Modern commifornia white girls our people are dying

Today I did not get any pussy from this no tit tired vegan that could be hot but she's a bernie sanders voter. And her german friend who is staying over and her we're arguing with me saying basically that donald trump is a certain way, and that certain way is exactly what they said about bush.. Same shit. Same muckadoo shit. They said trump was stupid and can't formulate a sentence and doesn't know how government works and didn't write his own book. I let them have it pol red pill style and they almost cried and then they tried to give me the cuck deny end of day thing when we got back to the apartment and I was like k bye and shook german girls little hand and let her feel some man strength her little pussy didn't know how to feel.

Contonued: Oh and some super beaners rolled up on us while us Caucasians were out front saying civil goodbyes even though I just lit them the fuck up and they were trying to pout like I won't just go fuck some big titty chic later who is actually not too tired from her vegan diet to wash her bed sheets. Anyways, these super beaners rolled up and tried to talk to, I say us, but really the white girls. And they were dragging the convo out like asking these dumb ass questions and I was like mannnn I should fuck these guys up. In the car we had just been talking about Mexicans and trump and what trump said, as we drive around back to her apartment in a formerly nice part of town that's been turned in to a mexican slum. Shit is crazy out here in commifornia. These bitches were trying to drink all their water the waitress brought us at this expensive restaurant we were at tonight becuase "there's a drought" also the vegan chic couldn't even drive her own car. She was scared to back out and turn around so we could put air in the tire and arguing me that it wasn't that important then realized the hose wouldn't reach. I knew it wouldn't because I'm a man. I backed her fucking car out and did it right in 4 seconds but she tried to cut me off all weird when I was putting air in on some feminist girls can do it shit. I just find it funny. Im hanging out with her mostly as a science project but I'm pretty much done now but need to move to where the smart good women are like Carly Fiorina's offspring.

so, that is when you started buying "___ for Dummies" books?

The books in the picture are books I read in 2015 on my own that I paid for. I never went to college. I make more money than most people. The Chics were arguing that college should be free.

Lol that for dummies book is the only stupid book there. It actually is for dummies I regret posting it.

Woah you expect me to read that massive blog post
>not your blog

What is the purpose of this thread?

>I regret posting it.

you should.

Things that never happened : the saga

are you on coke or something?

To complain and point out that Sup Forums is so right about how this world is going. We have to fight back. That vegan girl is gonna have to prep the bull.

>And her german friend who is staying over and her we're arguing with me saying basically that donald trump is a certain way, and that certain way is exactly what they said about bush.. Same shit.

yes, germans are idiots.

The thing is:
germans know as much about trump/bush as americans know about merkel.
That is to say: nothing.

And for me its as silly as when I hear Stefan Molyneux talk about Merkel and how she is an "overemotional woman" and shit like that.
It just doesn't make any sense and make the person saying it look stupid.

How the fuck does one require that many books about atmega microcontrollers? The Atmel docs aren't even as many pages as those books and cover everything one would ever want to know about the processor.

It was crazy how strongly she felt about trump and the way she thinks he is which is exactly what they said about bush. The hatred tier was insane while not knowing shit about him.


They all have different areas of code examples and projects. You can get a lot of what they say from forums but it's packaged better in the books. I built a robot that can do surgey and that chic is going to get raped soon by an illegal immigrant.

I don't know, i think it was supposed to be some creative writing practice. Like some kind of satire article on Somethingwaffle. Could be someone who thinks we are all MRA PUA NRAs and this is a pastiche of them, or not.

You should buy a book on the english language. If I was so bad at writing in my native tongue, I'd probably kill myself.

>I built a robot that can do surgey and that chic is going to get raped soon by an illegal immigrant.
This statement made me Kek way more than anything else I've read tonight. Carry on

Is this a Sup Forums's bookshelf thread?

if you're relying on code examples and not just reading the processor docs, you don't know how to program.

>if you're relying on code examples and not just reading the processor docs, you don't know how to program.

t. an autist.

You can program is the result is working as intended.

You're right im a fucking nigger. You caught me.

The fuck user, I can't tell if you hate this girl or really like her. Just suggest that she buy a gun for protection against any guy (instead of being specific) who might try sexually assaulting her.

>Autism: The Post

I could like her but damn maybe not. She'll probably call me up when something bad happens to her.

This is not a fucking blog.

Go to your facebook and post this shit where the people might actually give a shit about it.

>I backed her fucking car out and did it right in 4 seconds but she tried to cut me off all weird when I was putting air in on some feminist girls can do it shit.

It's fucking hilarious to me how transparent liberals/feminists/etc always are with their ideology. They wear it on their sleeve, they reveal their thoughts and aims entirely, all the while thinking they're being very obscure about it.

Think about how out of control their pride and gall must be to have to try to assert their retarded, bankrupt feminist worldview literally at the same moment that a man is fucking doing something for them because they can't.

>simply EPIC trump book (god emperor trump XDDD MAGA :P)
>all those arduino books stacked
>the "for dummies" series
>all of this garbage on top of the art of electronics
absolutely disgusting

Ignore her when she does, she's not worth your time or saving.
Idiots need to be dashed upon the rocks below the cliff they leap from.