What do you do when your best friend of 11 years supports Bernie and doesn't defend you when his cuck friends attack...

What do you do when your best friend of 11 years supports Bernie and doesn't defend you when his cuck friends attack you for being a Trump supporter?
Pic related, him on the right and his other best friend on the left. I feel like the one on the left heavily implants his ignorance into my best friend's brain. I took Econ with my best friend in high school and he understood it completely and wasn't an idiot. I don't know where I went wrong, Sup Forums

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user. You keep living your life. Not everyone you know and love is going to agree with you. Now you can choose to see these differences as insurmountable, or you can choose to show them friendship and love despite your differences. They may not show you that same respect back, or they may care for you just as well. There's no way to know. Whatever choice you make is your own choice, and no one elses.

Have you shown him the light?

Using logic, facts, and reason im sure you can

Also Bernie had some similar stances as Trump

-Ending mass immigration
-trade deals

Is that AIDS Skrillex's cousin on the left? All 3 of these kids would have gotten the shit beat out of them when I went to high school in the early 2000s for wearing tight faggot pants.

Anyways if you have friendships broken over politics your friends (and possibly yourself) have way too thin of skin, or they probably weren't meaningful deep friendships in the first place. I have tons of friends who were Bernie supporters, who cares? He's out of the race anyway, just flame the fire and make them more jaded against Hillary so they don't vote, write in Bernie, or vote Gary Johnson. All 3 options are fine for our means.

Really I think Sup Forums needs to start heavy viral campaigns pretending to be pro-Bernie with stupid ass hashtags like #WriteInBernie or #NoBernieNoVote. Some dumb shit like that millennials will eat up like they did Sanders entire campaign and Obama's HOPE AND CHANGE meme that won him 8 years in the White House.

Accuse him of culture appropriation for having gauges. If he tries to denounce it, call him a bigot. Fight fire with fire

Drag your teeth next time.


Your friend looks like a smug douche and his bff looks like a degenerate. Abandon them.

All three look extremely homosexual and gay. Get a new friend his blood is poisoned with estrogen.

Calmly and politely articulate your positions. Bernie isn't so bad, outside of economics and race. Has a decent rights record and strong protectionist values. Play your cards right and they will realize that he has more in common with trump than shillery.

You two are disloyal faggots

OP do not give up, keep trying

why are bernie fags so gay

One redpill is that Bernie is not nearly as anti-war as he seems, most people don't know this. He liked to tout that he voted against the 2nd Iraq War time and time again, yet he voted to finance it several times following that. He also voted for every single other US intervention (there have been more than a couple) during his time in office. He's completely full of shit on that point.

This. Do you participate in their dick chugging threesomes?

Supporting Trump is just as bad as supporting Bernie.

They're both old, idealistic retards saying whatever stupid shit pops into their heads.

If he's really your friend, you really shouldn't give a shit about his political beliefs that much.

Sounds like your friend understood economics.

Friendly reminder trumps policies would almost double the national deficit. Effectively making Obama look tame.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." - Cicero

In a representative democracy where people vote, your friend's political beliefs absolutely fucking matter. He's the useful kind of idiot that's going to get you throw in the Ministry of Love.

Your one of those retards who think GDP means everything

Trumps polices mean people live better and americans companies flourish who cares if Walmart makes less money

>everyone lives better when a pound of chicken costs $300 and you make $10/hr at work.


You're right GDP means absolutely nothing.

well, similar situation my best friend of maybe 6-7 years loved Bernie.

I might be able to drag him out to vote Trump. It's hard because he's not that smart, so I can't really "red pill" him

Attack Hillary nonstop. Convince him not to vote. Keep bringing up Hillary and Wall Street. Hillary and lying. Hillary and emails. Hillary and the establishment that stopped Bernie. Tell him the establishment neutered Bernie. Constantly attack Hillary with the same things he attacked her during the primary. We need to suppress the Bernie vote. Most millennial voters won't ever vote for Trump. We need to focus on disillusioning them not to vote.