Be American

>be American
>have to crowd fund your medicine
>die because nobody gives a shit about some random 26 year male

On thanksgiving I thank God that I was not born in that shithole.

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jeez this is worse than I thought

This would be understandable if America was a fascist-darwinist republic.

But they're degenerate cucks. Why are they letting this happen?

I'm going to call bullshit on this. He could've just went into a ER and they would've been forced to give him insulin.

Somewhere pharm execs and congressmen who worked hard to make insulin this expensive must be smiling ear to ear


Most Americans (especially conservatives) really don't care what happens to other people. We have a serious "every man for himself" mentality.

Of course, but probably at massive additional cost and no guarantee of maintenance insulin after he leaves

Hope I am wrong

What's ironic is that the victim fits the bill for the typical libertarian. I sure hope he wasn't one.

American isn't a nation. It's a group of very selfish people trying to share a piece of land. Everything about their politics is about trying to live together without killing each other.

That's why they need all that patriotic propaganda bullshit.

How can you be $50 short? Sell your fucking computer.

america is profit profit profit

He was trying to ration insulin. It got out of hand and he became unconscious and died. You cannot go to the ER when you are unconscious.

The payout only happens after the campaign hits the mark, but it seems like some inadvertent or unexpected death that isnt necessarily related to DKA/insulin insifficiency

He was already broke enough to not afford insulin, what are they going to do? Charge a broke man? By law hospitals in the US must stabilize any patient regardless of their ability to pay. This story probably has some parts missing to it like mental illness or something.

No rational person would choose to sit at home and die from lack of insulin instead of going to the er.

If he's too dumb to register for Medicaid or register with a non-profit

I'm not too sympathetic.


Scratch that, paranoia as usual

Yes, entered a diabetic coma and died

>Why are they letting this happen?
>they're degenerate cucks
You answered your own question.

>This story probably has some parts missing to it like mental illness or something.
>No rational person would choose to sit at home and die from lack of insulin instead of going to the er.
My thoughts as well. We have shit like Medicaid and non profits that will help.

meanwhile, insulin has been free in most of the countries, even third worlders, for 30 years

At least he won't get the chance to spread his defective genes

>American isn't a nation. It's a group of very selfish people trying to share a piece of land. Everything about their politics is about trying to live together without killing each other.
No, it's about conquering the other side. We are a nation of individualists that form tribes.

Haha what a dumbass for bot knowing how to survive while being poor, haha what an idiot hahaha

The metabolic disturbances that result from lack of insulin can affect brain function, a very important sign of diabetic ketoacidosis (body compensates by breaking down fat unproductively to fight off starvation, cant be fixed without insulin). There is cerebral oedema, dysfunction due to hyperglycaemia, potential elevation of intracranial pressure, and the elevated potassium can trigger fatal heart rhythm disturbances. Impairment of renal function can kill him by drowning his lungs internally

It was bound to happen, had he relied on rationing it for 10 days or 10 years. The most critical part of diabetes management in the long term according to recent studies is blood sugar maintenance within a narrow range, meaning he already accelerated the development of fatal complications

Tragic death if true

>We are a nation of individualists that form tribes.

Only an American could say something so retarded and think it makes sense

if he survived until christmas someone could have bought him healthcare as a gift

>Haha what a dumbass for bot knowing how to survive while being poor, haha what an idiot hahaha
Around 74 million Americans can figure out how to use Medicaid.

At some point his blood sugar impaired his ability to respond rationally to situations like this, he probably fell into a diabetic coma and died

Psychiatrists used this principle for insulin shock therapy in severely ill and unresponsive patients, back in the day when Nobels were handed out for lobotomies. John Nash the famous mathematician in A beautiful mind for instance lost all memory of attempting to solve the riemann hypothesis, god rest his soul

>one more dead american

Well at least they have the freedom to

Swedes and Germans are degenerate cucks and don't let this happen.

True but states have different legislation for Medicaid and can deny applications


Americans are so scared of communist dystopia yet they happily live in capitalist dystopia.

Looks like they not degenerate enough.

Patriotism does not come from shallow corporate control, but rather something that is nostalgic to Americans because this country used to be unified and great when it wasn't 56% white.

Even though this is social Darwinism, I don't understand why he didn't just get on welfare or something? Didn't read the article.

nah bulgarbro. Why the hell would sombody use gofundme to pay for insuline?

There is only so much someone else can do to save someone from themselves. He was an adult, he should've followed his doctors orders and taken the proper dosage at all times. If at some point he had no insulin at all he should've went directly to a doctor and have them assess his condition.

American healthcare has gaps that should probably be addressed, by this poor sod really is responsible for his own death.

I think his diabetes in most states should have gotten him on it. I know people who have been on it and they didn't have anything wrong with them. In New York State the doctor will sign you up automatically if you make below a certain amount.

Or maybe he should have lived in a civilised country

Yes, this is what I think is the case. American individualism means personal freedom and that equates personal reaponsibility. Morality aside this poor guy deserved to die for not understanding to situation to prevent it.

>every man for himself (and women, minorities, criminals and harambe)

Could something like this happen in Russia?

Sure. Our 'free' medicine is a fucking nightmare.

Yes, that's the biggest flaw of the system: it doesn't work if people aren't together as one. Bringing in minorities and supporting feminism only brings in more chaos to a ever growing shit fest
Pre 1965 these problems didn't really occur


This retard could have walked into any church/synagogue and they would have helped him.

The biggest words ever used in Africa.

Yes, there is freedom. It's just nowadays this freedom only lets the over logical calculators thrive as they profit from the system and take care of their in-chamber concealed carry firearms, and for everyone else it's an empty consumerist place. That's why people base relationships on money and yeah I could go on forever about how it's detrimental

That's the disconnect for me, at what point was insulin truly inaccessible and why didn't doctors sense an inability to comply with life-saving medication? Every modern doctor knows that diabetes can affect cognitive function severely in the long term as well, producing a dementia-like condition

Here's where it gets even more sorrow, his mother died of an insulin shortage, he died while making funeral arrangements for her, and the GoFundMe was for only 750USD, just one months supply

(article links are spam for Sup Forums)

You tell me

We don't have gofundme.

asperger's = stilted/unnatural language

i know that feel bro
t. literal diagnosed autist

They forgot to mention this guy "celebrated his 47th birthday" for 2 weeks with his alcoholic friends before getting to the hospital after drunken brawl. Staff got really tired of him, he didn't fulfil doctor's prescriptions and offended nurses. In the beginning of the video you can see him leaving the ward once again to ask alcohol. Oh yes, let's save this drunken annoying fuck one more time while a lot of patients wait for a medical help

I think I might be high functioning autism. Is there any way to make sure of it without legally getting labeled it?

How Is Not Being Able To Afford Medicine Real Nigga Just Take Up Debt Lmao

glad i have state provided health coverage

All of the companies that sell overpriced patent protected drugs have discount programs anyway. Even someone with no insurance and barley any money can get medicine cheaply if they bother to put in any effort at all

Checked, m8

For me if you've seen Veep its the paranoia from my inability to properly assess social situations, if I let go I am innocent and dumb to the point of honesty, If I engage its paranoia, apprehension and negative outcomes. Literally the difference between Richard Splett and Jonah on Veep

Its a comprehensive diagnosis of a lifetime developmental disorder for us, very difficult to diagnose and even the DSM-V doesn't have hard criteria, you'll have to go to a psychiatrist with your mother and father and let them individually assess you and the parents during your upbringing, for others it might be as plain as day (me and brother)

Same. Feels really bad.
Diagnosed with asperger's.

It's not easy asking for help from complete strangers. I guess he did the GoFund thing but it's different.

Dunno why people are acting like shit like this isn't common - people all across the country, even those with insurance will ignore medical issues or try to avoid going to doctors just to avoid massive costs. The system is fucked.

why didn't he go to like hospital for insulin? makes absolutely no sense.

PLEASE someone get me out of this country

Because he was rationing it and didn't do it right. The guy obviously couldn't afford his insulin so having to go to the ER and spending minimum $400+ to get some doesn't seem like an option.

what? it costs something like 20 euros here to go to the ER, and i think that is fucking up poors too much but 400$ jfc absolutely insane

If he doesn't have enough money to buy insulin than the hospital won't bother to collect the ER fee

Bullshit, most hospitals will send that to collections and everything. You can ask the hospital to put it on some kind of payment plan or something but they're collecting.


>what are they going to do? Charge a broke man?
Literally yes. Entire industries in the US thrive off of keeping people in inescapable debt for their entire lives.

I've done it lots of times. Tell them you have no income; usually they won't even bother to check if you really do

You're lucky to have a forgiving hospital in your area. Mine offered 10% off as a non insurance user and payment plans for a $500 exam and tetanus shot after a car accident.

It can be much more ridiculous than that. If you need to be transported in an ambulance, that's thousands of dollars. If you need an MRI, an IV, any kind of medication or testing or imaging - every single thing gets charged to you at an obscene price. People get their quotes from the emergency room charging hundreds of dollars for literal bandaids.
The only people who defend this deplorable shit are aging boomers like my parents who listen to cable news tell them that any health care alternative is communism that will spend all their retirement money on trannies getting sex changes. Sup Forums too, I guess, but they're retards.

Why do your hospitals allowed these extortionist prices? It is obvious to everyone that they and the insurance companies collude but nothing is done by it.

Insuline is less than $50, you dipshit. Your friend is dead because he was too stupid to stay alive, not too poor.

Go ahead then, he literally died without insulin because he could not afford it. Charge him for it and then he'll declare bankruptcy, nothing happens.

What was he more afraid of going bankrupt or dying?

*votes against labors*
that was a close one, I almost had extra time off and better pay, but at least Im not a communist

The people who are affected by it are poor, so we don't get to change fuck all.
Half of these poor people are swayed by propaganda telling them that this is the Best Healthcare in the World and they should be PROUD of it. Fixing this severely broken system would be communism, and you don't want to be a fucking communist, do you? The other half of the people affected by this don't have enough power to do anything about it.
You'd be shocked how deeply entrenched the American right is. You see stupid frogposting Sup Forumstards online, but they're a small minority. Most republican voters are old people or people in rural areas who only get severely manipulated information about the world around them. I came home for Thanksgiving and my father offhandedly mentioned that net neutrality was "communism at its finest" when we were just talking about tv.

So in short the biggest enemy against advancements are stupid people and on second place corporations using billions of money not to improve themselves, but to kill any competition via ANY means.

but alcoholism is a disease.

ebin m8
>implying he would have fared better in Hungary.

Why didn't he sign up for subsidized health insurance before he aged out? Sounds like poor long term planning.

Basically, yes. But this is Your Patriotic Duty© as an American, to endlessly send your wealth upwards in the hope that it trickles back down, in this life or the next.

>to endlessly send your wealth upwards in the hope that it trickles back down

How does that work?

It doesn't work. People just tell themselves that, one day, when they come up with their million dollar idea and leave the other poors behind, it will finally come back in their favor.

What is the difference between taxes and theft brazil user?

The one of many differences between usa and czechia is that here education and healthcare are free. On the other hand usa has the most expensive army in the world. What do you think is better for average citizen?