Why are Serbs so hated by their neighbors but the most popular balkans / ex-yugos on the internet? Is it jealousy?

Why are Serbs so hated by their neighbors but the most popular balkans / ex-yugos on the internet? Is it jealousy?

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>the most popular balkans / ex-yugos on the internet?
ebin memes
my favorite "le remove kebabs" XXDDDD

Serbian culture is very strong

old Serbian black comedies and rock bands both old and new have a pretty big following here in Slovenia

success breeds jealousy

Because Croatia is objectively superior and Stepinac did nothing wrong. Also they stole land from Hungary. And fucked over Bulgaria in the Balkan wars.

Most serboos on internet are just basic white, atheist, fat, ugly teen westerners that get bullied in high school by muslim immigrants

>most popular
ask any normie and they either don't know serbia exists or know it's just another country in europe. it's the "most well known" by delusional poltards because of serbia's claims of being le based and white kebab removers when that couldn't be any further from the truth

>Why are Serbs so hated by their neighbors
But we don't.
I don't think Romania does either.

>butthurt muslims in this thread

because serbians are the best le remove kebab haha ignore the fact they were under kebab boot for 600 years and also fought wars alongside the kebab

but they were slaughtering unarmed, innocent muslim civilians in Bosnia in the 90's, they are indeed kebab removers xD

Croatian and Muslim crocodile tears with western backing led to Serbian demonization. You have to be delusional or non-Serbian-ex-Yugo to pretend otherwise.

The Serbs chimped out, and had the most firepower, but at the end of the day they did nothing wrong and had every right to take over large parts of Bosnia.

They were wrong in Kosovo, but I can understand their concern.

Bosnia is rightful historical and ethnical Croatian land
Serbs have no rights western of river Drina.

Right, I forgot to mention the immense greed of Croatians.

If anything it's the reverse. They should've reached a civilized deal with Croatia while BTFOing everything in Bosnia and Kosovo in their path.

I agree that they should've split Bosnia peacefully, but it's hard with this kind of autism.

But I guess it was just the immense greed of Serbians if they didnt have it, they could've at least have Kosovo, if not half of Bosnia too

Well to be frank both Serbs and Croats had retarded leaders who saw themselves as some kind of messiahs for their own respective people who would usher a new golden age for their nations free from communist opression.

Btw they indeed talked about splitting Bosnia however it remained only a discussion nothing else and afaik it was Croatia that pulled out because they were threatened from the West with sanctions or whatnot.

serbia is the only real balkan country tbf

isnt pretty much every one in ex-yugoslavia ethically serb, just with a different religion?


now go back to being shot randomly in the street you dirty american

they're incapable of diplomacy and spiteful, and it bites them in the ass. Here is objectivelly how they deal with eighbours:

>be assholes to people
>get baffled and angry when those people decide to secede
>try to forcefully keep them under Serbian state
>claim they were wronged, and the world is out to get them because

no, we're all different ratios of different kind of mongrels.

theres no black people for 30 miles so im good

kosovo is serbia
montenegro is serbia
bosnia is serbia
croatia is serbia
slovenia is not serbia but might as well be

Cause we live next to them

Just like they were assholes when they agreed to forming a union with your meme a state, SHS, the one that no one wanted to recognize, thus saving you and the Slovenes from being partitioned chiefly between Austria and Italy? And how many prime ministers in Yugoslavia were Croats? Also, how many Ustashas and other collaborators were pardoned and given amnesty after your masters were triumphantly shit on at the end of World War II?

Many of your basketball champions are from Serb families too.

yes, Serbs and Bosnians are especially interested in basketball and football while Slovenes excel at ski jumping, hockey, slalom, triathlon and rowing.

>serbs and bosnians excel at nigger sports
Really gets the mind jogging.

t. ahmed

maybe because they're the tallest men in the world, 160cm subhuman?

t. lowest IQ in europe

Bulgarians are still smarter than you,Ahmed. Stop hiding behind that flag.

so fuckin what
most of the bosnians i've met were tall but dumb as a fucking brick

>defend a serbshit
>he offends me

ah yes, thank you for making me realise why you are indeed the niggers of europe

I'm sorry, you are right, serbs are indeed nigger subhumans

because they're le based kebab removersXDD

>meanwhile in serbia

greetings my superior german master

can I dudl dudl you

psilocybe serbica

What is this, some kind of shroom?

yes, an agressive colonizer, and a strongly hallucinogenic species

i like serb music


belgrade is the biggest city in the balkans, if im correct, and serbs are literally the center country of the balkans and border i think right now 8 "countries"
they are the balkans.

Serbs are sub-humans.

that's rich coming from you


I regret being born here. Trust me.
First of all, no I am not a serb. You would even be able to tell after judging my whole physiognomy and besides that my mental traits.
There is nothing more sub human than the pond scum that lives here, where do I even start?
The new generations, ranging from '96 to 2003 are low iq mongrels, retards and mongoloids, why? It's very easy, you see, their mothers loved to drink in nightclubs during the 90s causing FASDs and retarded children to be born. More, what contributed to this is the depleted uranium that NATO and US bombed us with.
Don't get me wrong. These kids still score higher than american adolescents on PISA tests and iq tests (sometimes, the average iq here now is 80, which is obviously egregious for a EUROPEAN country)...
The people think that the government holds some type of fascist agenda, some kind of genocidal intent, they think politicians are trying to instigate wars, they think people are constantly trying to manipulate them and poison them, they act like cornered mongrels, unable to defend themselves from lack of mental clarity. I feel bad for the old people, but obviously, there is nothing more detestable, more worthy of derision in this group of people than young serbs.
Walk into a fucking school, a high school, a middle school whatever. You will literally find kids that look like they escaped from the waters in chernobyl.
>inb4 a fucking croat comes and backs all of this up and tries to throw frivolities around and taunt serbs more
Nah, croats are somewhat alright, somewhat whiter, but trust me, there is no group more inbred than croats on the balkans - their islands are strong hotbeds of inbreeding.

90% of people here in the street don't know a 2nd language.
at least 80% of that is made up from, well, young people.
I cannot imagine not being able to speak AT LEAST english.

ubi se ciganine