Is physical appearance the biggest source of status?

Is being good looking the largest source of "privilege" in the world? When SJWs talk about white privilege, is this just a proxy for beauty privilege?

Good looking people tend to get treated better than others even when no one knows them, just because they're good looking. People will go out of their way to be nice to them and help them out, regardless of race or gender.

Is this the ultimate red pill? Is being good looking the key to achieving success in life?

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Women orgasm from rape

Women get off being dominated

How can I learn to respect someone who loves to be dominated?


It goes both ways really, they are loved and massively hated all the same time,

Taking time off


You ruined the combo you stupid virginal creep loser faggot cuck

Its true, women don't want that feely touchy stuff, literally every woman I have been with wants to be slapped in the ass and pounded like a fucking object...

Never heard of it

Really, you picked that faggot on the right to demonstrate the epitome of attractiveness?

kek. He just has low body fat and isn't balding. Looks like a fucking dumb neanderthal desu.

But I get it, girls will ride his dick ofc. blah blah hur dur.

Although looks are not 100% preordained, fitness, mostly bfp, and attitude can have significant effects

I'll give you a hint.

it's all about power. Different forms of power.


What happened to egg man ?

>inb4 he killed himself

is this on fucking marta

he lost his job and has a new "show" called ask eggy. his youtube is "egg white"

doubt it, probably london tube. Also fuck marta

All guys need is confidence, and to be successful and ambitious.

Women are the exact opposite. Ugly and/or fat women may be successful, but they will always be frowned upon in society and will always be miserable

Oh really? Do you have the zygomatic arches that guy has? Do you have the mandible size of that guy?

Do you have anywhere near the absolute clear cut angularity of that dude?

It's so rare having all those features, that women tend to fall over when they see a guy with such good facial bone structure and harmony.

Be a little more honest with yourself.

Why would anyone care if a male thinks you're ugly if every girl wants to fuck you because they think you're hot?

not sure. Whats it like to be ugly?
I'm an attractive person but I dont treat uglier people like shit

It helps but no. Look at Donald trump, he's old and wrinkley but a lot of people look up to him and he was never as good looking as the guy on the right.

Money trumps everything, but looks don't hurt at all. I'd rather be rich and ugly than poor and good looking but being rich and good looking would be superior to both.

If your autistic like Eggman and r9k money and looks will never change the fact you make normal people uncomfortable. As a wealthyfag who's average at best, money gets you anything and everything you want.

The biggest source of status is money.

The biggest source of status in everyday life is looks. It's pretty obvious.

I'm 6'3 thick hair and handsome and I grew up in smelly troubles northern irelan in poverty many days with no food so no it's not definite.

this basically

tall = power
aggressive = power
taking the first move = power
wide stature or even fat = power (you'd be surprised)
attractiveness = power
money = power
weaponry = power
lack of fear (motorcycles for example) = power

No, money is obviously the largest source of privilege and power.

Money can buy beauty if you're not totally eggman from the beginning, and even if you are money can buy beautiful people.
I have seen plenty of oppressed beautiful people but the rich always get their way.

>tfw every time you ride marta you get starred down by a scary nigger

I would say IQ and intelligence is

I would pick someone who was a bit ugly but had a 140 IQ over someone who was hot but had a 90 IQ. Not from a mating perspective obviously but really most women tend to prefer domination and money over looks anyway

Young Trump was pretty good looking. Not a model but definitely above average.

The guy on the right is probably a homo though, he looks like a male model and they are all mostly homosexual so he might actually care what dudes think, I doubt he cares what dudes on Sup Forums think though.


I know that facial genetics can't be changed, but I want Eggman to shave that stupid hair and lose the facial fat. Maybe get some weird head tattoo.

I want to know how it looks like after he has tried the basic minimum.

Also drink less sugared drinks, glicogen puffs up and inflames tissues. I personally look better after a one day fast.

its second to IQ and environmental circumstances, but yeah, outside those things, looks, penis size, and height effect life outcome the most.

I would like to affirm this person's opinion. Money can be used to kill people and get out of jail for free. While fame can do that, you can still be broke ass and be famous. Money can even make you look better with surgery and chiefs, personal trainers to make looking better easier.

Looks are most important for having sexual success

Money is probably most important for having a fun life

Power is most important to get rid of your insecurities

Intelligence is most important for academic success and solving problems

To an extent. It's like natural built in value which is all women see. You can gain value in other ways such as being a DJ or a drug dealer

What about those wierd fat women who get fat on purpose? It's a legit thing some guys are fucking wierd

>reminder that while everyone is talking about white privileged as if it's universal to all white people, almost no one is talking about beauty privilege and literally no one is taking it seriously.

Really makes you think...

He did lose weight but he is so unmasculine people started confusing him for a woman.

>but yeah, outside those things, looks, penis size, and height effect life outcome the most
>penis size

Found the faggot.

yes, bitches are simple. they want to leech on men with power.

Not even people who hate inequality hate it enough to like ugly people and worry about their cause.

Ugly people are just screwed.

Just fuck them u dunce

Trump was actually decently hot when he was younger tbqh

People tend to not care as much about how older people look. They're past the "mating stage" according to our primitive side of the brain anyways

Is that the Oregon shooter?

That whole spiel sounded gay as fuck bro

>get some weird head tattoo.
>the basic minimum.

Leave this board you fucking stupid cunts. America is infecting everyone else with their cancer.

To answer the question, it matters more today than it did in the past. This is why we're not getting shit done, we're not creating works of art anymore.
All the greats from the past were average looking or below average looking, but it didn't fucking mean anything because they were too busy writing, painting, composing, and creating literal works of art.

The one on the right seems like a white man with a niggers skull. The facial proportions and lips look more ape like like a nigger

If the egg took care of himself he'd be fine. Also it's about confidence and sociability

What the fuck is your problem with Americans bitch

Yes, then wealth. I say wealth second because walking down the street people make judgments based on looks--they don't know if you're wealthy necessarily. One complements the other, though.

No. Wealth is more important than looks.

How do I take the Chad-pill?

uggo detected

Yes. The egg man is right about that.

Source: Am attractive, life has been incredibly easy despite being poor.

Niggers uncontrolled,kikes having power,hamplanets having a say about nutrition and health,and a few beta whites fucking up the white race

Rich people do grow up beautiful, this is a fact.
They can afford a good diet, and get any moles lanced at a young age. And there is no stigma against nose jobs or anything, and they get them young so it works out better. They also get personal trainers, better high school gym programs, etc. afford better skin products, etc.

Source:growing up /next to/ one of the richest towns in the country and had a few high school friends there.

Even though we spend our time on here wallowing in self pity, i sometimes thank the creator that i wasn't born looking like Eggman.

He is literally the epitome of ugly.

There's a psychological phenomenon called "Halo Effect". It essentially states what you believe and has been observed and confirmed.

Oh definitely, my point being though that money helps more than looks. Maybe it's just me but I trust wealthy people more than I trust the poor. Doesn't matter if the wealthy person is ugly or not, to me wealthy people are more trust worthy and much more educated. Just take blacks, I'll trust a black man who's well spoken and dressed over some nigger from the hood speaking ebonics and grabbing his dick even if the rich black guy is Forrest Whitaker and the ghetto trash is some 10/10 every coal burner wants to fuck.

Plus, I know rich folks. It's hard to be ugly and rich, I have a personal trainer, a great barber, a family tailor and a dermatologist. I couldn't be ugly if I tried kek. Still, I'd trust the rich over the poor any day. Wealth is the biggest status symbol. If you're rich everyone likes you, even the pathetic liberals who complain about you. You can get a job anywhere, fuck any woman you want even married women. Every dude asks you for advice and wants to be like you.

It's nice man.

He's 6'1" so not quite there yet. If you think he's ugly now wait until he's finished balding lol

Looks like a hobo

Who is egg man,Fucken sonic villain?

>make tinder with my own FB
>2 matches in 4 months

>make tinder with random whore from /soc/
>+20 matches in less than an hour

Well yeah. You can't talk about a males aesthetics without it sounding gay.

Nonetheless, I don't think you realize how effortlessly extremely good looking men get laid.

You could rack up 100s of lays just throwing out audibles with close to no work. Your biological duty of spreading your seed is done is satisfied

You also get the constant validation and the knowledge that 51% of the human population on the planet innately sees you as more important and valuable than any other man in the area when they come in contact with you.

Women's brains turn off, and they'd kill their own children to do whatever you wanted them to do like mesmerized slaves.

I dunno I've come across some right ugly cunts who are at the top simply because they have success and a dominant personalty. Just look at people like Gordon Ramsey. I'm always hearing women say he's attractive and his wrinkly face looks like my ball sack.

nearly there already kek

he should do movies he's that ugly

All inexcusable, but we're trying to fix it.

Start lifting
Stop fapping
Read more books
Build things or fix things with your hands
Stop playing vidya
No more anime
No graphic tees
No shorts
No sandals
Get a fashy haircut
Learn how to maintain eye contact

It's common sense user. Apply yourself and don't half ass it.

>says dude looks retarded
>in the same post admits women are all over him
Someone's projecting hard as fuck.

A tall white man with a large frame good hair and ideal facial aesthetics can bend time and space to his will.

They never feel unhappy.


Its about perceived and not actual power matched with SMUGNESS, at least in urban areas.

The correct answer is SMUGNESS, not confidence

That's what I'm thinking. He's trying to become popular on youtube doing normie shit when he should be capitalising on how much of a failure he is.

> No shorts

The fuck?


>tries to lose weight
>looks like a literal woman
>gets framed for a school shooting
>loses his job as a result
LOL. Poor eggy can't win

I'm pretty muscular, and my last gf said she wished I was more aggressive sexually since she assume I would be from my physique. But I actually like tender cuddling and "love making." Like you said, I have my doubts women are actually into that.

That's not going to change bone structure in your face, add height, make you white, put hair on your head, make your dick bigger, or conceal overall poor symmetry.

Yep. That's him

>What the fuck is your problem with Americans bitch

>This is
90% of you are dumb fucks

holy fuck, that's one ugly bastars.


>tfw only match 1 chubby single mom
>got her number we text
>ask her to hang out
>playing stupid games
>"ill see if i can" "i got school"
>tell her to hit me up if she wants too
>she never hits me up

This is true. I've had multiple relationships end when I got the feels and stopped treating the girls as worthless cum dumpsters.


and so close to trips

He could turn it around if he shaved off his remaining hair, changed his diet and lifted weights. Those things would make his face look much better and refined.

>t.guy who used to have cheekbones but got fat and now has a blobby round face like eggmans

About what you said about meeting someone on the street....
That is ALLL you have as a human, you HAVE to judge by looks. When a strange dog comes up to you on the street, you immediately check to see if it is bearing it's teeth, is it foamy, is it bearing down on it's paws, does it Iook scratchily/farel.
Or is the dog wagging it's tail with stupid grin on it's face. Does it look clean and well cared for?
so of course gangster looking nigggas going to judged, of course a guy in a suit is going to be judged.

The most influencial men in the world are all hideous old men, so no.

Nobody wants to see your hairy legs. Be a fucking man and wear slacks or jeans.

Also nothing ill fitting. Keep yourself clean and well dressed. If you leave the house in sweat pants just an hero

Also no hoodies. Wear jackets or something else with long sleeves

Girls really don't want to fuck a rich ugly dude over a handsome poor Adonis.

Physically, their brain tells them that's gross.

True story:
>meet girl
>talk to her
>ask if she wants to hook up
>she says no
>whatever, keep talking to her
>she tells me she's fucking another guy
>call her a filthy whore
>she cries
>sucks my dick the next time I see her

He should simply kill himself like he threatened multiple times. But this loser will decay in his own shit because he doesn't have the balls.

They all had to work up to that status though. People get ugly as they age, but had they been atrociously hideous when they first started out, they'd never have begun in the path to that high status.

bullshit, i'm better looking than 90% of people and i'm poor

I think a fashy Hitler's youth haircut would really suit Eggy.

None of that matters. Work with what you have. Keep your body and mind fit. And trade your self loathing and disdain for others for confidence and a willingness to interact with the opposite sex

what the fuck are you doing?

The biggest privilege in life is good parents.
Nothing has a bigger influence on a persons life.

And yes compared to blacks i guess it falls under "white privilege".