Does anyone ever talk to an imaginary camera like they're breaking the fourth wall?

Does anyone ever talk to an imaginary camera like they're breaking the fourth wall?

I think talking to yourself within reason is probably normal, but looking at an invisible camera just sounds like something an insane person would do

I used to pretend I was sam beckett and had leaped into myself and I'd spend the whole day talking to al and pretrnding to my family I didn't know who I was

I'm more of a 'snarky narrator' kind of guy

i will now

>imaginary camera
>not the secret camera behind your mirror like in The Truman Show

I sometimes look off in a different direction whenever I'm reacting to something, make an appropriate face, and pretend I'm looking into a camera to where I create an IRL gif or reaction image

this board has fucked me royally

Talk? No, I Jimface.

I'v been talking to my self as if I was on a live stream since 2010.
Back then it was really bad I'd accualy pretend to move the camera with me around the house and with me where ever I went outside.
I feel like that was my way of coping anxiety and loneliness.

Same, also with other signs and gestures of displeasure.

Yes. I learned it from Zack Morris and Will Smith.


Holy fuck I do the same thing

>tfw will never be famous enough to be a beloved reaction image

kek the office tim/jim face yeah i do that too.

I don't talk, but I do sort of "look in the imaginary camera" from time to time, like I'm starring in The Office or Parks and Rec.

Are you me?

>mfw I did exactly this when reading

There are more of us. Group conversation would look like a bunch of retards looking around in the middle of the sentence.

no but i do stare up at the sky and curse quite often

When I was younger I used to pretend I woke up in the far distant future and pretend I didn't know what a TV was and keep repeating "Where am I"

Or an autistic person.

Every now and again I talk to the surveillance team monitoring me on the off chance that there is a surveillance team monitoring me just to freak them out.

haha nice xkcd ref bro XD


when does the narhwal bacon..xd

>literally mfw after reading this post

i give answers to imaginary interview questions like i'm on a talk show when i'm driving alone

Which talk show?

Shhhhh ....

Glad I'm not the only autist.

I usually do the "look behind my shoulder at an invisible camera and point sideways with my thumb on the opposite hand as if to say 'get a load of this guy'" reaction

I did that too and my parents got worried that I had a seizure and blamed videogames on it.

When I drive alone I always talk.

I narrate myself in 3rd person or whatever's happening,

If i'm cooking or doing something like that i'll kind of pretend i'm doing a cooking show to entertain myself

I imagine my friend and family are watching me at home and seeing the music and videos I watch so they think I have cool interesting interests

dont have friends for a few years and have a mind that can't maintain speech patterns well internally.

how fucking new are you?

Wouldn't you like to get know me more, you doll, you?

How do you all like Ferris Bueller?

>tfw hear record scratch in head and stop moving
>yep that's me probably wondering how I ended up like this