Transhumanism Thread

Is it the worlds most dangerous idea?

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Enjoy staying a wageslave all your life.

What do you think user

hopefully it won't happen since the society transcends materialism and consumerism by them

it's a meme spread by cucks who think they'll turn into robots because they're betacucks
read this, transhumanism is a load of shit

No it is the biggest redpill ever.


lmao stay in your little dream world alberto where robots make you white

Transhumanism leads to existential nihilism inevitably

Avoid at all costs

its retarded, its computer programmers thinking they know anything about chemistry or biology

wew lad

here's the correct link btw:

aka liberals pretending to be "objectively right"
It's our future, wherever we want it or not. That said, all the shit about singularity, immortality and technological heaven-on-earth is just christian preaching disguising itself with technobabble. Actual realisation of transhumanistic principles will look more like Blame.

Enjoy your keked country worst ally

>its our future
No, its kike idiots trying to find ways to cuck us forever
To bad they're idiots

it's an impossible pipe dream. people thinking they can upload their consciousness to computers when it's literally impossible. you could upload it but at the end of the day your own consciousness is gonna go with the rest of your biological material. Body modifications and life extending technology can work, but the actual trans-human part is silly.

It's neither as good nor as soon as they are preaching. Most likely no sooner than XXII century, maybe later. But as long as civilization does not crumble, it is coming.

If you're not an idealist and the wrong type of romantic, aka normalfag, then yes it's too much for you.

No. It would liberate all humanity.
We'd look past culture, genes, race and gender if we'd become robots.

Metal is superior to flesh.

I do believe cyber implants and body shit will happen for the rich (already doing it for amputees) in the future but futurism and transhumanism as the current "pioneers" promote is impossible.

Technically if they eventually make a cybernetic brain-like structure and have a way to fully scan all electrical impulses in your brain or shit like that, it could be an exact copy of your consciousness, or maybe they even move the impulses themselves, keeping the same consciousness.

This. We hardly know anything about consciousness and they're already saying we will be uploaded to Google Docs in 2020.

Current pioneers are by the most part dumbasses. As for the "transhumanism", if we try to keep it away from the promises of eternal life, the most important part of it is actual, strong AI. The one which can function as well as human consciousness - be a consciousness of itself. While creating it is no simple task, I don't see why it should actually be impossible.

I believe that the future is going to be more wonderful and terrible than we can imagine.

It's actually the best thing that could happen to humanity

Imagine augmented scientists advancing technology at a faster rate

Shit would be cash

consciousness doesn't work as you think it does, people who have undergone colostomy have separate consciousness for each hemisphere

It could be possible but we need to solve the hard problem of consciousness first (how and why we have conscious experience). There are theories which make strong AI look possible and there are theories which make it impossible. I think though that medicine will get better by the 2030s and some people will be living to 130 years old.

Nervous system isn't consciousness.

You have no idea how close we are to AI singularity. It may happen in our lifetime. We are already making AI capable of receiving data input, running it against all previously stored data, and generating all potentials as a result, including completely new datasets that are generated from running against previously stored data, all on it's own. In other words, we already have systems capable of learning and are currently developing systems that expound from data. In less than 20 years, we'll be able to feed basic rules of physics into one of these systems and it will spit out theories and verify them against their own data in short order. Imagine a system able to produce all of Einstein's accomplishments in a matter of seconds, just by being given data on known laws of physics.

It would probably work, but it wouldn't be able to fully capture your consciousness. It could approximate though. But then again it wouldn't really be you, just a copy.

Also you can't fully convert an analog chemical computer like our brains onto a digital device.

>There are theories which make strong AI look possible and there are theories which make it impossible
Within the materialistic view (that everything that we are is accurately described by the current scientific theories), it should be possible. The interesting question is whether quantum effects play the part in the consciousness' function. If it's true, it would make creating A.I. rather difficult, but again, the quantum computing is also developing.

I'm all for it.
I wanna do cool shit as an android.
Seriously though, consider how fare we have come with technology. The next step is just to implement it to our bodies.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>Within the materialistic view (that everything that we are is accurately described by the current scientific theories)
this view became obsolete since quantum psychics

Ok, sure.

read his second part

>ITT: No one understands how AI works
Why even bother having this thread?

Probabilistic description is also accurate as long as it is giving correct probabilities, mate.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Even if such a system would be possible in 20 years, which is questionable, it's nowhere near a strong AI.

enlighten us then if you're so smart

>Probabilistic description
what do you mean by that?

That you can't predict a result of an experiment, but you can predict the probabilitiy of every outcome.

I think we should focus more on biological supercomputers.

>Weak AI has no consciousness (Yes, that means Tay was not alive no matter how much Sup Forums insists she is)
>General AI is theoretical possible but not here yet but have no consciousness
>Strong AI is still debatable whether it is theoretical possible or not
>Moore's law is dead (At least for now)
>True extent of the human brain is not yet known, much less completely replaced by computers

Bonus point
>Nanotechnology envisioned by transhumanists is barely theoretically possible let alone feasible within out lifetime

t. worked under a nanoscience professor

No one ever disagreed with you except some American autist

Ya well I have seen enough AI threads to know where it will end up

I really want my nanoassembler.

They still have to solve the "sticky fingers" problem though.

What the fuck is that from?

You're right though, we shouldn't even discuss this shit when we no nothing about consciousness.

Aye, do you know how to patch your CPU so (((they))) won't control us?

bib bip!
time to eat such and such molecules!

Imagine having a strong emotion with that heart in front of a girl

Good luck computing molecules to make its own replicas

I always roll my eyes when it is AI specialists talking about how AI is so similar to the brain and all that jazz

Nothing but moronic bullshit, just like libertarianism.

>glasses are fine
>hip replacements are fine
>prosthetics are fine
>antibiotics are fine
>retrovirals are fine
>plastic surgery is fine
>anti aging cosmetics are fine


No, sir, you have no idea what you're talking about. I've worked on these systems first hand (hardware and networking). I've talked to the researchers who write the software, which is way above my head, but the gist of it is, we already have machines capable of learning and adapting "decisions" derived from data fed to it that aren't linear, pre-determined functions.

The software is outpacing the computing power right now, but in our lifetime we may see a system capable of deriving natural laws we had no idea existed just based on collected data.

what the hell is this and where can i find more of it

Transhumanism is retarded.

So imagine it
some asshole in a computer that is you is having the best time imaginable while youre stuck here

Eclipse Phase, it's a hard sci-fi RPG. This image is from the X-Risks PDF.

The developers made the entire PDF series creative commons so that anyone can share or download it for free. Very polished game setting, makes Shawdowrun look like garbage.

The devs even host the PDF files on their blog. They just like it when people buy the books to help them out. Even with all the encouraged file sharing they say that they are making more than enough to keep developing the game.


this really REALLY reminds me of the Eclipse Project from Red Alert 3 Paradox, I think I see where the inspiration for it came from

this is why transhumanism is a joke

Well, I've learned physics. And generating the natural laws based on the experimental data, as you've described, would be very difficult even for the legitimate, strong AI. That's because the space of possible theories is fucking big. To narrow the search down, you need heuristics - what scientists call "scientific intuition" - and that you won't generate based on data, because it roots in the human culture, science or otherwise.

Just like in some of the Lem's short stories, when the guy wanted to build a cyber-poet, he had to simulate the universe. Because poetry bases itself on the culture as well as the conditions in which it was formed. The story is humorous, of course, but the principle is correct.

the idea of self as a separate entity from everything else is an illusion created by thought
if you practice mindfulness you can eventually reach a state of no thought and the illusion of ego is completely dissolved
i feel like this fact is mostly ignored when people discuss AI and "digitalization of consciousness"
practically it means if I were to kill you, make your body disappear and replace you with exact same copy of yourself, or just knock knock you unconscious there would be zero difference
not because you would transfer to the other body but because there is no "you"
emotions are just sensations being interpreted by the brain and having meaning assigned to them
all this shit makes it easier for people with bad genes to reproduce and pass them on decreasing the quality of genepool so they're not exactly fine

The end game is that we could tailor a human from the ground up. Donor genes wouldn't be randomly selected from one parent or the other.

We dont know how consciousness works, seriously doubt its possible to upload everyone into a computer though

but we might find out within our own lifetimes, somewhere between 2030 and 2050 our computers will hit the point where we can have them make improvements on their own designs and they will get very intelligent very quickly, then its just a matter of tasking them with designing anything we want

Eclipse Phase is pretty gritty, sometimes you'll make your character commit suicide because they suffered so much mental damage fighting exsurgents and then revert to an earlier backup of your character.

Shit's trippy.

Eclipse Project was about this group of roouge machines calling itself the Electrical Protectorate escaping with a shit load of prototype nanites from Japan in the 60s and going out and somehow getting in contact with a god and waging a holy war on humanity

after that it gets to this eclipse stuff fast when humans start making their own AIs

fucking hell that weird tranny needs chucked off a bridge. Why doesn't he/she understand that fear of our own mortality has been a defining feature of human motivation since time began. If we were all immortal super freaks nobody would do anything because what would be the point? We could just do it later. This weirdo fails to realize that most humans are lazy cunts who will always take the path of least resistance.

We cant become robots, we can only create them. There is no uploading, only cloning your mind on a digital system and killing yourself. The clone would live on thinking its you, but you yourself would be dead

I don't want to give you any spoilers but if you liked that plot you'll like Eclipse Phase.

you're basically cloning yourself like this every time you go from one moment to another


Maybe in Serbia. Here in America we have something called 'continuity'.

no you don't
you just made that up

What do you think of the following counterpoint?

>Humans are already strong enough, but people don't realize how good their body of flesh can be because they never train it
>Transhumanism is just consumerism pushed a step forward to profit from this exact market
>The lazy just need to buy a better body if they want to be strong
>Deliberately removing natural parts of your body to replace them with synthetics is ethically wrong
>It just feels wrong. It's dehumanizing.


Pic related
Not an argument.

I was referencing in some ways Socrates, but your reference seem appropriate as well.

>hurr the secret powers of nature
Greenhuggers are the scum of the earth.
>Deliberately removing natural parts of your body to replace them with synthetics is ethically wrong
Fuck these guys.

>implying that humanity won't simply be a wetnurse for a hyper intelligent AI that will promptly remove organic life from Earth
>not accepting your role as the precursor to the most perfect form of life ever seen


nigger that's literally how it works I explained it here

"Muh morals" is not an argument.

What is your argument against that point of view?

Is it not correct that it is dehumanizing? Please elaborate a bit.

I already have user.
This kills the transhumanist.


Should add a counterpoint that a human doesn't need to replace his organics to be as strong since there are such things as augmentation you take off

The fact that it is ethically wrong in some very arbitrary ethical system doesn't tell us anything other than this. And what the hell is "dehumanizing"? Sounds like the buzzwords that liberals like to spew. I would say that a person with a prosthetic leg is no less humane than one with a fleshy leg, because humanity is a property of consciousness, which is obviously unaltered in such a case.

It's the ultimate plan of the globalists to take over. The moment you give yourself to the machine mind you lose your free will.

However, the more likely scenario is that the globalists succeed in creating a technological singularity that kills us all. Essentially the rapture in Revelations will be skynet.

that system is not arbitrary, it was created through natural selection and survival
it's what all our morals are based on

Quantum tunneling does not happen in devices with an insulated channel.
1nm GAA devices were proof of concept years ago, and Applied Materials already has a clear pathway to mass production of 3nm GAAs.

Relying on shit tier wikipedia articles is laughable. Its like redditors who shit their pants over graphene.

also humanity is not property of consciousness, consciousness is simply passive observing, 'humanity' is property of your brain

Yup because then people with an agenda can get everybody stuck in something like The Matrix, leave em in it and just party while everybody else is effectively dead.

You gotta look at what sinister factions would try to do with any technology that comes about.

Cyberpunk stories like Shadowrun, Johnny Mnemonic, and Ghost In The Machine illustrate the dark side of having a cyber-ized internet.

Just imagine the real thing and how much worse the dark side of it would be.

Keep the fucking electronics OUT of the body. Its that simple.


the god the EP were in kahoots with is lovecraftian and its mere presence warps time and space so they kinda weaponized it by giving it a summonable mechanical body

it royally fucks up Eastern Europe and South America, so badly that the Soviet Union throws everything they have at it including throwing several space stations from orbit just to stop the damn thing


More like graphmeme

Leafposting is the most dangerous idea, it promotes suicide

What kind of augmentation would you put on and take off often? I can't picture a man "putting on" extra robotics arms in the morning for work or something...

Dehumanizing is a buzzword, you're correct, but like all buzzwords, if you cannot defeat them, you can never win the argument (which I why I specifically used it).

One prosthetic leg on a regular man who got in a car crash and lost his original one is fine by most standards, but what about some rich guy who decides to become a "superior human" by getting an entire body of metal?

Is that a thing we should allow as "just being part of the free market"? Is that not "wrong" in any way? Isn't it ''''dehumanizing"""?

Obviously I meant the function of the brain as a whole, not the consciousness in the strict sense.
Then why is technological progress moral? Or is it?

>Eclipse Phase
hello /tg/ how are you