/fr/ Le Fil Francophone et Blanc- Edition des Tropiques à civiliser


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deuxième pour nous voila

Voila, une gouine.

Bonne édition.

La Shariah blanche maintenant !


Si tu considères les blanches comme des sales putes, je ne vois pas pourquoi tu voudrais défendre la race. Tu t'es fait haarper par les kikes et leurs tactiques de démoralisation, mon bouchard.

90% sont des sales chiennes, oui. L'autre 10% est sauvable, mais quand même, les femelles me font vraiment chier, Adrien...J'en ai plein le cul des connasses qui défendent leurs futurs violeurs..


dominicans defeated french soldiers in the early 1800s after besieging them for months in santo domingo the besiegers didnt have artillery since they were dominican and poor but after months of being besieged the french were reduced to eating rats and then a british squadron showed up and tried to bomb the french into submission but to no avail finally as the dominicans were preparing for an assault along with british troops the french finally surrendered but they considered dominicans so lowly that they surrender to the british rather than the dominican rebels who had fought hard against the better armed french after having been subject to harsh colonial rule under the french which started after the french invaded spain and killed over 20,000 spaniards will only suffering a few thousand deaths themselves and occupied spain who gave the rest of hispaniola to france so they would fuck off so the dominicans were subject to harsh colonial rule under the french for a decade as a result and the french treated every dominican like a subhuman and then the dominicans finally rebelled against their french master and defeated french soldiers with nothing but machetes and the french commander was so embarassed at losing a battle against people he viewed so lowly that he killed himself rather than live with the shame of suffering a decisive defeat at the hands of subhumans as the french viewed the dominicans
the french had black powder rifles so as the dominicans rushed them they had no time to reload and had to use their sabels and got completely annihilated in hand-to-hand combat against dominicans with machetes
and i personally i think the months long dominican rebellion against the french was cooler than the 12 year long haitian revolution which i just view as a prelude to the dominican rebellion that got rid of the french from the entire island

>csq pas de solution finale du problème non-blanc

latina tétés?


Si ça ne vous arrache pas une larme vous êtes des pédés mentaux. tas de lâches suceurs de bites youpines.

dominicans defeated french soldiers in the early 1800s after besieging them for months in santo domingo the besiegers didnt have artillery since they were dominican and poor but after months of being besieged the french were reduced to eating rats and then a british squadron showed up and tried to bomb the french into submission but to no avail finally as the dominicans were preparing for an assault along with british troops the french finally surrendered but they considered dominicans so lowly that they surrender to the british rather than the dominican rebels who had fought hard against the better armed french after having been subject to harsh colonial rule under the french which started after the french invaded spain and killed over 20,000 spaniards will only suffering a few thousand deaths themselves and occupied spain who gave the rest of hispaniola to france so they would fuck off so the dominicans were subject to harsh colonial rule under the french for a decade as a result and the french treated every dominican like a subhuman and then the dominicans finally rebelled against their french master and defeated french soldiers with nothing but machetes and the french commander was so embarassed at losing a battle against people he viewed so lowly that he killed himself rather than live with the shame of suffering a decisive defeat at the hands of subhumans as the french viewed them
the french had black powder rifles so as the dominicans rushed them they had no time to reload and had to use their sabels and got completely annihilated in hand-to-hand combat against dominicans with machetes
and i personally i think the months long dominican rebellion against the french was cooler than the 12 year long haitian revolution which i just view as a prelude to the dominican revolt that got rid of the french from the entire island and another event where francophones got annihilated was the "parsley massacre"

the battle that the mexicans celebrate every year in an event known as cinco de mayo in which mexicans most likely composed mainly of ethnic spaniards defeated the french with a superior k/d ratio was not a more devastating defeat for the french than the defeat they suffered in the only battle they had against dominicans in which french troops were steamrolled by dominican rebels composed mainly of mixed race males but led by a ethnic spaniard because as you can see here en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Puebla there were over 6,000 troops in that battle against the mexicans and only a few hundred were killed so the casualties can be considered moderate while against the dominicans the french casualties were heavy as only a few french troops survived the onslaught in which 300 french troops were killed mainly by stabbing in just 10 minutes and the rest were taking prisoner and god knows what happened to them hopefully they were tortured and executed for being the french swine that they were by the way the dominicans only suffered 7 killed

Bon goût peh


Y a de quoi suffoquer.


the battle that the mexicans celebrate every year in an event known as cinco de mayo in which mexicans most likely composed mainly of ethnic spaniards defeated the french with a superior k/d ratio was not a more devastating defeat for the french than the defeat they suffered in the only battle they had against dominicans in which french troops were steamrolled by dominican rebels composed mainly of mixed race males but led by a ethnic spaniard because as you can see here en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Puebla there were over 6,000 troops in that battle against the mexicans and only a few hundred were killed so the casualties can be considered moderate while against the dominicans the french casualties were heavy as only a few french troops survived the onslaught in which 300 french troops were killed mainly by stabbing in just 10 minutes and the rest were taken prisoner and god knows what happened to them hopefully they were tortured and executed for being the french swine that they were by the way the dominicans only suffered 7 killed

>dis user tu beu bien médé abec mon deboir deuh math? *te postillone dessus*




Perso j'aime bien le mot néerlandais.


Oui. Suce moi.


dégage ta face de pelle. Les fantômes de la SS et l'embryon de la Légion ont décanillé bon nombre de jaunes communistes et dégénérés.


Je n'aime pas du tout ce délire de bougnoule. Vouloir revaloriser la maternité et être une femme au foyer et surtout faire en sorte qu'un homme soit capable de nourir sa famille tout seul, oui. Soumettre les femmes, non.

Ne désespère pas. Et sois exemplaire. Ça commence par ne pas être vulgaire ou même agressif gratuitement. Tu convaincras mieux en inspirant le respect, voire l'admiration.



mangez ça sales bougnoules, parigots, régimistes, putes de déuptés, étatistes, gauchistes, salopes de journalistes


french is spoken by 120 million africans but not by dominicans despite the long presence of the french on dominican territory in the colonial era

the french in the early 1800s had accomplished unprecedented military feats yet lost to poorly armed dominican rebels the territory which spain had given them

no matter what you do, you will always be nothing frenchies

(pas lui)
>n'est pas assez Chad pour fasciser les femelles dans un rayon de 50m rien que par sa présence.

Encore un peu et tu vas rejoindre MGTOW mon pauvre.


Quelqu'un saurait comment je décolle le Quick Reply de la droite avec OneeChan?

(déjà essayé de décocher "force same width as sidebar")

you ain't nothing

>il croit que Bouchard ne dispose pas de cinq harems de toutes les races différentes de l'humanité


you ain't nothing


you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

ou la la

you ain't nothing

Ma parole!

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

les bonnes gougouttes

Je devrais pas poster ça, je me retrouve accidentellement en plein nofap , je vais voir combien de temps je vais tenir

you ain't nothing

que des putes de toute façon.

Je suis desolé

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing


Pas faux

Pas de problèmes

top kek Gwada, excellent le Marshall qui collecte des doigts

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing


you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

>Il faut des jeunes polytechniciens, des HEC, des sup de co, des centraliens instituteurs. Et pour ça il faut les payer autant qu'ils gagneraient ailleurs.

Il y en a qui croient vraiment que les polytechniciens et HEC servent à quelque chose?


you ain't nothing


you ain't nothing

Polytechnique c'est peut-être l'accomplissement de la religion platonicienne des Idées pures : le roi mathématicien
Il semble que le type soit chirurgien, donc je pense pas qu'il connaisse si bien ces gens-là (moi non plus à vrai dire)

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

Ouais ça produit beaucoup d'Aspergers

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing !

you ain't nothing .


>[La France] est le deuxième pays au monde, après les Etats-Unis, à être envisagé comme choix par l’ensemble des candidats à l’émigration


rapport OCDE

Ceci. Les Hechiens ne sont bons qu'à recracher des polys et les polytechniciens sont en général des autistes qui sont pas foutu de faire leur lacets. J'en connais.


you ain't nothing


you ain't nothing


you ain't nothing

Putain le type est chirurgien urologue...
Je suis pas fan des USA mais au moins là-bas le titre de Dr n'est pas réservé aux médecins (ici non plus, mais un Docteur en droit on ne met pas "Dr Truc" sur la couv d'un bouquin, en pratique)

Pour être pêh, ils disent aussi que la France est un des rares pays qui ne demande aucun diplôme minimum pour l'immigration de travail, et pour l'immigration qualifiée, la France est 8è destination souhaitée

>le huitième choix des émigrants diplômés derrière les Etats-Unis, le Canada, les Emirats arabes unis, l’Arabie saoudite, l’Espagne, l’Australie et le Royaume-Uni.

you ain't nothing

you ain't nothing

Ce type est un débile totalement endoctriné dans la doctrine mondialiste véhiculé par les Attali et la Silicon Valley. A la poubelle.

you ain't nothing

>roi mathématicien

tu dois confondre avec l'ENS.


Ca me rappelle mon prof de maths en prépa, le mec à la petite trentaine, portait des habits moches et sales de geek, sortait des expressions comme capilotracté ou yeux lasers, à moitié autiste à moitié gars sans aucune inhibition. Bons souvenirs.

you ain't nothing
