Can we discuss why edgy alt-righters think they have more rational beliefs than SJW's when in reality both movements...

Can we discuss why edgy alt-righters think they have more rational beliefs than SJW's when in reality both movements are grounded in emotional based reasoning?

Alt-righters unironically think they are superior to SJW's when they are nothing but their equivalents on the political right.

The irony is priceless


*sigh*....fucking leaf

>le emotional reasoning
>i am le rational centrist

You are the fedora here

the alt-right is a step above Leftism but I agree with your assessment. People seem incapable of throwing out one ideology and not latching on to another.

Did I invade your safespace Sup Forums?

Can you actually come up with a rational excuse as to why you aren't emotionally based cunts.

alt-right are race realists. SJW are genetic deniers.

meme warfare has begun

>SJWs are still mad about "SJW" becoming a common pejorative
>SJWs are still trying to meme the "alt-right" as a thing in self-defense
>it STILL hasn't worked, while normies still make fun of SJWs with normie-tier memes like "triggered" and "attack helicopter"

All I see is you crying and tipping your fedora, you haven't said anything of worth yet. A completely throwaway "I'm upset about Sup Forums thread".

>I'm a neutral both sides r just as bad maaaaaaan

Like said, you're the only fedora tipper here.

The fedora meme is much more commonly associated with Libertarians and anti-feminists so i don't know why you're using that on me.

I also appear to have triggered you so I apologize.

>Doesn't realize that you don't have to be an SJW to think alt-righters are fucking stupid
You realize people can have political beliefs outside of those 2 categories right?

China and Russia kinda are close to alt-right ideals and those countries exists and are becoming more powerful, basically most alt-right related ideals exists and some of them work. SJW shit on the other is just now tried for the first time and it isnt apparent if it works.

Ok so on one hand alt-righters support libertarianism but on the other they also support authoritarianism. Or was I just mistaken then? I guess alt-righters don't believe in political freedoms.

Socio-economic freedoms and authoritarianism don't go hand in hand. I hope this is self-evident to everyone.

Russia becoming more powerful? On what fucking planet?

Came here to post this image.


I think alt-rightist are either the very few rich 5-10% were most are some sort of socio or psychopaths with no moral or empathy. The few rich with morale and empathy are mostly addicts booze, drugs, pills.

Or the alt-rightist not in the very rich group are wannabies, low self esteem, easily lead people or the very disgruntled who need to blame someone else or as i call it the "its someone elses fault" generation.

- "Its the poors fault, they need to be punished so they get even poorer and hopefully commit suicide."

- "Its the latinos fault, if we get them out of the country everything will be better"

- "Its the blacks fault they should go back to africa"

- "Its the muslims fault, if there were no muslims the world would be a paradise"

I guess if the poor, latinos, black or muslims went away who are we gonna blame next? A alt-rightist can never blame him or herself.

>Ok so on one hand alt-righters support libertarianism but on the other they also support authoritarianism

Both strains support inequality, the form of economics don't matter. The libertarianism is just anglo provincialism that has been rooted out of this board due to european style conservatism being popular here.

>Socio-economic freedoms and authoritarianism don't go hand in hand. I hope this is self-evident to everyone.

All of Asia points that you are wrong. Economic freedom is compatible with authoritarianism. Unlike the dictatorship leading to communism part of Marxism, authoritarianism can lead to a more humane form of social capitalism.

тe пpeз 90-тe нeмoжeхa дa гъгнaт бe бpaт. A ceгa ca вoдeщe в хибpиднaтa вoйнa. Cтигa cи гoвopил глyпocти.

they have become exponentially more powerful since the 90's and early-mid 2000's

If you identify as that, you are embarassing.

>Rejecting egalitarianism is is Far right

I'm not sure if that pic is ironic or not, but to be on the safe side please kill yourselves.

Look at Sam Hyde

Rich white guy whos dad is a millionaire, never worked hard on anything in his life or contributed to society in any meaningful way and doesn't pay taxes.

Yet he can stand on stage and talk about all his alt right bullshit like hes the worlds number 1 hard working man

But we are emotionally based cunts.

I've been saying this for a while, the alt right suffers from the same extreme lack of personal responsibility that the left suffers from.

They both are entitled uncompetitive lazy fucks who constantly make excuses and blame others for their own personal failings.

The only thing you have right is that people who are called 'alt-right' don't have much empathy, or at least claim to not have any.

OP is an SJW shill, and a bad one at that.

What is the "alt-right" exactly? I broadly understand it, but I can't pinpoint any of their ideas.

Thanks, i thought nobody would even comment or if they did it would be total hate so thanks.

Stage 4 with memes.


SJWs were winning.

Now, the alt-right and Trump are winning. By using the tactics of the SJWs against them.

You are butthurt that they are effective. People like Milo and Cernovich, even if you do not like them, have been very effective.

Bingo. The Left blames whites of today and the past, the "Alt Right" blames modern non-whites and Leftists. Neither can just sit down, assess their own shortcomings, and work on those. Instead, both cry for safe spaces where they can be free of the other. They're both fighting over the same spaces (video games, movies, social media, etc), and their difference turns on whether they want to include (the Left) or exclude (Alt Right) particular groups of people, such as women, non-whites, non-Christians, etc.

They're literally two sides of the same coin. Both are products of our social media and Internet-based "outrage culture" that has become so common these days.

It's just a blanket term to describe a coalition of various right-wing ideologies and positions who have some commonalities, such as the use of Internet memes and being provocative as a means of railing against "PC culture". It can pretty much be described as "Sup Forums" and "Trump support".

Lol "traditionalists" that worship a gay degenerate and a tranny supporting reality show host

Thanks, only canadians seems to like part of my post or even care to comment.

That's because the mass man culture already happened in the early 20th century. You can't escape this shit without total revolt.

>everyone should be mixed together despite the fact it's proven multiculturalism doesn't work and monoracial/cultural societies are more harmonious.

Could you be anymore Jewish?

>everyone should split off and embrace nationalism even though its proven that only creates world wars and the death of millions because of a ridiculous sense of tribalism

Could you be anymore retarded?

World Wars are caused by technology and loss of pre-modern types of government that the Enlightenment forced to our world. Read some Frankfurt School user.

>not filling your country up with third world trash and destroying your ethnic and cultural identity to satiate the interests of craven globalist billionaires means you're going to invade other countries

>ignoring the fact nationalists have consistently been against war/intervention in the Middle East and elsewhere whilst the mainstream political establishment has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands.

>ignoring the fact that mass immigration motivates rather than quells inter ethnic hatred

>probably unironically supports Israel

Jew confirmed.

multiculturalism does work for the most part. Assimiliation is preferable but keeping harmless cultural traits is not that big a deal. But nobody in their right mind is claiming that all cultures are equal. For instance, Immigrants from Asian and East European cultures have meshed pretty well into Western Civilization. Even Africans outside of the U.S have more or less adapted well (except for Somalians).

>SJWs say that all cultures are equal
>Alt-righters say that Anglo-centric culture is superior
Whats wrong with taking a middle-ground?

To claim that multiculturalism in its entirety is wrong because some fucking Muslim barbarians from the middle-east can't adapt is preposterous.

fucking leaf....

You mean feudalism? Are seriously advocating for the return of Aristocratic Feudalism?

>By using the tactics of the SJWs against them.
I think this is a key point. One of SJWs' main tools is shame tactics. They use it because they know how effective it is against them, and they assume everyone is like that. It's why they repeatedly call Donald Trump and his supporters "racists". It's why they think "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??" is a good argument.

If a SJW said something like "we need to open the border and just let anyone in no questions asked", you don't even have to give a compelling, fact based argument for why they're wrong. You could just go "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" and have 10 people point and laugh at them, and that would actually change their mind. That's how stupid they are.

Also, we're projecting too, when we assume that facts and logic are what it takes to convince them. No, they don't care about facts and logic just because we do. They only care about whether they were humiliated or not, and whether their ideas had the backing of their tribe / herd.

Multiculturalism is inherently undesirable because having other ethnicities in significant numbers only leads to division. It's been shown time and time again that homogenous countries are more stable, have lower crime rates, and higher levels of social cohesion and trust. There is no point in multiculturalism. It has no positives.

If Multiculturalism works so well then why is the Southwestern United States a crime-wracked hellhole? Why are the negro infested cities the absolute worst in the nation?

I'll tell you why, because the mestizo and negro populations aren't integrating and can't integrate, being a bunch of subhuman barbarians.

>It's why they repeatedly call Donald Trump and his supporters "racists"
ok but the alt-right is pretty racist according to every definition of the word. So its not like the accusation has no bearing in reality. I mean look at Sup Forums. Its the bastion safespace for alt-right "thought" and nobody would say that this place isn't racist.

The alt right are just red tories given a new name

>A fucking alt right knight

Pahaha you cucks were made for each other that's for sure, just waiting for Germany to come along and pat you on the backs too.


rly makes u think

the alt right is a subversion of the right wing. not an opponent of the left, although the opposition is natural, it's not an active goal to attack the left. it's goal is to overthrow the right.

that image would be accurate if those Gavin/Milo/Sargon fans were actually alt-right.

alt-right is cancer like neo-nazis, they give the dangerous cancer on the left ammunition and precious damage control. The radical left and it's obnoxious authoritarianism has destroyed political debate

That's not how google works. That graph is not of searches made strictly by SJWs, its by everyone using google.

Not an argument.

>Can you actually come up with a rational excuse as to why you aren't emotionally based cunts.


Short answer son; try not to miss it: The philosophy of John Locke + Andrew Breitbart's liberal-to-conservative epiphany re: Clarence Thomas, who was charged with racialized sexual harassment because he was a conservative.

Pan the camera back and one realizes the greater meta that all identity politics is divisive.

There. Done.

Canada has many different ethnicities and most are able to adapt. The only notable exceptions from personal experience and observation are Somalis, Arab Muslims, and Natives.

Positives can include cuisine and other harmless cultural appropriations. I for one fucking love curry, sushi, shawarmas, etc.
Because of a history of discrimination and oppression towards blacks and latinos which still lasts to this day albeit to a lesser degree?

Two sides of the same coin, these retards will never believe it but it's true.

>will suppress different opinions.

No, we don't. you'll notice all we do is call you a fucking retard and bash on you, but we do that no matter the environment, you still have free speech.

Free speech is not being able to always have your opinions agreed with, it is being able to state your opinion.

have some "emotions" in the form of statistics and facts.

Racism does not work in the way SJWs think it does. They think racism is a secret thing that people don't know they have in their heads, and only they can spot it, and you aren't allowed to deny it, and if you do deny it, that only makes you "extra" racist, and you're "proving their point". Racism is not a subconscious thing. If you call someone a racist, and they deny it, then they're not a racist. If you call someone racist, and they non-ironically say something like "fuck yeah I'm racist hang all them fuckin' niggers!", then they're racist.

Even if someone says they want to keep the illegal Mexicans out and the Muslims out of the US, and they say they're not a racist, then they're not a racist. Because there are logical reasons people would want to keep them out, not relating to racism.

This idea that people can just call you a racist, and there's nothing you can do about it, and you're only proving their point if you deny it, is no different than accusing someone of being a witch in Salem Massachusetts 300 something years ago. For me, it's at the level where if someone called me a racist, I would just go "yes I'm a racist", because I am just so disinterested and bored with the accusation that I don't care anymore.


besides you don't need to be alt-right to figure out that Islam and cultures from predominantly Muslim countries are not compatible with western values.

Leaf trolled you, sven.

Yeah, food is the only positive you can come up with. Pretty pathetic.

muh horseshoe theory

>Pan the camera back

A pan indicates lateral movement.


What a rational argument :^)

you got a problem with alt rightists pal? that image fails to produce anything particularly cringeworthy. every blurb on that image is perfectly reasonable. nothing does not make sense on that image. the left is so much more ripe for roasting. there is nothing wrong with being an altrightist. the shills that are paid to make those memes have nothing to work with and it shows. makes me laugh. just a lil bit. like a momentary chuckle. then i fuggen forget about it. cause it's not memorable. not particularly effective. not the hell much of anything.

Ok you said that expecting me to defend SJW's which I won't because what you said is true.

But the alt-right is still racist even if the SJW's way of using the word is wrong. Racism is still a word that can be applied even if a certain group isn't using it properly.

Did I trigger you m8?

Okay, if that makes you sleep better at night.

>But the alt-right is still racist even if the SJW's way of using the word is wrong. Racism is still a word that can be applied even if a certain group isn't using it properly.
Are you sure you're not just using the word improperly too? If someone denies being a racist, then I don't think they're a racist. A real racist would proudly accept that label. I don't think you can just say that all (or even the majority of) alt-right people are racist.

Also, a lot of what goes on here on Sup Forums is racist jokes, which I don't consider racist.

Only SJWs get triggered and (checks your flag) they only exist on the American left. Next time, stop failing.

It would be nice if it wasn't but we're stuck with this and we might as well work with it as best as we can.

*hand waving* This is drifting into "No True Scotsman" here. You can be a "real racist," but deny the label due to sinister motive or simply offense at the word itself; that it's used as a pejorative, "Mike prefers to be called a racial purist."

>Also, a lot of what goes on here on Sup Forums is racist jokes, which I don't consider racist.

Is there no truth in comedy?

But I think so few people are racist, maybe it's 1 out of 100 or so (estimating), that to accuse people of being racist is wrong far more often than not.
>but deny the label due to sinister motive
That's what SJWs think is going on when they accuse someone of being racist and they deny it. I think they're paranoid schizophrenics on a modern day witch-hunt.
>offense at the word
Offense is for SJWs, so I don't think that's the case.

I think the real reason that racist humor is funny, is because it's perceived as mean, shocking, and "offensive", and it's a form of dark humor. Not necessarily because there's truth behind it.

Do you even know what a safe space is? In a safe space, you would have been banned by now for going against the hive mind.

soft bigotry of low expectations vs explicit racism, that's the only difference

"I-I-I'm not triggered! I'm the only one who gets to decide what sort of people are triggered" Please stop now

>Southwestern United States a crime-wracked hellhole
it isn't

What should we blame ourselves for? Every single alt-rightist I've ever met bases their beliefs in statistics.

Statistics state clearly who is at fault, you can't call it an excuse. Statistics show who is best and who is worst.

If the worst are removed, the outcome is always better. This applies to everything, you can't argue against it.

Having empathy towards inadequacy is an attack on progress. The human species needs to improve, spending resources on the worst only pulls our species to that direction. Instead if we terminate that end, it will be impossible to sink that low ever again.

Also, dubs.

Kek has approved of my statement.

>But I think so few people are racist, maybe it's 1 out of 100 or so (estimating), that to accuse people of being racist is wrong far more often than not.

True. I'd also agree with your estimate. It's a guilt-trip meant to herd people to leftist propaganda.

>That's what SJWs think is going on when they accuse someone of being racist and they deny it. I think they're paranoid schizophrenics on a modern day witch-hunt.

Also agreed. I think I see where you're coming from now. But with all the SJW projecting and all, wouldn't that make them a bit racist themselves? Since they're buying into such divisive assumptions?

I would agree with this.

They aren't exactly equivalent, the worst of the SJW retards are worse than the worst of the stormfags in a sense.

But both are definitely fucking retarded.

> spending resources on the worst only pulls our species to that direction

The key distinction here is the definition of who "the worst" are.

If ideologically "worst" I would tend to agree.

If another definition of "worst," you're in danger of becoming what the SJWs accuse you of being.

>Instead if we terminate that end, it will be impossible to sink that low ever again.
I was with you up until this point. That's a flawed jump to a conclusion without the logic to back it up.

Is there just like a secret club somewhere in Canada that spreads shitpost all across the web? It's not even Aussie tier bantz it's just shit.

nice b8 good job ;>

Embracing monarchy is the final redpill, lad.

>inb4 infamous tyrant king who's historically a statistical anomaly

>People seem incapable of throwing out one ideology and not latching on to another.

Well, if you could, then you would have no beliefs, ideas, or convictions whatsoever. People seem incapable of throwing out one ideology and not latching on to another because that's the nature of a paradigm shift.

The error is believing that one can empty one's mind entirely of all political, cultural, or religious belief. That was the soil from which the SJW mindset sprung, "I am not tethered to any ideology, I am a free-thinker. Let's laugh at everyone who has convictions."

[time passes]

"The mockery isn't working. Let's hate them for having beliefs."


> soft bigotry of low expectations vs explicit racism, that's the only difference

Thanks user! I had completely forgotten this one. I would also file "the soft bigotry of low expectations" (thanks GWB!) under real racism.

Thus, I can only conclude that the "plantation mentality" of American liberalism is even more true. Half of which are so "anti-racist" they actually become racist (No WASPs allowed), and the other half want to corral all minorities exclusively into their party, "Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom," and shit like that.

just gonna leave this here

Could be all the liberal Americans that threatened to move to Canada and then actually did so. Canada has always been the enlightenment mecca of the left, because it's cheaper than moving to Europe.


Producer: "Tell the cameraman to find the dumbest-looking open-carry advocate at the convention and ask him something. Anything. I don't care, all the other networks are doing it. Bonuses for bad teeth."