I have a strange feeling about Lincoln. Take a look at this photo, a long look. Doesn't something feel "off"...

I have a strange feeling about Lincoln. Take a look at this photo, a long look. Doesn't something feel "off". What race even is this? Call me crazy, but he doesn't even look 100% human. Almost, alien? I'd like to hear what pol has to say about this guy's very unique face

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He is a jew

Update: found an interesting article clinicalcorrelations.org/?p=6110

typical anglo dutch settler
here's henry ford for comparison

I always thought he looked like a gorilla

Fucking faggots on this board. Go fix your tinfoil hat and hang some cardboard pyramids over your bed, you fucking dipshit.

congrats this is now a slenderman thread

There comes a point OP, when you need to say aloud to yourself the post you have written, think legibly "do I really want to post this", then decide after much consideration if it's worth posting a new thread about.

what kind of haircut is this


Ignore all of these faggots. Abe Lincoln was just an ugly motherfucker plain and simple. It's one of the things he was known for.

The "Its late July in Illinois and I've been wearing a top hat outside for three hours." Its still popular in the Springfield area.

He had some sort of condition that elongated his limbs. Also he was run over as a child, wheel went over his head. Its amazing he didn't die from it.

Lol lincoln was more % nigger than Obama!

Just fuck my south up

Lincoln had Marfan's Syndrome. Osama bin Laden had it too. Oddly, both Lincoln and Osama died of lead poisoning though.


Pretty sure Lincoln got shot? But that's weird about Osama (side note, Osama sounds eerily familiar to Obama(another reason I hate him))

It was a joke you retard. They both ate lead.

Oh okay ahahaha nice one


Lincoln joked about how fuckugly he was. Some dude called him two-faced, and replied something along the lines of "I wish I did have another face."

Nah he just looks like a fit old dude, which is a rare site today.

> lead poisoning

Love that expression

Bullets are/were made out of lead, so being shot is often jokingly referred to as getting a bad case of lead poisoning.

he had a similar look to rasputin to me
shame he wasnt a superhuman like rasputin though

In fairness, the south kind of fucked itself up. With lots of resources, the south refused to industrialize like the north. When the inevitable end of slavery came, the south had to really catch up. On top of that, the south seceeded (thus starting the war) before Lincoln made any mention of ending slavery. In truth, Lincoln was a free-soiler (believed that any new states added to the union should be states where slavery is illegal, free states, however, that nothing should be done to slavery in existing states), not an abolitionist.