Avon won in the end

"The king stay king"

Think about it though. Stringer is dead so he won't be there to argue with Avon,Marlo is out of the game,the two cops responsible for his capture are gone and Slim Charles is in control of the co-op and who is he loyal to? Avon.

Avon also knows Sergei so that means he could get in contact with the Greeks with no problems and fuck over all them eastside bitches. Avon stays king in the end.

literally everybody agrees on this

why are you just now finding this out

Doesn't matter. Always going to be some new crazier dude to take over the drug business. That was the point.

except for the part where he's doing life in prison

>Marlo is out

>marlo is out of the game

Sergei ratted on the greeks to avoid the death penalty, I'm surprised they didn't have him shivved.

The scene with them on the roof together the last night, before Avon gets caught and Stringer gets rekt.

What was all that about how American prison was nothing compared to Russia or wherever? Just bravado?

south american prisons are probably the worst desu

i saw a short clip a while ago of some dude who was forced by other inmates to eat his own fingers

He doesn't stay the king of the drug game, he becomes the king of the prison. But he doesn't win, he just loses less than some others. Nobody won, except Clay Davis.

>out the game*

It's a question of length. Five years in Russian prison is worse than five years in American prison, but life in American prisons is still pretty shit.

I'm just watching the Wire for the first time. I finished season 1 and am on the first episode of season 2. I'm curious how McNulty is going to stay relevant to the plot when they have him out in the middle of nowhere on a boat. Or what all these dock workers have to do with Avon and his empire.

you will find out eventually. it just gets better from there

>them greeks

>the Greeks
Only one of them was Greek


>gets better
Can't imagine it being better than it is. Last season ended with that kid from Oz gunning down Michael B. Jordan's character while he was crying. Should've watched this years ago.

Oh boy you're gonna be in for a ride with Bodie and his corners

Governor CIA, Mouzone and Cedric arguably won

>Governor CIA
Sure, but he betrayed his promise to the city
hardly a character though
He got forced out of the force. He did have a happier ended than most though

Mouzone just went on with life as usual, and is undoubtedly going to get capped one day. Cedric didn't win, he just managed to go on. Clay Davis on the other hand walked out of everything with higher public approval than ever and with the FBI investigation that had been conducted for years against him flushed down the drain.

>Clay Davis
Indeed, I did not recall his fate properly, but he isn't governor CIA


Whatever it is, they don't teach it in law school.

Yeah, I didn't recall Gov. CIA's fate right either. Then again, I wonder if he'd actually enjoy being the governor. He sure as hell didn't enjoy being the major.

Reminder that House of Cards should have started with CIA as President of the United States instead of Garret, all the rest staying the same

>Wallace is Michael B. Jordan

Reminder that Avon had the nerve to tell Rocky Balboa that Wallace wasn't a good fighter

man the part where he poisoned the drugs was so brilliant. really illustrated how a psychopath like him thinks

His sister is the ugliest nigga I ever did see.

wait, what scene was this?

He got popped while on parole in possession of assault rifles and explosives. He's never seeing the light of day again. He'll no doubt end up running some corner of the prison, though.

season 2, in the prison

When Avon poisons the drugs in prison, causing some people to die, then plants them on that uncooperative CO to get him arrested and out of the way. Remember he warns D'Angelo to lay off the dope for a while when it's about to go down.

The thing about the game is you just lost it.

oh yeah. For some reason I was thinking it was something he did outside of prison.

What the fuck is this, 2007?

Slim Charles is king, nigga

The Game don't change, it just got more fierce.

Man, that character arc was the most brutal in the entire show. That kid Slim shot with Cutty hit me harder than Wallace, and that time they couldn't even get the thieving dealer's girlfriend and seemed like benevolent fools, and then soon after they're fucking breaking every bone in the guy's body like it's nothing. Those parts were brilliant.

Also Levy

>Cutty: Man... I used to have some jean shorts like that too. I slept in them shits, man! Eventually, I blew the crotch out of them things. But you CAN'T wear 'em every day and expect for 'em to hold up! That was some nice-ass denim too. I miss them shorts.... But you... you GOTTA take 'em off every now and then. You gotta take 'em off, son!
What did he mean by this?

"You pregnant."

I just realized Slim had his character arc, redeeming himself in the end. A scene that always stuck with me was Stringer ordering him to clip Clay Davis and Slim going all "nu-uh, that some day of the jackal type shit".

Who was in the wrong here?

Marlo and Chris

Are you even serious!?

... So russian prisons are worse than american prisons?

According to Boris.

Why wouldn't he give up that faggot Omar?

Through bullshit, user. Lots and lots of bullshit.


Loyalty, motherfucker!

That's not even season 2, you dumb shit.

Gay cop won too.

I'm just prepping the motherfucker.

What the fuck did McNulty ever have to do with Hamsterdam?

Who do you think took over after Marlo? Me? I think it was "our" nigga,


That kid is gonna get many miles of cock up his ass for being a mouthy nigger

you will appreciate the 2nd season for what it is and cherish it later on. Watch it.

>they're fucking breaking every bone in the guy's body like it's nothing

I don't remember this

Season 2 is the only season that gets better the second time you watch it.


Season 2 is very important for the complete narrative. More so than S3, S4.

It's just a short scene, I can't even find it on youtube, but the two chucklefuck soldiers Cutty was with stomps the guy and beats his prone body with a baseball bat, breaks his fingers for his rings, and I think end up killing him by bashing his head in with the bat. But as I said, can't find a clip of it.

Just fucking google it. St. Petersburg Jail is worse than ADX Florence.