Now that the dust has settled, was it really all that?

Now that the dust has settled, was it really all that?

Was it really the Wire/Sopranos tier?

>Was it really the Wire/Sopranos tier?

No, but it doesn't deserve all the backlash. This was a fine series.

>Was it really the Wire/Sopranos tier?

It's better than Sopranos, not as good as The Wire (or Mad Men)

>Was it really the Wire/Sopranos tier?
Yes. but only because they're overrated trash too

>the wire is better than the sopranos
>breaking bad is better than the sopranos

Breaking Bad is Dukes of Hazzard tier.

Sopranos is the best television show ever made.

I'd fully agree the wire is shit but name a show better than the sopranos that isn't mad men.

>inb4 some garbage like the leftovers

The Sopranos is a great show but it hasn't aged as well as The Wire

Breaking Bad is definitely debatable though

the west wing

the wire is not funny. its suspenseful and dramatic.

breaking bad has funny moments and is suspenseful but the drama was walmart level garbage.

sopranos was dramatic, suspenseful, and hilarious.

it was good show but no one will admit it got really silly in the last 2 seasons.

it's well made it's just not enjoyable to watch, I tried to rewatch it and couldn't even get past the mother scenes

>the drama was walmart level garbage.

care to elaborate?

Well The Reddit and Sopranos are separate tiers.

Sopranos being much higher of course.





>Was it really the Wire/Sopranos tier?


I'm literally watching Sopranos for the first time, and I can confidently say Breaking Bad is up there with it.

If anyone's wondering I just started season 5. Steve Buscemi is a good massage therapist.

The unique plot and setting make it a little overrated because there isn't much to compare it with. It was very good and had a great ending but I don't think its up there with the best of the best. I think it sits just above shows like Justified and The Shield.

No, It's better.

no, the first season was cut short due to writer strike. the second season was the greatest season. the third season was great until half way through. the last two seasons were reddit. breaking bad only had one great season so it's not a good series

No. It was mostly mediocre with some good moments. Stuff like True Detective s1 is miles above BB on tvkino-scale.

>le babbys first bait

the entire show was over the top and overly coincidental and that's what I loved most about it. the insane shit like "THIS.. IS NOT METH" and Gus' face blowing off was always a great analog to the more stripped back, grounded, slow moving family drama

I can understand if that's off putting to some people, and no it isn't as realistic as The Wire, but that's not really the point. I think it's kind of dumb to rank these sorts of shows anyway, they all have strengths and weaknesses. If I want a fully grounded social commentary on Baltimore in the 2000s, I'll watch The Wire. if I want a fun, occasionally comic book-esque crime drama I'll watch Breaking Bad. they're both attempting totally different things.

>le aged meme
reddit please. It isn't a debate Sopranos=Madmen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The wire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>breakingbad

>it's better than sopranos

How does it feel to have such shit taste?

>mad men
l liked the show but Sup Forums overrates it more than anything. It was not that spectacular.

1. Braking Bad
2. Sprannos
3. The wire
4. Better caul Saul

to elaborate on this, if The Wire (or The Sopranos) is The Godfather, Breaking Bad is Goodfellas. both might have vaguely similar themes but they're both vastly different on a tonal level. And you can't necessarily say one is better, it depends on your personal preference

>>le babbys first bait

Better Caul Saul was so bad it made me like Breaking Bad less.

>you're my brother, and I love you
>but I'm going to sabotage your career and try to get you arrested for a felony

nowhere near Sopranos. needed to be 1 or 2 seasons tops

everytime the disapproving wife and that Jimmy kid were in any episodes i could taste puke

yeah but nothing spectacular easily puts it in the top 5 tv shows of all time you unwashed reddit pleb

>Walter White lives at 308 negra arroyo lane
>Walter White dies by getting shot with a .308 in his negra arroyo artery
Vince is a MADMAN

is Lydia the only qt on BrBa? I can't think of anyone else. Jane is eh


that latina chick

>first episode of the respective shows

>Tony: lately I've been felling like I got in at the end, like the best is over.
>Melfi: Many americans feel that way I think

>Walter: dude we change over time n shiet

both shows outline what they are about clearly and one is obviously much more mature than the other

I said inb4 some garbage.

justified is all right but its pretty trash dude, if you actually think it compares you have brain damage

>Jane (kill yourself like she did)
>junkie slut with the socks during Jesse's hobo house party
>walts student from the pilot
>few of the women at Dons house in mexico

What a well thought out opinion. Noted.
>pretty trash dude
You ever consider doing reviews?

could not get past the shit writing.

what was the dudes name? the stoner friend?
people like to watch stuff that reinforces their fantasys... ie killing zombies or making tons of cash out of nowhere.

people is bitches.

> The Wire (or The Sopranos) is The Godfather, Breaking Bad is Goodfellas
nailed it

>spouts retarded opinion
>why isn't he writing an essay refuting my opinion that I also gave no justification for! reeee
how well thought out have did you ever consider posting on reddit?

Are you drunk or autistic? What are you even trying to say?

I tried watching The Wire but could barely finish the first season.

Is it worth giving a second go?

nut he didnt actually get him arrested, juts his law license revoked

but yea that show is much worse than Br Ba


The Godfather-The sopranos (none of these other shows would exist without it)

The Departed-The Wire (people say its good but its actually just well made and overall pretty shit)

Road to Perdition- Breaking Bad (absolute shit but the people who watch it proclaim it as a masterpiece)

>(none of these other shows would exist without it)
boy I hate this """""""""""argument"""""""""""

your reddit is showing. justified is trash for justifags. you're a dumb nigger to boot.

okay how about the parallels between the decline of the american dream, the fact that it perfectly blends entertainment and actual intelligent concepts

no its shit for reddit niggerlovers

The Sopranos:White people

The Wire:niggers

Breaking Bad:Jews

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
There's probably a rick and morty thread you could be sperging out in

but the american dream is just immigration propaganda


>reee debate me!!!!
hahaha reddit.

no that's the tier of human you have to be to enjoy it.

There are black jews same as there are white niggers