Are they European?

Are they European?

53% Euro population.

1/27 European, 12% Cherokee, log(0) human

North America is pretty much an extension of Europe.

Basically. Just like Iceland is an extension of Scandinavia.

more European than Europe, Achmed

>implying it isnt the other way around nowadays

Used to be
Make America white again


*It's okay to be American (as long as you're white)

Yes just like Brasil

Nope, Europeans are European.

>tfw Brazil can say "Whiter than you Muhammad"
>tfw whitest country

It's the duty of every Sup Forums American to put posters like that around their city. It would trigger pol to oblivion

The US as a country largely founded its values on rejecting European culture and politics.

It is anti-European.

By your definition, neither Britain nor Russia are European.

And where do those values originate from? They're classic western values combined with revolutionary European values. It's European no matter how you twist and turn it.

Fags and traitors. Loyalist scum like you should be taken behind the barn and shot in the head.

If the founding fathers saw losers like you calling yourselves European, you’d have been exiled to Canada.

>revolutionary European values

Umm sweetie, the American Revolution predates the French Revolution. You guys copied us, those are American values.

This triggers the soyboys and niggers
aswell as "It's okay to drink milk"

No white people in Canada :(


Definitely not anymore, but we once were

>wanting the US to not become le 0% face is being a traitor
I'm sure the founding fathers would also hate the current state of a nonwhite America

They would advocate for ethnic Anglos to leave asap. They would also be sick when they see the modern U.K.
They would probably kill themselves

But it's funny though

If anything the opposite. Americans in pre-World War Times looked down on Europeans as unruly savages and rejected association with them.

Now a bunch of pathetic white nationalist LARPers think that they’re Europeans because muh heritage nonsense.

Believe what you want mexi negro, I am European.

Then go have babies you retard. Whites in America aren’t being genocided or bred out, they’re just choosing not to have as many kids.

FYI, there was a time when blacks made up a way higher % of the population than they do now. These demographics shift and bounce directions all the time. There is no reason to believe the current trend is any different and will be permanent.

>Not humans
that's right, we are superhumans

Do think before you start typing a response. France is not Europe and although it stands out in particular in history the whole picture goes much further back and has a much wider scope. The ides and values of the American revolution did not simply appear out of thin air, rather they were a continuation of the enlightenment. A revolution is merely the practical application of those ideals through other means.

My territory is being mass invaded and you're telling me to start having babies?
Stop the flood of non-whites first, a stagnant white population is not that huge of a problem

>10 million
4 million at most being very generous

Also, Espein is missing

>inb4 Slavs aren't white

They're literally not though

Sounds like you're just a whiny bitch who has to be hand-fed everything. Hell I doubt you can even get a white gf, or gf at all.

But they were based on European philosophers.
My non-meme opinion is that America is Western and filled with many Europeans but it isn't European.

We're not
We're proud Iranic master race with our sooo black beards and black eyes, and girls' pants tremble at my unibrow


>tfw 49.7% by 2020

genetically and linguistically (inb4 le 56%) yes, they are. culturally i'd say they are unique. if anything it's the opposite europe is getting more and more american (or americanised) if we are talking in regard to culture and cultural influence. america and europe are much closer to each other than they want to admit. they are basically a single euro-american zone now, the best union ever existed.

Half of self-declared White Argentinians, White Cubans and Brazilians aren't White though, the rest of other Latinos (except for Uruguay where most of people are indeed White), 85-95% of self-declared Whites are also non-Whites.

Around 60% of Americans are indeed fully or almost fully (or over 95%) European.

>My territory is being mass invaded
Seriously what part of the country do cucks like you come out from?

>Canada has like 20 black people in Toronto and Nova Scotia
>8 of them on this list


>rejecting European culture and politics
maximum brainlet