Hi there Sup Forums. I recently got into discussion with a friend that believes gender roles are a social construct

Hi there Sup Forums. I recently got into discussion with a friend that believes gender roles are a social construct.

However, I know that there are also neurological and and psychological differences between genders. But does Sup Forums have any sources on this so I can prove him wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


To elaborate, I mean scientific sources

>prove him wrong
this doesn't happen in the human psyche. This is a concept that doesn't exist. "proof" is just an idea. If you don't change your opponent's mnd, you don't win, and you never win by telling someone they're wrong.

wtf i hate trump now

i dont understand Sup Forums. "i have a friend with this opinion but i need help to prove him wrong, provide me with evidence!"

why dont you just literally type "physiological neural differences between sexes scientific study"

Oh. Okay.
Well I was interested in reading up on the subject anyways.

You're right, next time I'll pretend to be an SJW defending this viewpoint so you try to prove me wrong with said sources instead

Good, you're learning that at least.


One interesting study I found telling was that not only when given a choice between a doll and building blocks do male children usually go for building blocks and female children usually go for dolls, but this also happened in chimps when the same test was administered to them.

Really made me think.

They should test this with niggers

>Hi there Sup Forums. I recently got into discussion with a friend that believes gender roles are a social construct.

Person with a degree in Anthropology here. Gender Roles are definitely a social construct. The problem is that people want to misconstrue what that means for the average person.

Whenever you enter a culture, there's already millions of interactions multiplied by the amount of time they spend together. You take the history and the "day by day" life and you get a significant amount of rules written and unwritten on how people are supposed to behave (this is basically all that culture really is, those rules on how we do things as a group).

The sexes tend to be put into different jobs and there are some characteristics to those sexes that become cultural. Take viking males vs effete french aristocracy pre-revolution. Take this little characteristics and then add them all over the place and you get the idea of how, since the time you are born, society is more or less letting you know what's expected of you based on your sex.

The problem is that this isn't the bad thing people make it. Its important to note that we are passing those things down so we can take a closer look at what we are handing down. On the other hand, extreme leftists invaded those fields. What they've done with this important part of how culture works is say that its all made up bullshit. It isn't made up bullshit, its basically somewhat evolved behaviors as a group. Dismissing them causes great disruptions to those cultures. Unfortunately every culture is fine except western to a lot of these people so they don't realize that you have to respect the culture we have in western countries just as much as the smaller ones. They don't do this because they are dishonest assholes.

Its true that there are psychological differences and there are cultural differences. Understanding them is important.

Anthropology was a terrible academic decision, don't major in it.

>I am a apple
>a apple

Haha I agree. There are also job fields which are almost entirely dominated by a certain gender, such as elementary school teachers or speech therapists being almost fully female.

I look at the data as showing that genders naturally lean towards certain life choices, but I have also had liberals say that genders choose these specific jobs because they are conditioned culturally to do so and so this example may not work on them.

Is there any extant human society in which gender roles are switched, or at least different enough from the "traditional" ones?


This may be an argument against it having a biological basis
IF its a social construct, then you have to wonder how unfit different gender role arrangements must have been to have not even one surviving today


There you go.

I dont see anything in that article that says gender roles are shuffler or reversed

Its just a small community that follows a matriarchy tradition; but it makes no mention of women taking on roles usually reserved for men and men doing the same in turn.

Do women train to become soldiers while men tend to kids?

Do women take on work with animals/hunting while men collect fruits/process food?


This is an interesting story, and I found it particularly curious that even in this matriarchal society the tradition of physical labor and working in the fields was only done by men.

It is pretty clear that gender roles have developed in every society to fit around the natural physical differences between the sexes.

Grammar is a social construct to

He's more or less right.

But they fill an important gap in society, delegating tasks by gender to ensure that a nuclear family is able to function independently of outside influence in all or most situations; something that has more or less gone out the window in past years as families have become increasingly dependent on outside services to perform home maintenance and cleaning, child rearing, and other essential tasks, which will inevitably one day leave families a meaningless collection of individuals devoid of all competency outside of the singular task they perform for society at large.

So yeah, kind of important

ITT: idiots don't understand that all of these 'studies' have been commissioned as a reaction to the critique of gender essentialism, and that 'science' is a fluid, contextual practice that can be manipulated to support whatever you want to believe

full disclosure: "trans" people make me want to gag

See my post above.

A lot of the problem with saying that its a construct is that every its an important construct in all the cultures. You can't just go around fucking around with the order of things without expecting bad consequences.

It is possible for things to be drastically different, its possible for things to be X, Y, or Z way. Unfortunately leftists don't want to understand why their important and how you go about moving forward without tossing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater.

""""""""""""social science"""""""""""""""""

isnt real science

Hah. To think the film Good Will Hunting would had ended with Matt Damon jobless and single and alcoholic because his therapist would had been a woman that grew up in a white gated community that prescribed him "therapeutic healing through painting your expressions onto canvas" and be able to whip his ass into shape

Dr. David Duke is running for U.S. Senate!

>Announcement Video:

>David's Campaign Website:

>David's Platform:

>David's Website (Not campaign specific):



The liberal media will relentlessly attack Dr. Duke because he is pro-white.

If we put our faith in the power of memes, Qek will lead us to victory'-

>real science

Kek holy fuck you people are thick

"I've attached a summary page of a "scientific" study performed in the analytic model. It has the appearance of some rigor, therefore it must be true and valuable, even though there will be a study passing the same criteria published that contradicts this one."

Why is a self-sufficient nuclear family a necessity for a nation?

It's not. The only women the dudes on here can catch are old maids or old-maids-in-training. Without the social pressure for women to create and preserve a nuclear family, there would be almost no point for women in settling for the beta-males that believe in redpill type shit. This sort of propaganda isn't just ideological, it's actually life-or-death for these faggots.