Explain this?

>monopolise American internet services by letting ISPs selectively choose which applications get the most bandwidth, and divide up the rest so that users have to pay more to get the same amount of current bandwidth for certain applications/websites.
>americans cheer

Why do they worship corporations?

why are you no name 3rd world countries so obsessed with america?

Warning: This Singaporean flag is a known spammer/CCP propaganda bot. Hide and sage its posts on sight.

>someone points out my liberties being infringed
>must be a shill

never change murilards, can't wait for the FCC to oblige you to pay extra to access Sup Forums

You must be new as all fuck if you don't know this troll. Make a thread about China and it will be there spamming propaganda in under 10 posts.


Wish this country have Net neutrality.

It sucks ass that my internet provider bans every voice chat because it will harm them in the phone market

Never mind, I see he's using proxies to reply to himself.

>m-muh proxies
soon you'll have internet worse than Australia, have fun

>asses on fire
They have retarded belief that corparations without regulations would compete with each other to provide best service.
In reality especially if competition is small enough they would just create an agreement to fuck over all their customers for maximum profit.

the fact remains Trump nominated a verizon pajeet drone at your regulatory organization and he's doing he's best to assure the giant companies are going to dominate the market with their scamming practices and uncompetitive strategies to make it sure no other isp can enter and let the customers switch to another service. But you see no problem with it because it's Trump

inquiring over how governments shape your liberties is obsession ?

imagine actually unironically going backwards

it's not about telling you you are shit and my country is better than yours nor give you advice. I a pointing out the self righteous hypocrisy in republican's so called "liberalism" and "free market" . These people are owned by the corporate sector and take their orders from it, even if it means applying communist tier policies. Yet somehow you are okay with it because the man in white house said he hated mexicans so all he does afterwards gets a pass

>muh shills

Fuck off back to whatever shithole hugbox you crawled away from.

That would be fucking incredible. Imagine all the Sup Forumstards it would effectively rangeban from Sup Forums. Lel.

>lefty "memes"

*deletes post after being made a fool of*

Anything there is to say on this topic can be found in the hourly Sup Forums thread.

No good thread has ever come out of one started with that yellow 9gag face thing.

>the thread is americans spamming "muh trump says so"

That really sucks user.

I honestly can’t understand why americans want the same system.


Is that real? Holy shit

Yes it is.

and their competitor is as much of a scum as my internet provider.

I have no choice in this matter.

>After 18 months of negotiations, the European Parliament, Council and Commission reached two agreements on the end to roaming charges and on the first EU-wide rules on net neutrality on 30 June 2015, to be completed by an overhaul of EU telecoms rules in 2016. Specifically, article 3 of EU Regulation 2015/212 sets the basic framework for ensuring net neutrality across the entire European Union

Feels great to be a Union citizen. I feel bad for the Brits though. Once they are out their Telcom companies will lobby hard to emulate the Americans.

I can’t stop myself thinking they will deserve everything

>Why do they worship corporations?
>They have retarded belief that corparations without regulations would compete with each other to provide best service.
>In reality especially if competition is small enough they would just create an agreement to fuck over all their customers for maximum profit.

neo-libs have the logic of children

“America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. "