God this movie fucks me up still

God this movie fucks me up still.

I've seen it dozens of times, and it's just masterful.

Is that Batman the Dark Night?

Thought the same.Every time I watch it I just notice something new.It's great.

Is that dubs man?


It's the undisputed #1

I love Black Knight too.

>check these dubs




Equilibrium was kino

This is one of those movies that instantly weeds out stupid people. The plot is not that complex but so many people can't seem to understand it.

Let's ask

Could you imagine if he actually said that out of nowhere as his last words


I met Christian Bale and asked if I could get a video of him doing the point and saying "check 'em" but he rolled his eyes at me. He was completely aware of the meme.


Literally what movie, I've never heard of a black and white Christian Bale film.

The Prestige. The .gif is edited to b&w.

If he wasn't aware of it, then it would be totally normal for him to be like "wtf, no, fuck off with your retarded shit". But if he actually understood the reference and he still refused, then he's kind of a dick imo.

Great movie.


We were waiting for our plane and he looked pretty tired. He chatted with me, so he wasn't a dick. He just wasn't interested in letting me record him for a maymay.

Any other movies similar to The Prestige? I loved it but have yet to experience the same 'mind-blown' feel from any other movie.

I didn't know that Sup Forums unironically liked it because Nolan. I fucking loved the prestige.

Hating Nolan is a meme. Although he always has ridiculous fuck ups in otherwise good/decent movies. He fucked up the ending to Interstellar.

The Illusionist
Source Code

The Prestige > Inception > TDK > Memento > Interstellar > Batman Begins > Insomnia > The Dank Meme Rises

Thank you based Nolan


Thread ruined lmao

He's right there

Why do people find dubs funny?



Oh fucking kek

Fuck off. The Illusionist isn't mind-bendy or mind-blowing at all and Source Code is instantly forgettable.


Maybe someday you'll know


We're historians, collectors, marking the notations down as the universe hands them to us.

It's emblematic of all life, no, all existence. This universe is merely a vessel for us to sit and wait, and check as dubs are delivered.

Spotted the newfag.

I never get dubs

You don't deserve them



Looks like 85 is your shitty number

2 85's in a row. Does that count as dubs?

Fuck no.

No, but these do

How do I get dubs

It was.

It is, Christopher Nolan really is a good director. Not to mention it's packed full of good actors.




Easily Nolan's best work. I wish he would go back to this kind of stuff, I thought Inception was a step in the right direction but, then he went and made Interstellar.


Seriously. Just watched with a friend who said he didn't like it because they didn't explain enough and it was stupid that we didn't know he had a brother the whole time I was a little upset

Is the movie any good? Never seen it. Ignore my dubs.

>known for doubles (doppels)
>literally doppels in movie

wrinkeled my brain

Very nice, Impressive.

nope you fucking amateur, check mine

The check was sufficient, Louis!