Were you happier to see old Jack back or sadder to see Punished Jack go?

Were you happier to see old Jack back or sadder to see Punished Jack go?

B-but he's supposed to have a beard when he finally comes to defeat turbo-nigger.

Feels good mane

i wish instead of him just somehow magically turning back he actually did it himself to show that he is back in his proper mind

he's also supposed to be old

maybe they just kill Aku in the future and just remain there for a bit until the time is right

Why did they have to reuse the kimono? Should've given him proper samurai garb.

Would've been a chance to correct that mistake and also show progression.

Is jack actually going to return to the past, or has that ship sailed?

fuck you I like his original design

he'll probably suit up a bit in the final battle

The intro still talks about the whole point being to return to the past so I doubt they wouldn't actually do it

Gotta get back... back to the past...

The show is honestly fucking bad. First 2 eps were promising. But since then its just awful.

No way fag

This is the first show in a while that I've been genuinely excited to watch every week

It's just bathrobe.

Probably not.

i didnt like seeing the beard gone. was hoping for some toshiro mifune look. the old look looks outdated

You didn't have to hurt my feelings

Fuck you motherfucker

I liked bearded jack look better

don't really see why they needed to change that

Sad to see edgy Jack go but I'm glad to have the original back. He was always the most likable character in any cartoon ever

Anyone else think the pacing in some episodes are a little off?

Sorry you like a stupid show

They are trying to cram too much shit in too little time, episode 6 was crap

kind of

They probably should have done 12 episodes instead of 10, I don't know who decided that number. But Samurai Jack has always been about breaking it's own formula and switching tones so it's nothing out of the ordinary.

Half of me likes the tone of the beginning and wishes we would have stayed in bearded edgeland and the other half likes what's currently happening now, I can't make up my mind

Sorry you're a motherfucker

Motherfucker xD

I am growing stronger

I liked Punished Jack. It was nice to see that he was just human. Considering just how many of his victories were pyrrhic or how many times he was beaten, it always seemed unnatural that he managed to keep his demeanor that long. There were always hints of the rage in him in the first 4 seasons, so I think it would have been cool to explore that more.

Fugg. It ate my picture.