"ha ha women are inferior and will never achieve"

>"ha ha women are inferior and will never achieve"

>"I do not believe this is true and to put it to the test i will try and encourage women to work longer and go into stem fields"


Other urls found in this thread:


t. roastie

pole, i have a deep and profound respect for your women
did you know that 37% of senior managers in poland are women?
go polish women!

Funny thing is when I look at the long list of coworkers I've had in both STEM and other fields, some of the best are women while almost all of the dipshits are men. Just my personal experience.

>"men and women are equal"
>"I support equality"
>"let's discriminate men and give priviledges to women as they were mentally challenged and disable to achieve anything by their own"

>Women are dumber than men
>The reason fewer women are convicted of murder is because they use more clever methods of killing

Except that the people who say the first sentence would never say something like the 3rd one, they would just scoff and say "well of course she is going to have a career, women no longer care about kids".
The guys that say the 3rd line are usually the butthurt virgins. Not that they don't have some points but you know, fox, grapes etc.

t. misogynistic pigs

why does my country have such mentally ill posters?

Hey, at least you aren't Canada.

Dont you understand the word "encourage"?

Is daneposting the new leafposting?

danes have never accomplished anything, denmark has no good products to offer the world

who cares roastie, take it to tumblr


what do you mean?
that every person who wants more women in stem fields are not in stem?
even if it was true doesn't interfere with my point

Women is for rape only

mehmet pls go

good thread op

>meet a vocal MRA person
>check his steam profile
>cropped anime porn avatar
>reddit/Sup Forums groups
>4000 hours in dota 2

nice meme roasts

Not so fast, Goymoney
>Glöwen/Neuruppin. Rechte Aufmärsche, Gegendemonstrationen, Zoff zwischen Staatsanwaltschaft und Gerichten: Der Fall eines 16 Jahre alten afghanischen Flüchtlings, der zwei 9 und 11 Jahre alte Jungs vergewaltigt beziehungsweise sexuell missbraucht haben soll, erhitzt die Gemüter in Glöwen (Prignitz). Rechtsradikale Gruppen wie die „freien Kräfte Neuruppin/Oberhavel“, ihre Prignitzer Sektion und die NPD haben am Wochenende 100 Demonstranten auf die Straße gebracht – schon zum zweiten Mal. Stadt und Landkreis hielten dagegen und brachten ihrerseits 100 Gegendemonstranten in Stellung.

stem fields doesn't prove anything, all it takes is standard reasoning, thinking outside the box is good but by no means required and i would put my hand to cut those who do it are all men

t. virgin

I have nothing against MRAs though


When I entered university the first year was full of guys, around 40, and barely any gals , 6 to be more precise. Now I'm in my third year and it's 20~ guys and the exactly 6 same girls. This led me to notice a pattern, most f the d00ds that left were manchilds that believed they were more intelligent than they really were and thus didn't put a much effort as the girls did. Still, a woman is a rare sight in the telecommunications faculty.