Please God in heaven! Please God, oh Lord, hear my prayers!

Please God in heaven! Please God, oh Lord, hear my prayers!

Great episode.

Why do Christ cucks get so triggered when people say they are atheists, mind your own business

What did he mean by this?

Atheists have no morals, they will destroy whole countries and their way of life from within by slowly replacing great Christian morals and way of life. It's the same is issue as Mudslimes """"""enriching"""""" the western world.

Christians are just as bad senpai.

Said the trump voter

>Atheists have no morals
Says who, you? You don't have to believe in God to know right from wrong.

but whats right

Show me one atheist organization that helps the homeless.

Lots of things, it'd be easier to say what's wrong, like murder.

No, they're really not

Why does it matter if an organization is atheist or Christian or any other religion

Why do Christians love shitskins and jews so much?

what if you only murder someone if they are trying to kill you or your family

I suppose it would be justified it were in self defense, as you said.

a thread died for this

so murder is bad but only sometimes

what about murdering a baby in self defense before it leaves the pussy hole.

Aborting a pregnancy in my view is justified if the mother is unable to care for the baby or a victim of rape.


And to think that Sup Forums used to hate this show..

oh yeah because atheists
-banned evolution from schools
-banned gay marriage
-banned marijuana (and alcohol in the '20s)
-encourages (forces) rape victims to keep babies they don't want
atheists did all that. when will you christcucks grow up
don't you have a t-shaped piece of wood to be kissing

As made apparent by the state of Christian founded societies and Muslim founded societies.

>Charity makes you a good person
Thank god, I had some moral doubts after molesting those little boys, but thankfully I gave a homeless person whole 10 bucks today so I'm basically Jesus.

Can we please just STOP with the Rick and Morty shitposting? I don't love or hate the show but fuck, this and pickle rick and Colbert Drumpf and Bill Nye's new crappy show have just flooded this board out of nowhere

Do YOU help the homeless? How the fuck could you invoke such a thing you fucking coward.

whatever causes the minimum amount of suffering as long as the things affected are capable of suffering

What seems to be the problem?

>molesting little boys XD

It's not 2005 anymore.
Someones le mad.

Who the fuck cares about the homeless. I hear this argument so much and it pisses me the fuck off. Homeless people can work for themselves to get themselves back onto their feet. If I were homeless, I wouldn't expect government handouts to survive, I would clean myself up, get a job, save until I could put down a loan on a shitty apartment, and work my way up from there. The homeless who can't survive without leeching off of society can die off for all I care, the world would be a more sustainable place without them.

atheism is the fastest shrinking ideologies at the moment. The time of the fedora is ending soon

>Someones le mad.
Yes. Because you and I both know you, nor ANYONE ELSE gives a FUCK about the homeless.

>Christcuck literally celebrating shitskins outbreeding whites
If only all Christians would be as open about their anti-white nature as you

>it's the daily atheists baiting atheists by pretending they're theists with the occassional actual theist thread

his name isn't richard, it is Ricardo


wait so why is murder wrong then?
if its only sometimes bad, then its only about the context (self defense and intent)
you consider certain murders wrong because you believe that it wasn't justified. but not even murders and victims can conclude the intent of the other party.

you dont believe murder is wrong, you believe that taking of a life needs an appropriate justification and if not, that person or resulting death is bad

but what about other people, would a community agree 100% of the time that this is true? A society functions when the groups or families within it can cohabitate among a set of rules that form a tribe

if you are the only person in the group that feels abortion due to rape is OK, and you commit to the abortion, and the tribe says that your murder of that abortion should entail your murder, whos right?

Why are you referring me to a place filled with Christcucks like you?

>uuhhhh ateism is so bad because
>no, here are the reasons
>b-but it's getting less popular
Huh, whera are the goalposts, somebody must've moved them, also
>a thousad retards can't be wrong!


How are you calling christians anti-white when atheists support gay marriage and abortions. You never see an atheist attacking Islam either.

I'm atheist and that's a lie, why just the morning I punched Islam right in it's smug fucking face

>How are you calling christians anti-white when atheists support gay marriage and abortions.
By the fact that Christians like the one I replied to celebrate shitskins outbreeding whites - if you can't follow the conversation, don't force yourself into it, user.

They don't attack Islam because they'll lose their heads

They don't attack Judaism because they'll lose their jobs.

Why is there always one of you fedora Reddit faggots in these shitposting threads who take things too seriously?

Reading is hard and for atheists. Satan only ever targets smarties, better stay safe, that's what my pastor always told me during our private sessions



I don't like my head and I don't have a job, I'll take em on, I don't give a fuck

yes i do

growing up is realizing all these armchair philosophers dont give a fuck. they dont come out and support their community (or if they do its in ridiculously small numbers) christians are the ones constantly trying to help people who are impoverished.

You do realize that us "shitskins" have access to the internet right? right? Dumb shit. Oh and by the way china is welcoming Christianity with open arms as we speak. Soon we can add oh idk about a billion or so to our ranks

isnt there a reddit board for people like you

Lel. Enjoy more fellow slaves in your sky daddy cult.


>you never see an atheist attacking islam
You clearly have never read any Hitchens or Dawkins

>You don't have to believe in God to know right from wrong.

Let me tell you why you are wrong. First there are two law books in this world that we as humans follow. The first is a religious text book, you follow the rules according to what your book tells you to. It is unchanging and unyielding and if you should break these rules you will be punished. These rules tell you what is right and wrong and they are set in stone no exception.

The second book is a country's constitution and its laws. These rules DO change and DO yield and if you break these rules you will be punished. These rules also tell you what is right from wrong but are NOT set in stone.

When someone is religious say a Christian for example they know "thou shall not kill" that is a rule no exception. And when this Christian founds a country, his country's rules will reflect his religious rules. In Christian countries, you cannot kill, it is against the rules. Now take a Muslim for example his religion allows killing, it is not against the rules. And when he founds a country his country's rules reflect that, killing is allowed (homosexual honor killings).

Now let's bring atheism into this argument. Atheists do not believe in a religious book, they have no unchanging rules to live their life by and will not be punished from breaking non existent rules - they have no ethics and no morals. So because the don't follow rules from a religious book their way of life is dictated by a country's rules, their laws. and here is why that is dangerous, THOSE RULES CHANGE AND CONTINUE TO CHANGE. A country's rules are set by the people in charge, say you are born in a Christian country, which then gets taken over by another religion, the rules will change. What was once illegal to do like killing, may then become legal. What then? Where did these atheist learn killing was bad, not a religious text book but a country's text book, which has now changed, and thus their beliefs have changed and their-

>Oh and by the way china is welcoming Christianity with open arms as we speak.
Groundwork for the jewish take over, because it's not enough that these rats own the west.

That too is something Christcucks celebrate.

Its better than talking to a jaded racist fedora such as yourself.

>there are only two law books that I personally know of and accept and as such only those can be a grounds for a moral system

idk if youre mememing but I'm a catholic. I don't mind if somebody is an atheist or if they have opposing beliefs that I have. As long as people aren't those super atheist (aka spaghetti monster redditors) and edgy people who poke at people's beliefs, but I also hate christians who think they are high and mighty, who shove religion unto nonbelievers/ too much of anything is bad.

I honestly can't tell anymore if these threads are either

1. Ironic shit posting
2. Actual Rick and Morty threads
3. Double Ironic shit posting where people don't even care whether or not it's a good show, but they understand the threads upset a group of people who go on Sup Forums so they make them

>Christians "tho shall not kill" that is a rule with no exception
>what are the Christian crusades
w e w l a d

>-banned gay marriage
Nothing wrong with that

The crusades were justified because the Muslims had tried to invade Europe at the Battle of Tours.

1 and 3.

>No exception
>apart from this one

This board is goddamn crazy

They aren't either. The threads are nothing and something at the same time, two threads for your mind and spirit. One shitpost and one actual discussion. Both threads leave to Internet heaven

You know that the bible can be changed, right?

>When someone is religious say a Christian for example they know "thou shall not kill" that is a rule no exception. And when this Christian founds a country, his country's rules will reflect his religious rules. In Christian countries, you cannot kill, it is against the rules.

Unless another country has some oil that you'd quite like of course

it's called using your brain and looking at context, I don't need to read more than the first lines of your bullshit. besides, some people have different opijions even in religious communities

Children's beliefs will have changed, as they were born into a world with different rules.

Atheism is living a life of self indulgence, a selfish life of hedonism. They do not live for others and by definition do not know what is right or wrong because they have nothing to measure themselves against. These people shout their moral superiority from their seats in their sheltered lives, the very sheltered lives Christians have died in order to provide for them. But don't worry, when the time for religious war comes, atheists will be first to go, because there is one thing a muzzie hates more than fags and Christians and that is a godless heathen.

May all you atheist scum realize your foul ways and repent. God bless anons.

>if cultural relativism is true then who is right?
It's not. You have to argue that it's wrong by appealing to principles that you can at least claim that all humans under society share whether they choose to or not, or by appealing to difficult-to-mute concepts like human nature. It's not just weighing people who like X against people who dislike X. America is a supposed to be a democratic republic, not a mobocracy

>Homeless people can work for themselves to get themselves back onto their feet.
Not really, Idk how it's in gringoland but a lot of homeless people can't get a job necause they don't have education and smell/look like shit and even if they get one they will still be in the streets since they don't have family. What would you do with some money in your pocket in the street?

No, its just shit actually.


Actually that's why SJWs hate atheists. Because they criticize Islam/muh brown people. You know, horseshoe theory holds up in a lot of these cases.

That's some hot opinions, user

My name Is Patawa and I live as part of the Awabaga tribe deep deep in the Amazonian rainforest, we're so unconnected that the civilized world still hasn't reached us. I've never heard of Christianity, I have no idea about the concept of God. God still created me because he created all humans, but nobody has told me a thing about him. However we do have a camp snake who everyone worships because he seems to bring good fortune to our primitive camp, when the snake is in the camp our hunt is successful. One day I'm out hunting when I get eaten by a big old animal and my soul is sent to hell for eternal damnation because I didn't believe in the word of God.

God created me but decided not to let me into heaven because of geographical reasons. God is a cunt.

>still calls G-D an asshole



Do you think the apocalypse will come in our lifetime so that I can join lucifer's army in the fight against YHVH? I'm an atheist but I'm kinda hoping the Abrahamic religions are real because that would be some cool ass shit.

Why would you broadcast your lack of a belief them demand that everyone mind their own business?

You'd be used a food for his cock goblin unit most likely, he wouldn't let a squishy human fight.

Ragnarok is cooler. Don't settle for less.

every christian should just fucking kill themeselves and go to heaven already

hey man I'd rather chill with Lucifer than god - the Devil is atleast straight up with ya. The big G is a narcisstic, need, selfish prick all I'm gonna give ya'll world famine and cancer and shit but you better still love me cause I work in mysterious ways n shit


Suicide is a sin.

What if you're asked? Like if someone says "What church do you go to?" I live in the south so that happens every so often. I should add that pretty much no one ever gets triggered by me saying I'm an atheist, because in real life infractions no one wants to start an argument over shit like that, but I do want to make the point that there are definitely situations where you can say you're an anthiest without bringing it up like an autist.

Why does Satan punish the people who come down to him? Wouldn't he be chill with them because they rejected God(who banished him; enemy of my enemy and all that stuff)

Then just kill each other. Or ask atheists, they got no morals

Murder is a sin.

If you die and do nothing it's just as bad as a sin.

I agree but only because there's a chance lucifer might not be a complete asshole. YHVH was given his chance and he blew it, it's entirely likely that Lucifer is a total dick as well but I'd have to hang with him for a while to see.

>ever leaving their cum dungeons
>ever picking up a weapon
>ever talking to anyone IRL besides their mom
>ever harming anyone besides themselves

KEK, atheists are weak, way too weak to even kill another person. why do you think almost all shooters follow some religious dogma? it gives them the power to KILL

He doesn't want worship, he wants to corrupt God's greatest creation.

Exactly this. You think Christians are all smug and insufferable now, imagine spending eternity with them. Hell is going to be awesome man, Satan's just dishing out beers and it's like non stop orgies and party. No one's gonna be judging you in hellfire.

What are going to do, kill them?

Satan is a tool created by God to punish sinners. He's just as much of a pawn as everything else. He only exists because God allows him to.

satanists out of my thread.

>thinking its cool to kill in the name of God
typical christian hypocrite tbqh