know the "most different" of the Nordic languages and therefore the others are much easier, especially Norwegian, but also Swedish.

Also because you can get gibsmedat in Denmark, on the same terms as Faroe Island and Greenland

Remove the following leadership's

Rebuild dumascus as the capital of a unified Arabia.

Yeah we can, but we don't really do that en massé, I know 3 people that have studied in D*nmark, 2 are D*nish/Icelandic mixed and 1 isn't. The number of people that have gone to Norway though.... wew lad



tried my best desu



Give Jews some land in South America
>tfw too cheap to give up US territory