Explain the meaning to me. is it really as simple as "obsession corrupts"?

explain the meaning to me. is it really as simple as "obsession corrupts"?

You need to watch the movie from the 'inside' to truly understand all its complex subtlety.

capitalism corrupts

it's actually

>you'll never be satisfied if your dick doesnt work

how deep we talking? do i need to reinact? where do i find a ophan boy and a oil well?

No, there's more to it

Memes corrupt.
This movie is reddit. This movie is memes.

It's actually a character study. Movies aren't just giant metaphors.


Get a load of this fucking faggot.

Aside from an old screenplay, which was altered for the final film, this isn't explored enough in the final product to really place that much importance on it. Daniel mentioning having a home with children, but no mention of a wife, is curious, but never really explored very much.

Does your town not have an orphan and oil store?

thoughts so man why is this movie rates so highly then? i mean its directed nicely but beyond that its obvious from the start. thought maybe i missed something

>muh pretty pictures

Fucking end yourself, pseud.

no only rich white old people

It's amazing how you can make a movie seem like an elevated masterpiece if you make the story incredibly simple and shallow and show landscapes. Remember all those parts where it was just showing vistas or monotonous depictions of oil workers setting up equipment? A better movie would have filled that with character development or an intricate plot.
Far too often I felt I got the point of a scene and saw all the visual variety I could appreciate and had to stare for minutes on end bored until there was a transition. I watched this movie well above 2x speed and I still thought it moved like molasses.

Consider the fact that movies have no 'meaning' and are instead a cross of several themes. Asshole.

>he thinks every movie has to have a defined central message/meaning
Imagine being this pleb.


Yeah, this tbqh.

Are you implying character studies can't have deeper themes, just the exploration of a character? Mate...
Plus, seeking meaning in something != looking for metaphors, those are not necessarily the same things

It doesn't have a message, its a meme movie, taylor made for reddit

No, I'm implying that movies don't necessarily have a overall message/meaning, and that's not the point of this movie. They're not fables or parables.


Bingo. There is no real message or deeper meaning. PTA's strengths are aesthetics and working with actors. His films are displays of those abilities.

not sure why everyone needs to search for some deep underlying meaning to every single film

Because capitalism is worth criticizing? Just because it works better than the alternative has in the past doesn't mean it is idealistic.

People always go on about how many lives communism has claimed. Do you realize how many deaths there are because of capitalism? Probably incalculable numbers.

You don't have to be a commie to point out that capitalism isn't flawless. Capitalism paves the way for our future while digging our grave at the same time. It's great for us common folk, until it isn't.

yeah, communism is 10x worse you fucking stalin disciple. put a bullet in your head now comrade

>religion corrupts

This piece of entertainment was created to entertain you. That's the meaning.

Find yourself a Paul Dano and start there.

It's called cinematography, dipshit.

K, but there are plenty of movies that combine cinematography with interesting stories and characters. This didn't have the former, and only one of the latter. Kubrick films make TWbB look dull by comparison, and usually have more story and more interesting characters.


Yes. The Shining, which I think is Kubrick's best film, has a considerably more complicated story, (and it's not even that involved), and the visuals completely blow TWbB out of the water, it's not even a fair comparison.

but twbb has Paul F Tompkins in it checkmate athiests.

I honestly thought this movie was pretty lame. It's trying so very hard to seem deep but it's just not.
>The oil drill looks like a cross

It's not a bad movie but it's not deep or anything. Also, the voice DDL puts on for this is laughable. He sounds ridiculous.

It's a simple "power corrupts" story that can be entertaining at times.

>Also, the voice DDL puts on for this is laughable. He sounds ridiculous.
This. Sometimes, it was convincing, but often it was not, and had little range. It was like he was working so fucking hard for that Sscar and the performance suffered because of it. Granted, he won it, but that doesn't mean it was a superb performance.