Trump has NO real policies. His speech tonight was basically

Trump has NO real policies. His speech tonight was basically


And that's it. How the fuck did he even make it this far?

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Welcome to politics

Idiots taking an idiot seriously.

Look at his website then

That's not true. People under him came up with policies. He just has no idea what they are.

Why should I look at his website? He should be able to express them to us by words, not text.

Spotted the faggot who has never been to the Trump site where all of his positions are easily read.

Spotted the faggot who has never watched a Trump speech.

Spotted the faggot who is a hillary shit.


he did you fucking idiot

you didn't watch, you're just watching anderson cooper now

So that Hillary will win, or so that people wont care when Obama starts martial law 3rd term.

Scroll through Sup Forums and see if you can't find your answer.

People in this country are fucking idiots, of course they want a fellow idiot at the top.

Beats Hope and Change.

Did you even watch the speech you dumbass bitch?

>implying 80% of this board and 90% of America even know what campaign rhetoric is

I don't even watch speeches desu, it's too tiring because I hate having to fact check every single claim that a politician makes, it gets tiresome and it's honestly like a 50/50 chance they're BSing.

But even if Trump is full of shit, he is pretty interesting. I am curious to see how this election turns out. Hillary won't be that bad, just more of the same, but Trump is a wildcard honestly. What he says is such a load of crap he'll have to make some drastic change if he becomes president. Kinda want him to win desu

the power of the dumbest 1/3 of americans

>trust me, we will. we will.

This speech had a very basic structure

>Look at this bad stuff that's happening
>Its Hilary's fault
>Don't worry guys. I'll make it better
>rinse and repeat

policy details don't win elections

Show me a speech where he explains a few of his policies in depth.

Not a speech where he just says WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT and other feel good phrases and that's it.

But anyone who knows about politics knows anything said in a campaign is meaningless, there's a whole laundry list of things Obama won on that he never touched. Its about character, which moral fiber do you want to lead you.

Pretty much. His supporters are retarded for not seeing he's a total huckster, or maybe just so desperate they will believe anyone who says what they want to hear.

Thats all these fucking mongoloids want to hear. They've been posting memes so long that they have forgot what actual logic and reason sound like.

>more of the same plus a war with russia
>not that bad
fucking animeposters

Its funny how people continue to say this, yet Hillarys speeches do the same exact shit

Really tells you who is actually paying attention to the election

>no real policies

He is eliminating income tax on Americans who make below $25,000 a year. That is by definition a 'real' policy you mongoloid. Have you done no research whatsoever?

>Lower taxes
>Renegotiate NAFTA
>Ban Immigration from countries compromised by Terrorism
>Only make Trade deals with foreign countries individually from now on
>Repeal Obamacare
>Cut funding to wasteful government programs
>implying he has no policies

List 5 of hillary's policy from her latest speech.

Protip: you can't

Just gotta rid the country of liberals, spics and niggers and everything will simply solve itself

Show me Clintons

Leaf leafy leaf man

I just want him to do one focusing purely on policies in detail and I'd be way more for him.

I doubt anyone here is a Hillary fan either, she's just as bad, they are both bullshitting the public in different ways.

>When she pulls it out

Wew, not today.

Hillaries speech is equally vapid and vacuous though. "We will make America great again, BLM, whites are evil"

The last part (nuance I know) is why people vote Trump.

Who is this semen demon?



This. Based Anglo who is still capable of critical thought.

Go watch any other republican or democrat nomination speech ever. I think you'll start to see a pattern.

the only problem is he doesn't understand the policies well enough. The only thing he understands is how to act like a bloated retard and insult people.

Not an argument. You people come on Sup Forums claiming we are fools. Yet it seems you faggot can't comprehend when you are guilty of spouting logical fallacies.

Baby's first election.

Yes I miss those days of amazing detailed policy speeches and debate about the philosophical underpinnings of america. Well moderated and inspiring discussion.

this must be the first convention speech you've ever heard

Who cares?

Would rather have an inept buffoon in the white hous than a James Bond super villain

look around this board. angry stupid manchildren love when an angry sounding man who pretends to be equally stupid says the things theyre afraid to say on national tv.
he's just capitalizing on the gullible angry rednecks, pretty standard GOP stuff.

>war with anyone

Nothing will happen, it will be the same Spec Ops forces and drones fucking up the middle east while more radical groups pop up out of nowhere. Putin's autistic, he does bunch of stupid things because it makes him feel taller, but he doesn't have the balls to start World War III, and Hillary doesn't either, literally. There are too many people in positions of power that want to maintain the status quo, which is why there will never be any big happenings. If anything bad happens, it will be beneath everyone's noses and destroy everything slowly enough that nobody even realizes it.

No he actually discussed the details of his policies in depth.

>Yet it seems you faggot can't comprehend
It seems I have angered a bloated retard

Because NOBODY votes with their "rationality" which is really a term that doesn't mean anything. All information you experience is filtered by emotional and more importantly motivational forces. You truly do perceive the world as you want to perceive it and a vast majority of information is lost to that veil of ignorance. People WANT to believe in Trump, regardless of his apparently lightweight policies.

The intellectuals(who don't vote) will pick apart policies but nobody in the voting public really cares about the policies of the candidates.

>16 years old
yeah kiddo you aren't that smart.

Read his book "Crippled America" and his website. Just do fucking research. I support Trump because I did my research.

>Inb4 muh speeches! He must tell me everything now!

Just kill yourself, you are everything wrong with voters in America.

In-depth isn't for speeches. Speeches are for highlights. Learn to read or don't vote.

I'm agree


But how?

OP was stupid to bring up the speech but he's right. All his 'policies' come down to "I'm gonna help our jobs", "I'm gonna build a wall" and "im guna ged da immegrandz owd xDDD"

>showing Obama shit to try to change my view

I'm far from a Liberal, I just think Trump isn't the right pick. I am a #RandMissile

No one explains their policies in depth you dumb fuck, that would take hours per issue. Hillary doesn't talk specifics either, you're just brainwashed into noticing it with Trump and not her because your main source of news is the Clinton News Network which btw is owed by Time Warner Cable, one of Hillary's biggest donors. Get woke you degenerate.

Because policy is bullshit and everybody knows it has nothing to do with what actually happens. It's all about character an comptence

No... you dumb fucking butthole.

As a mexican living off just well on my side to d the river.

I tought Trump was a meme candidate from day 1 but the joke took to far, his strategy is apealing the milenials and just above autism internet users. This joke really has to stop before its too late.

I fucking hate Hilary but this guy main speech is always play the funny cringey guy, like a clown going for class president. Whose at first everyone where like lol yeh fuck da school. But this guy seems so out of touch with reality, i am really worried for you america and how you have derailed politics to the point to make it a segment like of E! news.

Plz be safe guys ..

I'd rather someone who does a smart nothing, than a stupid something.


Hello again, old friend.

why did she piss herself?

Lol u are like a little baby to me.



Are you quoting Trudeau?

Fucking this. Holy shit you leaf cucks these types of speeches are about the WHAT and not the HOW.

Learn 2 strategy 101

Trump, being a real estate/builder guy, knows about plans and architecture more than anyone else. Part of that is not showing your fucking plans and hand early. You give basic summaries and that's it.

You leave the plans with the ones you most trust: you and your family.

Otherwise, you spoil all your lovely policy juice, Hillary soaks some up and makes out like "she was always going to do that" and you end up with the Bernie problem, where Hillary literally absorbed his rhetoric and policy and made him fucking die.

America will be made great again by using meme magic.

>No Hope
>Zero Change
>Went Nowhere


Yeah I have autocorrect on my phone. Can you not understand that greentexting a typo is NOT AN ARGUMENT.

Trump talked about TPP, taxes on poor and middle class americans, etc. Somehow the OP and you seem to imply

>he doesn't mention his policies in depth

Except he does. You spout ad hominems as if that is an argument? Pathetic.


>Not an argument

Fuck off with your weebullshit

This, few people understand how they make decisions and niggers are gunning down cops in the streets now. Law and order is a winner up against Hillary's "I'm the reparations candidate" bullshit

Show me an Obama campaign speech where he explained his policies in depth.

So what's wrong with that? We've had 8 years of anti-Americanism from the Obama administration. It's so refreshing to have a candidate that actually loves America and wants to make America greater again. What does it matter if he only accomplishes a small percentage of what he's set out to do? What matters is that we put an end to the racist tribalism promoted by Obama and company.

Thanks UK, our education and reading retention here is pretty sub-par

New to politics? Politicians will often speak in broad terms, and won't give specifics, and won't say much at all, because fewer words = fewer contradictions, and fewer perceived contradictions.

Also, if Trump just doesn't have any policies, then how do I know he wants to defend the second amendment? How do I know he wants to build a wall and strengthen our borders? How do I know he wants to end common core? How do I know he wants to defeat ISIS? How do I know he wants to re-open the coal mines?

Hillary voters don't pay attention to what Trump says, then they're like "Trump doesn't have any opinions! lol!"

Pic related is an example of why you shouldn't be too specific. I disagree with Hillary on all 5 of these issues, so this only made her look worse to me.

compared to what?

He could accomplish nothing and it wouldn't be that big of a deal as long as we aren't sunk by the end of it.

>Ad hominem

Excellent arguments you fucking memelords

Everyone else

I live as the same as an american middle upper class senpai, I really dont care about a wall, I literally hate the heat outside air conditioned areas, but lets be real this guy's strategy is literally be a meme to get the - lol hes so funny " vote.

It does frigthen me, I dont know if the REps wanted to launch a hollywood star to politics I would have choosen Clint Eastwood, that guy has charisma and a presence of autorithy, but Trump seems like hes playing dumb till people tell him to stop, the problem is that people do believe in him ...

Do you think the average voter cares?

Do you get paid extra posting this late at night CTR?

Can't wait for the debates.

Gonna be fanfuckingtastic

>wow he chose to work with someone who shares the same ideals
>literally hitler


>Trump has NO real policies
wtf! i'm for (((it))) now.

>Cut funding to wasteful government programs


This page has been up for over a year.
Over a fucking year.

It's time for this sad meme to die already, just like all the other failed anti-Trump memes.

That too. So for me, there are 6 things wrong with that picture, and it'll be 7 when Hillary picks someone with ideas similar to her own.

all of his plan are outlined, not only on his website, but pretty much in the speech. your a fucking retard.

I really don't get what you idiots want in a speech when you say things like this. A speech is meant to outline the intentions of the candidate, so you know what they will be working to while in office as he does Like what do you want him to do stand up there and give a step by step plan of how to take down ISIS on a power point or break down the economic theories of taxation rates? Come on

it already died the shills have to reuse old ones to stay relevant as the polls swing more in his favor

Take his pro 2nd amendment stance. Is going to repeal the NFA ? Dismantle the BATFE ? Challenge unconstitutional state laws ? When in reality it probably just means he will consider veto'ing a gun control bill if it makes it to his desk.

What do you mean by that?

>Real policies

A presidents job is not to dictate policies.

It's like asking the CEO of a Car Company to explain how the car is going to be designed.

If a CEO gave a presentation on why I should buy a new car, and just fucking rambled on about how the brakes not reacted .0005 seconds faster, and how the tires now last an extra 50 miles, I would doze off and tune out.

The Presidents job is not to prescribe exact policy solutions. The Presidents job is to understand what the American people wan't and get the correct people in place to implement those policies. You don't have to be a constitutional lawyer to put some one in a position to protect the constitution.

Nor does a car company CEO have to understand how cars are made to tell the engineers what the consumer wants.
People don't vote for policies. They vote for a general idea, a theme, a direction if you will.

The presidency isn't about the technical details of policy.

>calling others retarded
>doesnt know the difference between you're and your
>doesnt know how to use commas to separate clauses properly
>doesnt know subject-verb agreement
probably underage and no older than 13

List 5 Hillary speeches from the past 200 days
Protip: you can't

>When in reality it probably just means he will consider veto'ing a gun control bill if it makes it to his desk.
That's exactly what I want him to do though. The current laws are pretty good, a bit restrictive in some cases, but overall decent. I don't expect him to do anything ground-breaking in terms of restoring our second amendment, I just want him to not further attack it.

He promised to not cut social security or medicare and that he is going to increase military spending. Those 3 things are essentially the entire budget. Any peanuts he manages to cut are going to be offset by building a wall, NASA, child care, and whatever other pet projects he comes along with.