Honestly is climate change real? I want to say it is, but reading on history seems to say it's happened before...

Honestly is climate change real? I want to say it is, but reading on history seems to say it's happened before, not it wasn't always a bad thing. But with all of this pollution and human activity it might cause problems. What should we do about the environment?

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It probably is real but even if you think it's fake, we might as well switch to solar. The USA has a lot of useless desert that we can power the whole world with. Much better than oil or nuclear energy is owned by the kikes.

It's real and we can do something about it.

Terraforming, adopts new sources of energy and invent a device to clean up the ozone layer/ repair the gaping hole in the ozone hovering on top of Antarctica

Of course it's real.
That's why we are importing muslims.

Of course it’s real. That’s why they’re trying to pass laws to prosecute anyone who questions it. You know. Science.

Reminds me of something.

>is climate change real
Yes, if you ever run into someone that says different ask them what happened during the Ice Age


Literally a meme, same with wind, it's inefficient to be /fa/ with you unattractive, the real source of renewable energy in the future will be nuclear, with proper safety, happenings like fukushima, three mile island, and slavnoble will not occur, those, IIRC those were mostly human error and nature combined with human error. The media demonizing nuclear energy has people on edge, but it's not that dangerous.

As for climate change, Yes it is real, however, is it caused by humans, No, the data does not support this conclusion. It is most likely a natural phenomena and will continue to take place.


Ignore the quality of the video, the man speaking is Burt Rutan, an aerospace engineer, he looks at data to determine if his aircraft are safe, he has lots of experience looking and analyzing data, so he looked at the data pushed by Global Warming conspirators and debunked it. The whole video is worth a watch.

it is quite real



The first Thorium reactor is already online and working. Will be fully operational in 2017-2018, depending on whether everything goes as planned or not. If it does, full scale construction of Thorium powerplants can happen all over the world.

Then there's the German experiments creating fusion reactors that's actually working.

But that tech is 50 years away from being ready for prime time.

And then there's

Whether greenhouse gasses are directly responsible for increase in temperature is somewhat hard to prove, as scientists predict that lack of solar flares will cause a new mini-ice age soon. However there are numerous other problems associated with carbon emissions, such as ocean acidification, probably the biggest imminent environmental threat and one that is basically impossible to reverse. Acidification will lead to a mass extinction of sea-life (largest since the Paleogene era) which will affect all levels of the food chain, including human settlements relying on fishing.

Another major concern is deforestation and soil depletion. Deforestation decreases rainfall, leading to drought, and causes groundwater runoff leading to a decreased water table. Soil depletion is responsible for large pieces of formerly arable land in non-drought areas to become barren. Lefties have recently coined the term "Eco-refugees" to refer to people fleeing poor countries, and while the rhetoric itself is retarded it does reflect that this is the major cause of mass-migrations of people.

Overpopulation and competition for resources will lead to a world-wide Malthusian crisis.

Further info:

An incredibly prophetic article from 1994, when the standard of journalism was much higher. Basically predicts the European refugee crisis, rise of Islamism etc.

Gwynne Dyer, military historian, doing a great talk along similar lines.

Exactly, people with a limited understanding of the topic are fooled by memes, it's quite sad because nuclear is extremely powerful in terms of energy output.

Look at this woman.


Anti-nuclear weapon, but you get the gist, wasted the last 35 years of her life meme protesting.


Forgot to mention this, it seems promising, but I don't know much about the subject.


I thought it was Fission, but either way this will be the wave of the future, and it would be like shooting yourself in the foot not to do it.

you know why the roof opens on a green house?

I feel like regardless of climate change, we should be investing in Solar if just to ensure we are leaders in that field. China is investing billions into solar, and their panel efficiency is improving constantly. The last thing we need is to be dependent on yet another shithole for energy.

CH4 (methane) is a far worse pollutant than CO2. more CO2 increases the rate of photosynthesis in plants which means they are beneficial to plants.
Also CO2 can be sequestered in water. This means that the oceans can absorb nearly all the CO2 in the atmosphere. This goes against the greenhouse theory since its physically not in the atmosphere. A downside of CO2 being sequestered in oceans is that it increases the acidity levels which can damage sensitive wildlife in the oceans.
Methane is far more potent than CO2, particularly when there is a massive boom in agriculture and animal farming where cows wont stop fucking farting. This is a human problem but i think climate change is blown way out of proportion and used by the political left to quickly get some support by the low IQ voters and/or ignorant

Climate Change is real but its going the Opposite direction... its getting Colder not Hotter.

Maybe not another ice age but definitely a cooler period of history.

Some facts to look up in the obscure corners of the internet:

* Particulate Matter from Rubber Tires ground up on the road is the leading contributor to air pollution. You see more of this in the cities naturally.

* Carbon Dioxide cools the atmosphere, working the exact opposite of the greenhouse effect.

* The conveyor current in the atlantic ocean is slowing down. It will get much colder and more noticeable when this stops fully.

The big red pill:
* Global Warming movement started for the purpose of collecting carbon credit taxes through the IMF. Its all a silly scam as simple as wanting to steal money from countries. Plenty of scientists are paid to put their reputation on the line for it.

"Global Warming" is a meme it's a meaningless term, there is evidence for man-made climate change, and overwhelming evidence of large-scale man-made environmental depletion.

>Carbon Dioxide cools the atmosphere, working the exact opposite of the greenhouse effect.

I've heard that the pollution in the oceans are a much bigger problem than the gases we are releasing into the air. I'm not well-versed on the subject but, I'd be curious if any other anons have any information?

Also Nuclear is completely safe. This is a fact completely overlooked by common thinking.

Because you're supposed to use THORIUM (a specific isotope of it which is about as common as Lead).

It breaks down by Alpha Decay which means it produces pure electricity (well a +2 positive charge each particle, technically produces helium).

The only biproduct of it is Radium and while that is dangerous its such a small amount that when the sample gets beyond a certain percentage of degradation you just replace it or cycle it to something else (like an actual nuclear reactor).

Only reason we're using Uranium and Plutonium is because you need nuclear reactors to enrich it for making BOMBS.

Lol solar power sucks. Nuclear is the only alternate that's any good

Wow, a good post from a swede, I'm impressed.

If there's a cleaner way to produce energy I'm fine with it, even if a lie has to be created to force cleaner energy. It doesn't make sense to be spewing out toxic coal smoke when there is a viable cleaner alternative (nuclear).

Go with Thorium and you wont go back.

Fuck uranium.

>they think space is real

>I've heard that the pollution in the oceans are a much bigger problem than the gases we are releasing into the air.
The gases we are releasing into the air are the pollution in the oceans


Of course climate change is real. The climate is always changing. What is not real is man made runaway global warming or whatever the fuck they're calling it now. All they have are models and they haven't proven anything. Not a single one of their prediction using these models have turned out true.

The world is not going to be destroyed and there's good evidence that a warmer climate is going to be very good for all of us economically. The planet has been warm before, Thousands of years ago people used to grow grapes in Britain, we'll be okay.

Kike shills are something fierce tonight

Canada and Russia are all for warming.
I don't have the map but by 2100 millions of km's of new high qualitu farmland will appear in Canada and Russia, though the States will lose almost all Californian farming and from France to Portugal will no longer be farmable

It is real
Human activity has played a role
How much of a role is what's being debated

well, for starters you probably cant (realistically at this point) do shit about it
but getting the fucking plastic garbage out of the ocean should be something everyone should care about and we couldve avoided it all with bio degradable plastic made from hemp
marine life and sea birds end up eating the shit and the ones that dont die from it become food and all those chemicals in the plastic gets ingested by whatever eats it

The climate is getting hotter

The anthropogenic climate change theory based on the "greenhouse gas" effect is, at most, only part of the reason why. Dozens of models attributing total global warming over the past couple hundred years to atmospheric gas content have been made, and always grossly overestimate the rise in temperature observed after being made. This suggests gas content is at best only part of the reason for global temperature rise, or possibly even just incidentally correlated

Now, the greenhouse gas CONCEPT is 100% valid. It's why venus is hotter than mercury. CO2 absorbs strongly in one of the IR peaks that the earth radiates, and thus CO2 in our atmosphere reflects part of all spacebound heat back to earth. What isn't known is the magnitude of this effect per unit or percent CO2, at least on a non-isolated system like an entire planet with a reactive biosphere

There are machines and plans to remove seaborne plastic. I don't know if there's a plan for the oceans.

I saw the VICE news story about the garbage patch. Shit's insane. It's not an island, it's just like an oil slick of plastic particles.

Photovalic solar is shit and always will be. You need semi-precious metals to make the panels not complete dog shit and the mining and preparation of this material is a million times worse than even coal power.

Mirror molten salt towers are okay, other than frying lots of birds. But fuck, for the land you need for one of those, might as well build a nuclear reactor, unless there's no water.