I don't want any equity, I just want to be friends

>I don't want any equity, I just want to be friends.

>It's a Robert gushes about a product for minutes but doesn't invest episode

Cuban is the only one who really keeps his deals, the entire thing is just staged

What do you mean staged? Just because they go back on their word doesn't mean it's set up from the beginning, they sharks are just assholes

cuban just likes stealing deals from robert "suicidal" herjacuck

where is that streaming cunt

It's not a problem with the Sharks idiot. Most of these degenerate "entrepreneurs" will say anything to get a deal on camera. Then they do the diligence and it turns out they're full of shit.

shut down by the jews

>I don't want any friends, I just want equity.

>I don't want any

a lot of the time the people back out because they only went on the show for publicity

Most people don't go there for the deals themselves but to promote their business. The deals are secondary.

This dickhead it trying to be Tony Robbins, selling $4000 dollar tickets to 'success' conventions, what a dick.

fucking lori that goddamn slut

>"See, unlike these sharks, I don't want a friendship. Too much commitment, and I'm just concerned with returns. I'll lend you one ride to the airport and one dinner party. In return, I want a five text royalty on any messaging chain you have with any other group of friends, until my initial friendship investment is returned. After this the royalty will drop to two texts per chain, and I also occasionally will expect an invite to any and all birthday parties."


>There is a small island in the Himalayan Sea called Malderiki, upon which I own a large mansion. Every year afer the first rain, the Newport Beach Wine Society (of which I am a member) gathers at my mansion to watch the island's natives grovel in the mud as their pathetic straw dwellings are ripped apart by the rising waters. On this island there is also a fish, called a Piranha Giganticus. Coinciding with the first rain, this fish swims into the flooded island and begins to feed on the older and weaker natives of Malderiki. Unable to defend themselves from the killer fish and uttrly helpless, the natives make their way to my mansion in makeshift canoes. At this point, the Newport Beach Wine Society opens a bottle of pre-revolution French Chardonnay, dated no later than 1760, and places wagers on which native will be the first to reach the high ground of my sprawling lawn. Once the fish has fed and returned to the Sea, there are typically a handful of natives left on my lawn, at which point we activate the electric fence and release the crocodiles. Last year, during the crocodile feeding, a tiny speck of native flesh was flung from the lawn up to the balcony where the Newport Beach Wine Society was gathered and landed on my shoe. I retrieved the piece of flesh and placed it in my mouth, washing it down with a glass of Moldovan Pino Griggio. Right now, YOU are that piece of flesh

>not royalties

You had ONE job, and now you're dead to me.

I'm sure he's actually a dickhead behind the scenes. Look at how he instantly goes from "nicest guy on the stage" to petulant baby whenever someone ignores one of his offers. He seems like a massive narcissist.

>Let me give you some advice. Do not go into retail. It is a savage place. Last year I invested in the toy business KinderKids. If my marketing specialists did their job you have never heard of them. You see I was competing for retail space with Mattel. To flush me out they replaced the plastic we used with lead. Over a thousand children died. Like I said, it is a savage place. Of course in response I used my influence with Mattel to have all children's products shipped with one adult Brazilian Wandering Spider. The casualties are are still climbing to this day. When I look at you I do not see someone capable of making these kinds of tough business decisions.

>And for that reason, I'm out.

>"Have you ever drank a glass of black rhinoceros blood? Of course not, I was just being colloquial to start this story with an anecdote. The first time I had a glass I was in South Africa, taking a celebratory drink in Johannesburg after completing a successful hunt. You see, in South Africa they don't hunt lion, or elephant. We hunted a more dangerous game: the kaffir, or black man. I finally had a 7 year old boy cornered in an Oingo Bongo merchandise warehouse when the thoughts passed through my mind: Should I pull the trigger? Can I ever come back to who I was before this moment? I pulled the trigger, made my first 100 million dollars. Mr. Johnson, this is something you need to ask yourself: can I pull the trigger on this deal and make the right choice? 10% funding for 85% ownership and prima nocte rights to your daughters."

These are great, keep them coming.

My favorite Kevin quote:
"In the business of making money, there is no time for NAPs"