"Some called me a Georgian, an Armenian. Others called me even, excuse me for uttering this word, a white...

>"Some called me a Georgian, an Armenian. Others called me even, excuse me for uttering this word, a white. I am a Black man"
-Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

They have taken Mugabe and indicted Bashir but they will never get you Lord Emperor

>erdoğan is literally the god emperor of turkcuckistani

You can disagree with him, You can dislike him. It's okay. It's your natural right to dislike someone. But insulting him like THIS is the off-limits. I

Honestly wonder about the consequences if US invaded Turkey to bring some freedoms.
They're not quite on the same level as Iraq but nor strong enough to kick US's ass

I pray one day god blesses our nation with a wise ruler like him

May KARA BOĞA (PBUH) protect REİS.

This is going too far


*tayyip fez*

Yeah I agree no one should call somebody a "white" because they disagree/hate with eachother. It's a far off-limit and disgusting slander.

>"Speaking on a trip to Istanbul as part of an American envoy, General Lee Mattis expressed both surprise and dismay at the formidable Turkish military accumen. "Back in the day men and not electronics won wars, and I can safely say today that should Turkey find itself in military combat against the United States, they will administer the single most significant ass-whooping in the history of our humble nation". Upon being confronted with the domineering presence of Erdogan, he quickly paced towards his aeroplane and loud noises were subsequently heard from the lavatory."

In Albanian law you get into blood feud if you call a proud BLACK Albanian wh*Te.

Jomhuriye Gharb Turkmenistan lives on in all of it's glory in memory of all the cotton pickers.

He still failed to frag his arch enemy Fethullah Gülen.

what kinda of a punk as georgian bitch lets someone coup d'état his kingdom and lets the sole perpetrator get away with it?

Sounds like a threat. Aren't high end generals taught to not say stupid shit that may cause an act of war?

I have to come clean

I made it up

You genuinely had me fooled. Apply for a job at CNN and fool the world.

No it was a comedic attempt and I failed

My goal is to become a writer for the Dailly Show or Last Week tonight. Sometimes the best sophistication is in simplicity

Why not just apply for Sudanese national television?

The irony is that the US elite genuinely say and do stupid shit like that is why I wasn't too surprised. Take a look at Trump for example, guy's a fucking joke.

Otherwise it was a good attempt bud

The virgin nationalist

They dont appreciate humour

Thank you to all understanding Americans who know the joke wouldnt work without the absurdity of the worlds most powerful army being defeated in it

The other day I was legit thinking of writing fake news just to see memes being spread and laughing

It was a joke.

Write an embarrassing article about bashir and then spam it on sudanese social media with VPN

Good idea, it might even hit newspapers

Couldnt tell
Because it wasnt funny

i will die for REIS and omar al bashir

You did good, the dutch is just an autist


Laughed very hard at this desu