Redpill me on Reagan

Redpill me on Reagan.

Republicans worship him like a god, but liberals say all his policies failed.

What's the truth?

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Honestly if liberals believe something it is probably wrong.


A charismatic front man for the Bush family. He was essentially the start of the presidents without substance problem America currently has.

Considering the amount of influence his colleagues had over policy, in particular Bush Sr, I would argue that he was the United States' first Prime Minister.

Above average, by American president standards. It was very good of him to stand up to the Commie Shayteen, and his economic policies were probably necessary at the time. But his support for Israel and his attacks on Libya were very, very bad...

It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant. They just know so much that isn't true.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about: The Post

He was probably the most effective president in recent memory. His policies were good for the time though many conservatives make the mistake of wanting to use all of his ideas to solve today's issues.

He worked across party lines a lot more than Obama ever has and at the time most libs either tolerated him or voted for him. Its only today, years after the fact, they claim to have hated him.

They are ignorant though. Try talking to any one of them about anything, the second they hear something they don't agree with they completely shut down and in some cases get violent. Isn't it ironic the people who preach tolerance are so intolerant themselves.

pure uninformed nostalgia. supply side economics was a criminal scam.

That reads like something from /r/politics

What do you disagree with? Bush Sr being the policy man behind Reagan? I thought that was the general consensus.

I am not criticising his government, the effectiveness of its policies or even the man himself, but I have never seen any evidence suggesting that Reagan was the autocratic head of state that American's seem to typically make their presidents out to be.

Reagan gets praised and criticised for 'Reaganomics', which is either free market enabling or trickle down globalist garbage depending on your political leanings. All I am claiming is that Reagan was not the brains behind this.

Just the right amount of deregulation, caused awesome booms for America. Liberals like to blame him for 2008, but it was Bill who repealed Glass-Steagall like the good Jewish monkey he is.

Drummed up unfounded hysteria about the USSR

>A charismatic front man for the Bush family

Yes, you don't know what your talking about.

He was the turning point from a great America to a less greater America.

He made the rich ticher so of course Republicans would like him.

Just fuck my economy up senpai.

Why does anyone believe in trickle-down economics? He also started the whole amnesty for spics thing you guys love to do.

He started the war on drugs, so fuck him

He was the beginning of the end for the American lower middle class.

This. It kills me that conservatives deify this cunt. I don't get it. I guess some people fall for a confident John Wayne type of moron.

Every President has been shit since JFK.

Biggest globalist cuck to ever be in the white house and easily one of the worst presidents.

take that back

I never looked at it that way.

How was JFK good? Besides the whole moon landing speech. What else did he do?

The best thing to happen to JFK's presidency was the bullet that ended it. Literally he was well on the way to being a lame duck but the bullet got the feels on his side and most of the shit that got passed post-humorously in his name was ONLY passed because he left his brain in Texas.

he spuppoted the sandniggers thats a big fail

i also dont like his economic policies they are probaly the reason why the gap between rich an poor got bigger.

but he made the commies btfo

>sold weapons to terrorists
>let Saddam gain power
>negotiated with terrorists
>started Grenada - why?
>at the time, set record level deficits
>unemployment increased under him
>didn't help farmers, but instead shit on them
>used social security to pay for budget deficits he created (poor financial management)
>raised taxes
>granted citizenship to undocumented immigrants

Sorry, can't red pill you on him because by today's standards, the guy was barely a republican.

cucked the russians out of cuba

>started Grenada
lol wut? He started it? No. He got the American kids out. We didn't even participate in their little civil war.

Gotta go to work, and not much time to argue - so strike Grenada off that list because compared to the other stuff that was pretty insignificant.

What about raising taxes, increasing debt, trading with terrorists, allowing immigrants?

At best, he's a purple pill.

Ahh, Jimmy. The only ex-president who still qualifies to be president.

You can always ignore these dumb niggers who claim Reagan raised taxes. Start to finish the top marginal rate went from fucking 75% to 28% under Reagan. Literally nothing else a sorry motherfucker who will lie about that says is worth listening to.

So what about you being a lying nigger who is trying to misrepresent facts?

Reagan stoked the Iran-Iraq War. That bloody decade long fight kept both of them out of the build nukes and kill everyone game. We made Iraq the joke it was for the express purpose of fucking Iran. The Bushes were the ones who couldn't keep Saddam on his leash, and so they knocked him over. Net zero.

Our debt has increased constantly. It's always setting a record level. Even when Clinton or Obama is cooking the books to claim a surplus, or smallest deficits in 100 years.

Fuck farmers. Fuck them to death. Whenever a lying nigger like you talks about farmers, you are always actually crying for ConAgra or some other megacorp.

The Democrat's deception on Amnesty under Reagan is precisely why Conservatives fight like hell to stop them doing it again. At the time, it was a one off. A first novel approach to negotiate a solution to illegal immigration with the Democrats. Then the reneged on the border protection and everything else. Also, Clinton amnestied many, many more than were granted amnesty under Reagan.

Libya became the peaceful little lamb it was until Obama fucked it precisely because of Reagan's attacks on Libya.

You fire a cruise missile directly through the Supreme asshole's front door in an absolutely fucking serious attempt to end his life, and he will reconsider that terrorist bullshit. He was still so fucking scared 30 years later that he unilaterally disarmed again when Bush made his preemptive threats against Iraq, just in case.

Bush was an 11th hour stand-in VP because the deal Reagan had been cooking with Gerald Ford fell apart.

They were not friends. They did not like each other. Bush knew a guaranteed ride to the Presidency when he saw it though, and never hesitated.