I'm having severe mental health issues at the moment. Virtually anything sets off panic attacks, anxiety...

I'm having severe mental health issues at the moment. Virtually anything sets off panic attacks, anxiety, restlessness and agitation.

I'm looking for some super relaxing movies to watch to help me chill out and calm down. I was going to watch finding dory but I know that pixar films can have times that are quite escalated (loud music and lots of excitement).

The only film I can think of that fits the bill is castaway. It's super chill without much dialogue and you just kinda passively observe a man fulfil small tasks.

Any recommendations? Thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:


survivorman is like that

napoleon dynamite

saving private ryan

whisper of the heart, big fish

pls no bully

the hurt locker

Brokeback mountain

panic attacks are literally not a problem if you spend a few days actively trying to get them. They arent dangerous, they are just "muh fee fees". Get your shit together instead of trying to avoid them constantly. The avoidance is the reason you keep getting them.


The Assassin (2015)
Cemetery of splendor
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Thin Red Line

apocalypse now extended edition

Tenshi no Tamago, there's only one sentence spoken throughout the entire movie I think. Also Ozu is SUPER comfy.

Hayao Miyazaki

if only it were that simple. I wish you could experience my mind at the moment. You wouldn't last 5 minutes. I've absolutely lost it and I'm waiting to see a psych to admit me.

If you want a comfy animated movie that takes place on the ocean, watch Moana. Depends if you like musicals or not though

just relax bro

if you like anime watch non non biyori

You dont have to believe me but Im a psych working with anxiety disorders. Anxiety is hell but its not dangerous and accepting that those feelings are just feelings is a big step to getting well.
Protip: If your psych starts with relaxation techniques and shit instead of heavy exposure therapy, get a new one immediately.

watch y tu maman tambien

hang in there dude, I was at the same position months ago plus deep depression, now i'm a little better thanks to medication. I know how that is like hell on earth, seek professional help. good luck

Fuck watching movies. You need daily exercise. Also you might be vitamin deficient.

Fuck you man, that's total bullshit. What works for you doesn't work for everyone else, but it sounds like you have no experience suffering or dealing with mental health.

ok I'll flip a switch and suddenly it'll all go away. thanks user.

Thank you for your advice. The concern is that this is a little bit more than anxiety. Last night I slept, but prior to that I was awake for 5 days and nights straight without sleep. Highly abnormal.

Thank you, it means a lot.

I walk for long periods every day and have started taking multi vitamins. Movies are just to help distract me in the short term before I go to hospital.

brains are mostly the same mang you can train yours to work like others

What is it like to suffer from such severe anxiety

i feel you buddy, i cannot count the number of times i have projectile vomited just from anxiety alone. really sucks not being able to eat properly.

anyway, here's a few comfy flicks for ya:

bram stoker's dracula (believe it or not)


back to the future

jurassic park the lost world

the mummy

space jam

predator 2

gremlins 2

the lord of the rings

into the wild

home alone

toy story

police academy

a living hell. I wouldn't wish this on even the most despicable people imaginable. No one deserves this. Not a soul.

Its funny too because I remember a time where my anxiety was a conscious thing. You'd sort of allow yourself to consciously have worrying thoughts and then that would trigger the vicious cycle of panic attacks and rumination. It was within some degree of control.

Now my anxiety is so bad I have no semblance of control over it. My subconscious mind is completely reactive to it's own stimulus. For absolutely no reason at all and without warning I can become extremely agitated. Holding my head in my hands, rocking from side to side, screaming internally. Even large doses of diazepam have minimal effect. God help me.

If I was to warn you about how to prevent this ever happening to you:

Don't open pandoras box. What I mean by that is try not to entertain morbid curiosities or let yourself get into a bad psychological state. In the early stages you can change things. But once it's too late it's too late and you need serious help.
Also stay the fuck away from weed.

yeah can't really eat either at the minute. lost so much weight. thank you for your kind words and recommendations.

I'd suggest Apocalypse Now or 2001: A Space Odyssey or (especially) Synecdoche: New York, these three work wonders for me, but that's pretty much because they stimulate my love for cinema and help my imagination run wild when I try to look at everything from different perspectives and explore symbolism and meaning.

If you liked Castaway, you might want to check All is Lost and Life of Pi.

Also some additional suggestions:
Into the Wild
Monty Python stuff
Finding Neverland
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Dead Poets Society
Dances With Wolves
Wes Anderson stuff
Lost in Translation
Sopranos coma episodes
The Tree of Life
True Grit

Watch this youtube.com/watch?v=cImNKmccmQA
Watch this on repeat youtube.com/watch?v=Wvj9i8M1asU
Watch the unaired pilot of Dollhouse

Kiki's Delivery Service
My Neighbor Totoro
If you have Netflix, try some older British murder mystery tv shows like Poirot or Miss Marple. The murder usually takes place at the beginning and you can mute it or look away. The rest of it is super comfy, low key, and sedate

Old Japanese movies. Slow cuts, composed shots, that kind of deal.
Hidden fortress, high and low (heaven and hell), harakiri, ran, that kind of stuff.

Or old Hitchcock stuff.
Maybe something like chinatown, a witness for the prosecution, dressed to kill...

It works for anyone who accepts that anxiety is just a feeling and that seeking it out and embracing it is the path to good mental health. Its a tough pill to swallow, but if you do you can get better. The 25% who do not get better from exposure therapy are people who are unwilling to face their fears. It is as close to a scientific fact you will find in mental health research that exposure therapy is the best treatment for panic attacks.

do u use recreational drugs? if so, stop immediately

What meds have you tried besides diazepam?

theres a demon in your brain and bad things are going to happen. a sense of doom and the feel of not being in control. like someones given you a drug that is guaranteed to give you a bad trip but you cant get it out and you can just wait for it to kick in. or a nightmare wheres its pitch black and you feel like theres something with you in the room. or that feel when you accidentally wipe your 5tb hard drive, wooooo spooky, that shit sticks with you for days.

You may all be correct but only one of the posts in this thread got trips

>shilling your own post this hard
you just got lucky with the trips

Heh my trips beat your dubs

fuck off to r9k

Prior to this:

Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Duloxetine, Sertraline, Mirtazapine, Venlafaxine

It's time for the heavy guns I think. Hello antipsychotics/mood stabilisers.

I suspect I'm probably bipolar desu anyway.

Watch Jeeves & Wooster, it's comfy as fuck

>OPs thread
>waaaaaaaaaaaa anxiety waaaaa mental problems
>this isn't considered r9k

Damn. Was gonna suggest some others to talk about with your doctor, but you hit a lot of the common ones. Only other one I can think of that you didn't list is Xanax

Learn to breath. It can cut off the cycle that leads to panic and anxiety attacks. Won't cure it but some breath work can help a lot. Do some reading on breathing exercises or meditation. Pranayama, tail chi, scientific methods that papers have been written about, zen, etc. there's like 900 flavors depending on what your personal style is.

Breath with your diaphragm/abdomen, not your chest. Slow your breathing, slow your heart rate, reduce that feeling of panic, lower your blood pressure, get rid of that pounding feeling, things seem less intense.

Source: been living with anxiety attacks.

r9k doesn't really represent a board meant for people with anxiety problems, it's for autists and retards such as yourself

believe it or not I'm a pharmacist. The fact that I am so knowledgable about drugs hasn't helped at all desu.

I tend to have more knowledge about them than my GP so I've essentially been self-prescribing.

This is why I desperately need a proper psychiatrist that I can sort of submit to and let take charge.

that's how banner contained the hulk

>autists and retards
Have you even seen the majority of the threads on this board?

thank you for your advice.

Buddhism and mindfulness is something I wish to pursue in the future. Hopefully I will learn to control my breathing which should take the edge off.

Lol, I'm actually in pharm school now. We haven't talked about this in therapeutics yet, but I know some of the common ones from rotating and studying commonly prescribed drugs.

But yeah I think you should see a psychiatrist, Dr user.

I'm right there with you, OP.

>I have mental problems guys
>I can't even watch Pixar movies they are too frightening for me
>Recommend me a calm movie like a Castaway
>A calm movie like Castaway that features plane crashes, isolation, the main character nearly losing his life multiple times, then finally his wife rejecting him after he manages to get off the island
>No Pixar movies though I can't handle the feels

Small world huh!

I'm a UK pharm, we only study to masters level so not a doc unfortunately... I may be after my PhD however.

Ah you'll get there. They're quite simple drugs for the most part. You'll barely see anything other than SSRIs/SNRIs and the odd tricyclic in the general population anyway. And remember a few have relatively peculiar alternative indications! Amitryptiline for neuropathic pain/duloxetine for stress urinary incontinence/mirtazapine for appetite stimulation and insomnia etc.

My guess is its probably more about quick cuts, moving cameras, and loud noises/yelling.

maybe try tai chi, its moving meditation with focus on breath and relaxation

I'm also dealing with panic attacks and severe anxiety. Watching movies has been one of the rare things I can look forward too (requires minimal physical effort while making my brain active I guess).
I've been enjoying all sorts of movies. Bergman has done some really inspiring stuff and anything with James Stewart can be quite healing.

Last time I was in your boat Bridge of Spies helped me out

Oh my bad. I thought after posting that you might not actually have a PharmD, but I took a shot in the dark.

Yeah you're right, they'll have random indications, and the ones you listed rang some bells. Speaking of which, I have test tomorrow over those common drugs so probably should get back to studying.

Hang in there though man. I genuinely think you'd benefit a lot from seeing a psychiatrist and think you should really consider doing it.

Heres a solution OP, stop being such a sissy bitch

Anxiety is just a made up illness used by children in adult clothing. You are just acting like a victim for sympathy points, you just proved it by posting about it here trying to get a pat on your back because sometimes your feewings get hurt.

Man up, grow a set of balls, get a job, get a hobby like wood crafting.


how do i stop my heart from pounding in my chest until i feel pain especially in the mornings before work even though im in the prime of my youth and 190cm 68kg, how do i stop myself from throwing up or feeling like throwing up most of the time, how do i stop my hands, muscles and eyelids from trembling and shaking out of fear, how do i get rid of an overwhelming , irrational feel of dread that washes over me when i get home, scared of the next day?