You're trapped in a ship or facility with one of these guys. Left or right?

You're trapped in a ship or facility with one of these guys. Left or right?

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can i be friends with the xenomorph?

Holy shit the xenomorph without question.

right because apparently even women can beat it.

If I'm alone and unarmed, it doesn't really matter, but I'd pick the Thing so I could have a conversation or something before I die.

If with other people, one Xeno is manageable if everyone works together, even more if you have/can make weapons. One Thing could wipe out everyone before anyone realizes something's off. So Xeno.

MEW seemed to do okay against the Thing.

Xeno unless it's 1v1 then The Thing.

You can kill a xeno pretty easy assuming it doesn't get the drop on you.

A little girl survived a week living in a colony infested with xenos.

A team of scientists with flamethrowers couldn't survive a day with the thing.

If you kill the xeno, its blood will melt all the shit and you'll die from space. Only way to properly dispose of them is shooting them out of the airlock.

>thing 2011
you wat?

Xenomorph obviously. The Thing could assimilate people and get all of us easily. The Alien would be much easier to deal with, also less horrifying to die to

Hey, you're the one who brought sex into the conversation. You should've known it would lead to this.

Didn't the thing just wanted to be left alone and even built a little flying saucer to escape? I need to rewatch it, it scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Hey uhh just putting this out there but the Alien from Ridley Scott's Alien (1979) is invincible it wasnt filmed but Sigourney Weaver was supposed to blast him with a laser pistol and it had no effect

Now the umm James Cameron Aliens (1986) retcon ones can be killed normally

Hopefully this was informative

The thing seemed to want to just keep assimilating organic matter.

The flying saucer is how it got there. What it wanted to do was escape the pole because it can die in the freezing cold temperatures. It probably wanted to infect everything on the planet

How does Alien see?

Prequel implied that the alien ship was not of the thing, but a ship that collected species from other planets. Thing broke out, assimilated the alien crew, then crashed on earth. Damn shame about the PS2 cgi, the story was pretty nice.

>spotted the woman

I doubt anyone plans on killing a xenomorph. They mostly come out at night (mostly) so it's easy to live with one in the area if you keep yourself well hidden at night.

>in space
>they only come out at night

I fucking wish. Then I might be able to get laid.

>You're trapped in a ship or facility with one of these guys. Left or right?
>ship or facility

Who the fuck picks the ship?

>implying the facility is on earth
are you retarded?

touche lad

The Alien Big Chaps kill everything they're extremely aggressive you can't hide from them they'll get you no matter what don't you understand you fucking retard BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP

>earth is the only planet that has day and night cycles

Skipped elementary school science class huh?

right because i want to fuck a xeno

>thinks night and day last the same time on every planet
try again

Xenomorph would give me a less painful death.

Whoa you can't just move goalposts so obviously like that. It's insulting.

The xenomorph is fucking sexy so I choose that one

through its dome, whether visually is up to debate with that shell covering its eye sockets with Ridleys scotts xeno,

Cameron's however must be some other form of extra-sensory registration. it doesnt make a noise that we know of to echo-locate (that we can hear anyway, maybe it does since animals start freaking out before it moves or comes out of hiding)

The Thing is far more vulnerable and will give you a quicker death, assuming the alien wants to egg or chestburster you.

>I'd pick the Thing so I could have a conversation or something before I die.
It wouldn't talk to you, other than perhaps to try to convince you it is human before it jumps you. The Thing never speaks once it has been truly exposed.

Best thing to Pray for when it comes to a xenomorph is a swift Innerjaw bite

If a xenomorph is alone without a queen for long enough it will molt into a queen itself and start to produce eggs. The xenomorph is far more dangerous if you do not kill it soon enough.

But that's expanded universe shit who cares really.

No, Blair runs projections and it will absolutely take over the planet in like a month or two if it got to the mainland.

If much rather tangle with a xenomorph. You'd have an easier time hiding from it, and killing it. Furthermore in the likely event either killed you, with the xenomorph you can at least die with the knowledge it won't walk around wearing your face like a mask and pretending to be you while murdering your entire family and replacing it.

It was more like 4 years. That was in 1982 though.

Obviously the Alien. Fuck The Thing.

I would go with the American guy, Xenomorphs are overpowered cunts

That Isn't anywhere close to the same level of danger.

The thing can look and act like anything. At least with xenomorphs you know where you stand.

What you see is what you get. Conventional weapons actually hurt them. An infection would be disastrous but not to the same extent as a thing infestation.


I'd take Daisy Ridley

Stop that.

Left, cause i'm not a fan of acid and being swallowed into something endless, is kind of a cool way to die.

>he things space ships won't and currently don't have compartmentalization
Fucking retard. Kill the xeno and then into another room before the acid causes an breech. It's not difficult.

It's really just a choice of being eaten alive or a quick and (probably) painless death

The little flying saucer was so it could get to a continent with more life

Um, yeah, sorry sweetie, I'll talk how I like

That assumes the alien doesn't want to turn you into an egg. That's far more painful than getting some tentacles shoved into your face and dying quickly.

I'd attempt to fuck the xenomorph

Right because getting plastered to the wall and impregnated would make me feel wanted for once in my life

I want to rub his forehead, it looks so soft but powerful at the same time



anything that can mimic a human being is horrifying. no one is ready for that.

i'll take the xenomorph any day of the week

I thought people wanting to fuck the xeno was a joke. Is it her hips?

The Xenomorph will be difficult to kill unless I have the kind of weaponry that can deal with it. If not we're all screwed.

The Thing can be killed simply by setting it on fire. A flamethrower is all you need. All you need to do is murder every single person on the ship or in the facility and you win.

How does the Thing work? Is it a physical creature wearing your skin or is it kind of like the flood from halo where you get absorbed and then it can take your form?

Do you guys think the thing could be convinced to fuck you before it eats you?

A Xenomorph because it would outright kill me instead of a slow copypaste process.

Remember what happened to Bennings? Fuck that.

I want to get rimmed by her tongue

It absorbs organic matter and molds it to whatever it wants, and it can mimic humans perfectly. Also, if parts of it are cut off from the main mass those parts can act independently,

the latter, it just needs your DNA i think
in the remake from a few years ago im pretty sure the thing seduces a guy before killing him

easily killed by fucking assault rifles
>The Thing

can't kill it unless you destroy every fucking individual cell of it, meanwhile it can turn into fucking anything and kill you all while perfectly disguising itself as any organic material it wants to

wow I wonder

Assuming it has you alone, it will either eat you, produce a copy inside of itself and then spit it out, or it will jam its tentacles into you and replace you cell by cell until it is no longer you even on a cellular level.

If it's spooked and you aren't alone it will just maul you and you'll quickly turn like a zombie bite victim.

I will always remember that line..."Fuchs? Fuchs is not Fuchs."

It replaces you cell by cell. Obviously faster if it attacks you, but prolonged exposure means you slowly turn into it without even realizing.

The thing literally rapes you at a cellular level

That fanfic really turned edgy at the end out of nowhere.

Well you know it attacks you, but your conscience probably gets altered as you are slowly morphing into the Thing. It's like being forced into an orgy.


I meant in the sense that its cover hasn't been blown and isn't trying to attack you and it simply touches you like with a handshake or something. Pretty sure they talk about it in the movie and why the guy that got bitten by the dog was a red herring.

There's no evidence that it can take you over slowly like that. We never see it happen and it if it were possible then The Thing would have won early on, because Fuchs doesn't get the idea to separately prepare their own meals until 2/3 of the way into the movie.

.. yeah

Once that acid blood reaches the chambers where artificial gravity is not active
It'll just float there and become oxidized

It won't burn a hole through the ship

Id rather be trapped with a thousand xenomorphs then one of those fucking things

are you sure?
you only have to touch The Thing and it's over

Do I want to get all body-horrored or do I want to get glued to a wall and facehuggered and then chest bursted

I would probably just shoot myself out an airlock sooner than either of those

The kennel master gets licked by the dog thing at the start and nothing happens to him. And despite the idea that they should separately prepare their own meals instead of just grabbing something out of the fridge only being introduced 2/3 of the way into the movie, the Thing doesn't just contaminate the orange juice for an auto-win.

Xeno because if on ship its a race to the escape pod or ultimate lock down vs having to worry if every other person or thing your with is in fact the thing

And xeno because the thing would probably consume my brain matter and then head for earth, and i guess i dont really want that to happen

but one of those fucking Things could be a thousand Xenomorphs.

Based user. Better story than thing 2

>goes from a curious explorer to a twisted fucking psychopath in just a few sentences at the end

I am being Blair. I escape out the back as the world comes in through the front.
I am being Copper. I am rising from the dead.
I am being Childs. I am guarding the main entrance.
The names don't matter. They are placeholders, nothing more; all biomass is interchangeable. What matters is that these are all that is left of me. The world has burned everything else.
I see myself through the window, loping through the storm, wearing Blair. MacReady has told me to burn Blair if he comes back alone, but MacReady still thinks I am one of him. I am not: I am being Blair, and I am at the door. I am being Childs, and I let myself in. I take brief communion, tendrils writhing forth from my faces, intertwining: I am BlairChilds, exchanging news of the world.
The world has found me out. It has discovered my burrow beneath the tool shed, the half-finished lifeboat cannibalized from the viscera of dead helicopters. The world is busy destroying my means of escape. Then it will come back for me.
There is only one option left. I disintegrate. Being Blair, I go to share the plan with Copper and to feed on the rotting biomass once called Clarke; so many changes in so short a time have dangerously depleted my reserves. Being Childs, I have already consumed what was left of Fuchs and am replenished for the next phase. I sling the flamethrower onto my back and head outside, into the long Antarctic night.
I will go into the storm, and never come back.

>posting fan fiction

it won some literary awards but yeah ur right

>psshhhhh nothing personal kids

Not really. In this setting, humans are the anomaly, and the thing's form of "communion" or whatever is most common through the universe and completely normal. It is "saving" us for our own good.

Of course as a human reading it, you are still supposed to think it's bad, but also understand it's perspective. Definitely not and edgy psychopath

>what is velocity

>light a match
>thing dies

Strawman arguments everywhere

i want that thing inside my ass

This is what the world taught me: that adaptation is provocation. Adaptation is incitement to violence.
It feels almost obscene—an offense against Creation itself—to stay stuck in this skin. It's so ill-suited to its environment that it needs to be wrapped in multiple layers of fabric just to stay warm. There are a myriad ways I could optimize it: shorter limbs, better insulation, a lower surface:volume ratio. All these shapes I still have within me, and I dare not use any of them even to keep out the cold. I dare not adapt; in this place, I can only hide.
What kind of a world rejects communion?
It's the simplest, most irreducible insight that biomass can have. The more you can change, the more you can adapt. Adaptation is fitness, adaptation is survival. It's deeper than intelligence, deeper than tissue; it is cellular, it is axiomatic. And more, it is pleasurable. To take communion is to experience the sheer sensual delight of bettering the cosmos.
And yet, even trapped in these maladapted skins, this world doesn't want to change.
At first I thought it might simply be starving, that these icy wastes didn't provide enough energy for routine shapeshifting. Or perhaps this was some kind of laboratory: an anomalous corner of the world, pinched off and frozen into these freakish shapes as part of some arcane experiment on monomorphism in extreme environments. After the autopsy I wondered if the world had simply forgotten how to change: unable to touch the tissues the soul could not sculpt them, and time and stress and sheer chronic starvation had erased the memory that it ever could.

>*retroactively makes you a prequel to Venom

what the smelly millennial answers: xenomorph

everyone else: the thing

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