Never would have guessed that in one week I would drop both Bill Nye and Adam Savage. RIP Reddit science men

Never would have guessed that in one week I would drop both Bill Nye and Adam Savage. RIP Reddit science men.

Other urls found in this thread:

*deletes Mythbusters from my hard drive*
Never watching this garbage again
Wtf is going on with these guys

Actually liked his youtube channel. Time to unsubscribe.

>pandering to the fucking trannies

Savage was the comic relief guy anyways.
Heineman was the brains of Mythbusters.

is he wrong though?

*tips non binary fedora*

He can't be 'wrong' because he's using "gender" in a way that doesn't mean anything. He's just making ultimately nonsensical statements that make him and other similar people feel good.

Heineman is the type of guy that's into thai trannies shitting in his mouth, but he has enough sense to keep it low key.


its christian self flagellation in a new form


>Ask someone to prove something using scientific method and facts



Gender is a social construct you fucking rethuglican bigots

>the closer you look at something the blurrier it gets

>mental illness keeps increasing
>this must mean its normal and we should accept it
>let's not research what causes this increase in mental illness

>bigoted institutions still exist
yeah, he's wrong

Hmm, yes, quite.

>be asked to prove something
Really makes you think

>use non-applicable buzzwords

fucking lelel

gender can't be a "spectrum" it's either male, female or defective
real fucking simple

>science is about questioning things and finding out the truth based on evidence
Really gets the noggin a joggin'.

>so we invented this new word for biological sex
>and it can mean anything

what is the GOP


Good god he's being a fucking dick about it too. I hate science now.

Did Sup Forums win? All these fake scientist liberals are going all in.

i f*ckin love science! xD

what are the biological markers for "genderfluid" or "duck-kin"

Based expanse-man, gotta love people who rile up the frogs.

>lives in San Francisco
>is a progressive faggot

The Democrats are the racists. They're racists against white people.

Yes, because "gender" is bullshit subjective identity shit i.e. a social construct lefties supposedly abhor.

I know an effeminate gay guy and a rather masculine girl. What would their "genders" be? Logically and objectively speaking, the male would be of the female gender while the girl would be of the male gender, but only if they actually "identify" as such. Pure ideology and no real objective science. Hence why these supposed "science" guys get so much shit for their insistince that this gender bending shit is "settled science".

Tune into his twitter. He's at this moment going full fucking sjw.


Long story short, gender is a made up idea. It's has absolutely no basis in the real world and can't even be quantified beyond the stereotype of a biological sex (make or female) behaviour.

>is he wrong

Yes and no

It's subjective semantics in the end, and isn't science

>sexist institutions exist
>we all need to be held accountable
>...Islam is totally fine though

Since chimerism and a fuckton of weird developmental syndroms exist, you cannot just state that all people with gender dysphoria have a mental illness. They could literally have female brain in a male body. It's impossible to tell without genetic testing of the brain. Life stopped being simple a few decades ago.

>gender is a made up idea
So's "biological sex". There are exceptions to every indicator used to determine sex (genitalia, chromosomes, hormones)

what a fucking faggot jesus christ

Is there something in the water in California?

This mass mental illness cant be a coincidence. Impressionable college kids is one thing, middle aged men who have real education and experience behind them is another.

you believe the argument of the neckbeard above has any weight, really?

Adam is being a smug prick on twitter and it's pretty difficult to have an actual dialogue on twitter of all places but if you think that simpleton is making a proper argument you're no better than the most triggered sjw you can think of.

Exceptions don't disprove a rule.


Carson is right, though it's also right to point out that proactive policing can be seen as "racist" -- guess what, reality is racist, and if one does more bad shit, then here we are.

Proactive policing works, even if it's targeting a specific demographic and might be "unfair".

It's funny but statistics actually show that crime drops in hispanic-prevalent neighbourhoods (it rises in black neighbourhoods).

For stating facts? Fuck off adam

>absolute nobody with a verified symbol
every time lel

'I can't prove it so if you ask you're a dick!'

there are disabilities you mean

>No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
>muh institutionalized racism!

>That's right, Gender is a spectrum goyim. Go ahead and mutilate your genitals, you're not mentally ill, it's the rest of the world that's crazy.

See They're both right

Proactive policing works, and it's "racist"

californians don't have water lmao

>so is biological sex
No it's not

Biological sex is based of its role in reproducing. Hence why there is only male, female and defective (and in very very rare cases "both"), in the case of humans.

That's why XXY and XYY aren't a seperate biological sex

oversimplification, cherry picking and disregarding historical context are common for a simpleton.

A guy posts video proof of sjws cheering for the end of white males and this is Adams reply. What a cunt.

>Gender is a social construct
ironically it takes a social construct to brainwash gullible people to accept more than 2 genders.

anything more than male and female is lunacy. science is moving away from whats true and moving towards what feels true. dark ages are coming.

by your "logic" people having 2 hands is a made up idea.

Sup Forums is losing what are a bunch of bitter posts on a thaiwanese ventriloquism forum going to do vs mass media

>it's an "Adam Savage cuts Jamie's dick off because he believes the gender spectrum is a myth" episode

Heineman has been preparing for these Antifa riots for a long time now.


this mis how people have decided to look at herpes.

"it's no big deal" they say because most people have it. instead of saying "its an epidermic and must be cured".

>gender can't be a "spectrum", it's a spectrum

Why aren't you killing yourself still?


I'm fine with this. I'll just stop treating people as people, they'll be functions and nothing more in the future.

>cherry picking
lol it's pretty universal lad

>historical context
they've been free for decades and still can't get outta dem hoods, must be whitey

oh please, "the system is racist" is the most simplistic idea imaginable, its just dumping the blame on the other side, the flipside to "niggers are born violent".
what's that? life is simple, you say?

>you're a dick for asking for proof

wasn't this the whole point of mythbusters?

No they're not.
You people are paying attention to an extremely tiny vocal minority where people like Adam Savage will say anything to get fans.
Go anywhere else in the world other than the west and people will tell you there are only two genders, even most people in the west will tell you this.

Isn't xo, xoox, or xoxo something only women write?

The fuck=

That's a super rare defect

Male sex
Female sex

There's no spectrum between the male and females sexes, nor between either of those and defective.

They've really gotten desperate.


he mentioned gene defects you moron. thats not a new gender, those people cant even reproduce.

Is this gender shit really the hill they want to die on?

>when you can't leave the hood of your soul

keep telling yourself it's confined to Sup Forums lol

true. but the world is a small place. lets nip this in the bud.


No matter how stupid this is at the end of the day you runts will do nothing about it lol

>jim crow laws never happened
>the war on drugs had no political and racial motives

inb4 >cnn
you can look for another source

>if you ask for proof you're a dick
Real scientific

chimerism user. part of you may literally be female. when that part happens to be the brain, you may want to cut your dick off.
it's just not that simple. there are mentally ill people out there, that's true. but you can't tell until you do the lab work.

No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health

Years from now, long after everyone posting in this thread is dead, future generations will marvel at the stupidity of the 21st century and wonder what the fuck was wrong with our society.

what the fuck is there to do about it?

Will Pepe still be a meme then?

burden of proof is on you to support your claims, bucko. Now then


Yeah, Baneposters wont attack Bill Nye or Adam Savage with bike locks like Eric Clanton did.

more like gag

>jim crow laws never happened
Why would you force people to associate with people they don't want to associate with, user? Are you a fascist?

>D-Don't ask me for evidence bigot!

This triggers me how do we combat this shit

>can't beat the opposition with facts
>better beeline to unmeasurable fee-fees

Judging by history, it's more likely to be a ditch

Then show me the lab work.
Until you do, you have no claim besides MUH MENTAL ILLNESS ENABLING THEORY
This isn't fucking heliocentrism, no one's being called a heretic and barred from actual research under penalty of death.

>moving goalposts
das rite

Herpes is a bit different to being mental