What do non-Americans think of Black Friday?

What do non-Americans think of Black Friday?


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It's shameful

This is russian internet video tier

shamefur dispray

We have black friday too. It's the day where there's no woman at work.

it's the day where the weak are purged, and the strongest thrive

Capitalism > Socialism

im embarassed that it has spread to our cunt as well
look at this chaos youtube.com/watch?v=xbSKIpQIkdI

It's like they're going to jail

I like the Sup Forumstards in the comments pretending it is a race thing. Whites are just as bad as blacks here on Black Friday



It doesn't change the fact that capitalism is shit.

Americans are savage


>you worked and managed to get a nice fortune?
>too bad, you must give it to the rest of us, AKA, lazy, leftist niggers/ college stundets becasue socialism works!
Fuck off, the day america would become socialist would be the same day every rich person from that 1 % would move their cash to banks in switzerland making their cash niggers and leftist wanted so much untochable

more like
>you managed to be lucky enough to be born in a rich family

Wouldnt work in Switzerland for Burgers but yes. I agree

>people don't get rich by their work they always get born into rich family
fuck off you lazy piece of communist filth

>this is what poorfags actually believe
It's actually just bad parenting that most people stay poor.

Of course some people are simply born into wealth. But if you live in the first world it's perfectly possible to crawl out of poverty and secure your own wealth.

Love that "rich people all worked hard to get that money" meme haha


People are still dumb savages in 100% of the world. News at 11:00.

I was born homeless with a single mom and sure I suppose it was harder than average for me but I stayed in school and ignored nigging to go to college and get a middle class job which allows me to support myself

>>you worked and managed to get a nice fortune?
With a few exception, the top 1% didn't work and manage to be rich, they inherited.

>Grzegorz is sucking wh*te man's cock again.

You can always take the wealth of the 1% by the ancient right of conquest.

I add that most of them never worked of their life, so they worked and managed, let me laugh.

you can call me red menace btw

It's quite sick

black friday is when?

Can I purchase from Nippon?

Even if that is the case then their parents or grandparents worked hard for that money so their children could live a good life. Not your right to take it away.

I came from a middle class family and studied law. Then when I was done I dropped it all and started my own business in tourism. Which has nothing to do with what I studied and makes me more money than I could ever earn having a job.

I read a lot of books about entrepreneurship and learned a lot of valuable lessons that they don't teach you in school. Your parents and teachers try to turn you into a worker drone, but that isn't actually what a person should be doing.

Why are most Euros paralyzed by defeatism and finger pointing?

Statistically, In America, to be in the upper middle class you have to graduate high school, have kids after marriage, and don’t go to jail

it's shameful, but I bought Dark Souls on steam for 5 dollars in 2016 black friday and it was great, so I am glad for those discounts.

How is it living in the 1960s?

>your grandpa got rich becasue he started making candy in the 30s
>he started doing it by hand in his garage
>his kids and their kids take care of the company, expand their buisness
>company is now known world wide
>it's being handed to the newest generation of owners
>"you just got born into rich family, give me all your cash!!!!!!!"

praise GAWDDDD

t. Enrique De’Kevin Hernandez

>give me all your cash!!!!!!!

me too. YOu can work and get on some sort of a good level but only small percentage of them will be millionaires. most of them get born in rich families: Trump, Musk etc.or just make a shady busines: Putin, Buffet....

Why not kill them and tak ethier shit?

Mongols were dirt poor nomads all the time on the verge of starvation and they decided not to take it anymore and few decades later, the daughters of once rich monarchs take mongol cock every night.

if your descendants are entitled to wealth acquired by you, shouldn't they also be responsible for your wrongdoings and actions?

doesn't give you right to take their wealth just becasue they're smarter and more inovative than your lazy ass

so getting rich is now a crime that my grand kids will go to jail for?

I mean Madoff lel

>you aren't as rich as some people so you have to rob them
poor bait, fuck off

The problem is that parents and teachers tell kids what they know.
But if they haven't made it themselves then what do they know?

>Not your right to take it away.

slave mentality

Real men are conquerors who take away by the ancient right of conquest!

>shouldn't they also be responsible for your wrongdoings and actions
False equivalence
No they shouldnt. Wealth is an object that can be passed on.
Ethical and legal responsibility pertains to the individual.

>>you aren't as rich as some people so you have to rob them
what? speak english you retard

fucking apes

>your uncle killed somebody so you are going to jail
this is how stupid you sound

Send it back please we're Americanised enough as it is.

I don't think we have fights like you do but it's still everywhere now.

Nigger mentality

We live in a civilization of laws that enable societal, economical and technological growth. There is still room for conquest but within that legal framework. Otherwise you end up in an africa-tier shithole of a society where there is no incentive to create anything useful.

It's great and pretty big here. Got a sweet ass mechanical keyboard for 20 Euros and a Xbox one slim for 110 Euros.

>>you aren't as rich as some people so you have to rob them

Wrong, you rob other poor people to rise above them. Rich people invested substatial portion of their wealth into protection, both legal and armed, so good luck trying to rob them.

If my mentality is a nigger one, the I am proud to be black.


>pepiks are niggers
color me surprised

I don't get it why we've got it too in Europe.
Fucking amerifucks.

>not ordering of amazon
just a bunch of plebs

Amazon only sells ebooks here.

bol.com and coolblue own the Dutch market.

Why can't people behave in an orderly fashion? What causes this barbarism? It's not just the nignogs.

nignogs have contaminated the whole gene pool

You were so close to making a good point.
Should inheritability of wealth also include debt outstanding?