Prostitution should not be a crime. Prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act...

Prostitution should not be a crime. Prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act. While the spread of disease and other detriments are possible in the practice of prostitution, criminalization is a sure way of exacerbating rather than addressing such effects.

What makes prostitution a 'victimless crime' in the sense that no one is necessarily harmed by it is that there are consenting adults involved."

Can someone explain France, Canada, Norway and Sweden to me. Is this a police trick to get to you?

fucking WASPs

>Illegal to buy sex, legal to sell sex?

>illegal to buy, legal to sell

that's literally feminism.

It's NOT ok to tell women what they can or cannot do, so they don't tell them 'you can't sell your body for money'

But, as they do tell men what they can or cannot do, they tell them 'you better not buy something thats legal to say or else you are going to jail'

They basically have to give it away for free

Feminism in action, it allows women to try to be prostitutes without any punishment but when a guy buys it, only he can be punished.

Laws were changed here for that after a string of women who were coerced, beaten, whatever, into being prostitutes by pimps were charged for it

How big is prostitution in Sudan? Does one ever see like streetwalkers or something like that, or is everything clandestine?

Feels good to be in the enlightened green

literally no excuses to be a virgin, except if pic related happens

why did he get her drunk? drunk people don't lie

It happens but someone socially inept and aloof as me wouldn't know the true depth, they're usually college girls who need money for tuition and living expenses, line up across major roads and wait for certain signals (pattern of headlight flashes for instance) and have a romp

Recently the head of the national assembly was caught after 50 sessions in a nearby hotel where he paid virgins for the goods, smuggled out by an MP as per Islamist corruption tradition

I also remember when the deputy minister of justice's son was caught with prostitutes and drugs, 1 week after his mom brought the Attorney General and bailed him for the execution-tier crime of drug distribution, confiscated evidence and car were removed

Also the member of the Red Sea State Legislative Council with 4 girls in a Khartoum apartment suite in Ramadan

Also a taxi driver said a nearby Imam responsible for the assignment of Imams to all Sudanese mosques and their supervision was having regular sex with prostitutes in his office. I didn't believe him but literally a week later I saw two extremely beautiful girls in skimpy outfits walk out of a rickshaw and enter the building, with the DND slippers outside

Wow, I didn't think it would be that much in the open, what's the social Stigma against it, in how much trouble would they be in, or does that just depend how many family ties/political backing they have?

>does that just depend how many family ties/political backing they have?
Pretty much this, but it isn't as prevalent as people assume even here I think, most who practise are rich corrupt f*cks with government affiliation

Green and blue maps are right on this. Actually making prostitution legal and regulated is the safest for both the seller and buyer

Sounds like East Germany, where it was illegal, but there were plenty of prostitutes for party officials or foreign dignataries (although plenty of them were spies/informants)

At least they weren't disgustingly hypocritical religious zealots who blamed the citizens for God's wrath (their constant economic failure)

>line up across major roads and wait for certain signals (pattern of headlight flashes for instance) and have a romp
sounds like eastern europe

meant to post this with the exception that usually here it happens in strip clubs owned by Alabnians, Serbs, Russians. Who bring girls from Ukraine, Russia, Cuba, basiclly the whole Caribbean area and the Balkans

True, but they were hypocritical political zealots, that blamed their failures on the west, while being economically dependant on West Germany (e.g. selling political prisoners to the west or getting massive credits)

Yeah, except prostitution in Australia still requires the females to be at least 18, which is a good 6 years too old for me to want to pay for.
Maybe if brothels started selling young and preteen pussy, we would have room for business.

In my country women are allowed to whore on the street and allowed to be topless on the street, but not at the same time.

Gay prostitution is legal in Japan

So if they're topless, you know they're on break?

why does Europe collapsed and get fucked up

Well prostitution is "illegal" here but prostitutes only get fines from 1500 roubles to 2000 roubles while those who orginize it get fined from 100000 roubles to 500000 roubles or get jail depending on who was involed and how it was organized( voluntary or coerced, chidlren involed, officials involed etc)

wtf sharia law when?

Oh right and men who buy sex are not punished so far(bribes so their wives wouldn't learned about them using sex workers notwhistanding), there were talks about making them pay fines too but it didn't passed.

It's politically correct.

Fuck prostitution and anyone who goes to prostitutes. Let me sticky Di K in the same pussy that 20 other men have been in the same day.Your jizz is too only get your wife or Hf pregnant.

poonisia can you gib some of your qts to algeria ?