Why was the actor who played Mike also playing a door man? I get working on a budget but this is just getting sad

Why was the actor who played Mike also playing a door man? I get working on a budget but this is just getting sad.

he also played an intern at the insane asylum where they had Dr Emilio Lizardo locked up, in "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the Seventh Dimension". how cheap is that? they even rented him out to other films.

How is he even alive in Better Call Saul? Walt show him

I think I just overdosed reading all this memeology associated with those digits

How is he in better call Saul? I thought Walt killed him

Breaking Bad was all a comatose dream, Walter had seen all the people before and his mind filled in the blanks

yeah wtf, he killed gus too and hector died

i don't get what's going on in this show

What a fucking pile of shit movie.

How did they rope fucking Peter Weller in that?

> didn't get it

i guess you had to have been old enough to appreciate the times it was made in, little boy.

I don't even care that they have to reuse actors, what infuriates me is that they shouldn't have to with all the fucking product placement is next season going to be set in a fucking arby's

so wait a second

did he fix the door or not??


Why is his granddaughter the same age in Better Call Saul as she was in Breaking Bad?

is chuck autistic

he is a cuck


better cuck chuck

Because it's not that much time between the two. All seasons of breaking bad takes place in just over a year, and then a timejump to 2 years.
Better Call Saul is probably just a couple of months away from the beginning of Breaking Bad right now.

the chucks all put their tinfoil suits on one chuck to make a super tinfoil suit and then mike cant get the powerdrill through it

This, but BSC is like 24 and takes place in real time so it'll taken them a few years to reach BB

Real time? So you mean everyone can teleport anywhere they want and change the day/night cycle at will?