The Void

I fucking loved it. I keep seeing the plot get bashed, but I really enjoyed that too. The father and son were the most interesting part, being honest, and the entire concept of their story is really cool.
The special effects were astonishing, too.

Honestly one of my favorite movies I've seen in a while.

My sentiments exactly OP. Don't let some niggers here sway you. I don't think they were Father and Son though.

>the father and son
There was no father and son.
You mean the guy with the gun and the mute? I agree. Iirc the gun dude said the cult killed the mute's family and he's been watching out for him.
Basement scene was top notch especially the guy repeatedly bashing his face on the pole

We need a prequel/spin off about what went down at that farmhouse and that kid's family.

Prequel/sequel/spin off
I don't care just give me more practical effect monsters and gore

Where's the magnet goy

Story was a cliche ridden, bland, processed mess.

Characters were cardboard cutouts, acting was barely on average.

Special effects were subpar as fuck, muh practicals were stiff and uninspired.

It was shit, had no identity, was a watered-down whimper of much better movies, you're late to the shilling party. Another pile of garbage to put in the Crowdfunding Mistakes pit.

It's like you didn't even watch it.

It's like I specifically torrented it because of Sup Forums shilling and wasted an evening watching a movie with literally no identity of its own trying to be several other movies. It's shit.

How many times did you proofread that before posting? I bet you are a true film aficionado

>90 minute movie
>wasted an evening
Are you one of those "I just marathoned the first 30 minutes of this..." posters I always thought were just jokesters?

First half was good, then it turned to shit.

Little of the plot was explained or linked to events in the film.

The ending just seemed like it was added at the last minute.

Good arguments!

Good rebuttal!
I think they either needed to go deeper into the cult stuff or steer farther away from it just dropping us in the middle with these characters that have no idea whats going on and never find out. It does feel like they slapped on the doctor stuff last minute. The beginning had so much potential like with the random flashes of flesh and the fog and clouds. I really wanted more of that and something crazier to emerge at the end. The pyramid in the sky was retarded. I still enjoyed numerous things about the movie and don't regret watching it though

Every little thing was explained.

The movie feels rushed.

>The ending just seemed like it was added at the last minute.
>Foreshadowed since the first ten minutes
>Even added in visions to help retards understand what is going to happen at the end

Come on man

>Special effects
IMO I think the special effects in the movie were really bad and this hurts the movie a lot.

Please provide examples of what effects were bad. The only moment off the top of my head that looked cheesy was the tentacles wiggling in the ladies mouth or whatever it was.

When they try to hit the abomination with an axe in the hallway, it felt like they were hitting some rubber pound shop monster. The movie is great until that point, everything was really well done and believable until that moment when all the build up falls down terribly. Not saying it's a bad movie, I like it, but it goes far beyond it's capabilities.

I can give you that part. I think they showed too much. Even just having the scene darker and hiding more of the thing would have cleaned it up a bit. I still think the basement scene is great looking. Or did when I watched it.