Why are only white people blamed for what our ancestors did?

Why are only white people blamed for what our ancestors did?

Because we listen to the people blaming us.

Buffoons like Trump fuel stereotypes pushed against white people. He's anti white.

only race intelligent and moral enough to think it matters
communist jews take advantage of this

Because the people blaming have the money, power, and know how to infiltrate our societies at all levels and push whatever agenda they want. And we lack what it takes to really organize and pushback against them in the social institutions and public consciousness.

They play every side to their advantage. Neo nazis, anti-whites, republican, democrat, ect ect: they win no matter what happens.

We're on the wrong (((side))) of history

Go back to your caravan, gypsy.



Ours were successful.



I'm sick of defending myself when it comes to the Aboriginals fucking muslims REEEEE



i agree this walking meme is anti civilization. he may be less evil and cynical than clinton but he's fucking grotesque. no way this guy represents the West




Only Western White people are.


Because (((they))) want to globalise the West

Because you're the only ones stupid enough to fall for it and give people money for it.