If China's GDP per capita was the same as Japan...

If China's GDP per capita was the same as Japan, it'd have a total GDP of 5 USAs and more than double the entire western world combined.

Is this something to be worried about?

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Eh, it would kill the earth to have five America tier consumers in one nation. Even one pushes the earth to its limit.
t. Knower

this. Western living standards will begin to decline and meet Chinese's somewhere in the middle

I said Japan tier consumers, not American tier consumers.

With American level GDP per capita, China would have a GDP of around 8 USAs.


No because by the time that happens you'll be long dead.

U.S. wont let that happen. What did you think TPP and obama's pivot to asia was all about

>What did you think TPP was all about

It was about letting (((corporations))) maximize profits at the expense of the ordinary man

I mean corporations definitely had an input, like they do with all trade deals. But TPP was specifically set up so U.S. will have stronger ties with China's neighbors. This is why Japan desperately wants TPP

meant for

Five US economies implies five US annual consumption. Even if I'm way off the world could not support even two Americas

I think the 'world cannot sustain x number of z countries' is a meme. There really is no way to know how much resources are left on the planet. We can see how much extra energy we would need but that can always be added. Unless I'm missing something? We don't known exactly how much resources the earth has left right?

>tfw trump literally isn't smart enough to understand realpolitik and how it relates Obama's foreign policy
>tfw trump has doomed the USA and over a dozen other nations

TPP would have drastically lowered the cost of imported goods

We know how much we could consume before it would exceed the capacity of the biosphere. I don't think anyone has a true grasp of how much we could extract from the earth.

China will collapse.

According to Sollow growth model, it seems highly unlikely that China will achieve per capita GDP of Japanese level(around $38000) so we don't need to be concerned about it that much. It will reach its limit no matter how wide strides it's making now.

Any day now


According to the Solow Model, GDP per capita between all nations eventually converges.

Japan isn’t the most developed nation. That’s Switzerland or the USA at $57,000 per capita. Not Japan’s $33,000.

What the fuck are you writing? You have no clue what the Solow Model is or how it theorizes future growth.

what good is cheaper imports if all the jobs are exported overseas

In a few decades maybe... Your market is extremely healthy.


And the prosperity is being spread more widely.

Most of China (like over 75%) lives in Third World or near-Third World conditions. I've been to the place and this is pretty much what everything outside tourist areas looks like.

Japanese life span is long.
26% of Japanese is the over 65 years old. Almost of them are not working, have no income.
So GDP per capita does not increase in a good country for old aged.

its faggy bs americans make up to cope with their deplacement

>It's BS
M8 we can literally look at the amount of arable land on Earth and see that it's not going to be sustainable in the future.

plus all those 1.5 billion chinks already eat a fucking lot of rice

What about vertical farms and lab grown meat? We also could get into much more recycling and are moving towards renewable energy. I think it's possible much more people could live a 1st world life. Maybe not the 4 billion africans and 400 million Bangladeshis that will be around in 80 years though.

Can't we grow food in enclosed spaces now? I mean with enough energy we could just have hyproponic farms.

TPP failed because NAFTA was so horribly instituted by Clinton. The entire US rust belt is an economic wasteland due not having planned a program to move US factory workers towards other viable careers.

I still support TPP, but not without any kind of system to direct US workers who will lose their jobs towards other careers.

>I’ve been to the place
No you have not.

Big Business wants to eat its cake and have it too.

Actually China had a pretty bad hiccup very recently. Xi Jinping scared a lot of investors recently by going on an anti-corruption tirade.

Sometimes I forget how many Chinese are behind American flags.

I run a warehouse in Dongguan. The place is filthy, impoverished, and desolate. China is largely a shithole where human life is worthless, and they can build all the new shopping districts and luxury apartments they want but almost nobody can actually afford to live/shop in them. It's a clusterfuck of a country beyond all comprehension.

China literally has to import food because a huge amount of farmland has been poisoned beyond all repair with toxic waste.

>run a warehouse in Dongguan
how come American citizen can open the business in China? I thought the business entity should be joint venture with some Chinese company if you are a foreigner

Dongguan’s GDP per capita is higher than Romania’s. Your definition of poor shithole is stupid.

I am Japanese-American. Nonethless, the flag you post with on a Cambodian cooking board has no effect on the facts.

>Foreign bank lending to China hits another record high

Wow it’s almost like Xi Jinping’s anticorruption efforts worked?

どこに住んでどんな仕事しているの? 東莞市で倉庫業営んでいるのって君か?

Anti-corruption drives in China are comical because all it amounts to is arresting corrupt officials who support Xi's political opponents while his friends can steal everything that isn't nailed down with zero consequences.

Yeah and if I had a house made of gumdrops I'd never starve

Everyone is corrupt so technically it works.

Mother is from Akita, Father from Yamato (Nara).
I was born in LA in 1987 though and know very little written Japanese. Can speak it of course.

yes im sure all of china is useless for farm so they import everything
lol wtf


>Is this something to be worried about?
No. This planet do not have enough resource to make it happen.

>I was born in LA in 1987
Kinda surprising. I don't really see that many 2nd gen Japanese in your age. Most 2nd gens are like seniors

China's average salary is $8000 USD a year. They will never reach US levels of earning because they're not worth much as human beings.

Luckily they have a two child policy and will make labor cheaper again. Otherwise there's not much future for chinks beyond manufacturing.

I'm not sure who stole my post about running a dongguan warehouse.

At any rate I setup a WFOE which doesn't require a chinese national. We can hire Chinese directly and I pay my employees 4500rmb per month which is good because China is still a POOR ASS COUNTRY

their average IQ is significantly above whites, seems like that makes them more valuable as human beings than white people. And they've been shifting their economy away from cheap labor for decades. At this point they could continue growing just from their enormous middle class consumption.

>their average IQ is significantly above whites, seems like that makes them more valuable as human beings than white people
You could try and make your shilling less obvious, Wu.

Half of Europe is still turd world.

And yet it was white people that mapped the human genome and created the technology to edit genes so chinks will inevitably create the white children they desire

I mean its true though

the fact that only someone on Sup Forums or Sup Forums actually believes this tells you how true this is.

East Asians are good at rote memorization and following orders but when it comes to creativity and thinking outside the box, they're pretty hopeless.

Your high IQ is pointless if you have autism.
And all Asians are autists that cling to established structures.

The fact that chinks swarm the ugliest white tourists and white babies to take their picture proves how true it is.

I mean, why you copy white people's architecture?

that hardly happens anymore. Go to any east coast city and see how often that happens. And in the rural areas they do the same for black people. Its takes some special kind of retardation to assume that out of all the reasons they might take pictures of white people, its because they want to become them, not that its just a novelty.

Thats a meme, China alone was responsible for most of the worlds inventions until around 1600 when the Manchus took over.


because of novelty, basically section 8 housing that looks like paris. chinks have a sense of humor

Thats why there is a statue of liberty, amsterdam central station and eifel tower in Tokyo.

Something like 80% of all science and technological discoveries in recorded history came from people of European descent. China was laughably behind in many ways. For example, the earliest writings in the Middle East date to 3000 BC, the earliest oracle bone inscriptions in China, 1500 BC. China also entered the Bronze Age very much later than Europe or the Middle East.

European travelers to China in the 18th century observed that there was an almost total lack of any social prestige given to science and engineering, and the highest calling in the land was to be a Confucian bureaucrat.

>printing press

Every one of those inventions requires something invented by non whites.

without the rest of the world there would be no zero, no negative numbers, no bronze, no iron, no steel, no algebra, no paper, no printing press, no compass, no guns or rockets, no agriculture, no centralized society, no division of labor, no specialization, etc etc...

>without the rest of the world there would be no zero, no negative numbers, no bronze, no iron, no steel, no algebra, no paper, no printing press, no compass, no guns or rockets, no agriculture, no centralized society, no division of labor, no specialization, etc etc

Then why did China take centuries longer than Europe and the Middle East to discover bronze working? Also I'm fairly sure that Werner von Braun wasn't a chink.

>chinks invented agriculture first
Really now?

>reading comprehension

nowhere did I say china invented agriculture. It's a fact that it was invented in the f

> China take centuries longer than Europe and the Middle East to discover bronze working

but thats false, China had bronze starting in 3200 BCE. This is the same time as the Greeks, who are also not white, and 1500 years before the nords had bronze. Not to mention Europe took bronze technology from the middle east, they didn't independently invent it.

You have to understand that in schools in China, they teach that chinks invented everything--the car, the light bulb, toothpaste, indoor plumbing, Albert Einstein's real name was Ai Wangxiang, etc, etc.

>nowhere did I say china invented agriculture. It's a fact that it was invented in the fertile crescent and later spread to europe.


>exceed capacity of biosphere

>shutting down your brain after being confronted with facts

You should spend some time outside of Sup Forums, its not good to stay cooped up in a safe space all the time. Learn what actually happens in the real world, not the regurgitated bile filled "truth" you'll find here.

There's not much facts in your posts, but there is a lot of extremely lame nationalist propaganda.

funny that what western historians widely accept as facts since Joseph Needham's days come across as "nationalist propaganda" to you. Same reason why centrists come across as far lefties to Sup Forums I suppose.

The only limits are the fresh waters of rivers and agriculture that can produce 50,000 pounds of food every 2 months and 300,000 pounds of potatoes annually per acre, daily intake of a person is 3 pounds of potatoes at 1k calories can support 273 people annually per acre.

There is no such thing as food shortage water shortage or any environental threats at all.

Thats why theres a statue of liberty, eiffel tower, pyramid of giza, sphinx, and Colosseum in Las Vegas, dummy. Novelty and a sense of humor.

>sense of humor
Pick one and only one.

Crop fertility increases overtime with new technology and current production of food is capped by government regulations.

In regards to the printing press, China had some kind of stamp thing for documents in the Tang era, but there wasn't a real printing press until Gutenberg. One reason for it was the hyper-complex Chinese writing system.


Why is everyone assuming if another America comes along, there wouldn’t be another massive wave of colonization and literally wiping out other populations to sustain the other country.

Do people really believe that everyone suddenly believes in “humanity” especially western countries?

NAFTA was largely negotiated by Bush Sr, all Clinton really did was sign it.

>I still support TPP, but not without any kind of system to direct US workers who will lose their jobs towards other careers.
maybe now Repubicans will actually not vote down these programs out of spite now that they don't have an Obama to rabidly oppose at every opportunity.
Oh, wait, their constituents don't want retraining.



Im fine with xhinese culture domimating

>implying the Chinks could get the same GDP per capita as Japan.

>Anywhere and at almost any time in China, you can see a cart fallen on a man or a horse or some similar accident, plentiful in the crowded streets, with curious onlookers not stirring a hand to lift the injured out of his predicament. This indifference to fellow suffering seems by all evidence to be distinctly Oriental.



>They are the unsung heroes of the region: the poor men and women who migrated and blazed trails into the jungle, accessing the timber wealth; Chinese workers who planted and tapped rubber, who opened up the tin mines, who ran the small retail shops. It was the Chinese immigrants who tackled these Herculean tasks, and created a new economy around them.

>The British were good administrators. Many of them in private enterprise were absentee landlords, sitting in boardrooms or plush offices in London, Singapore or Kuala Lumpur. It was the Chinese who helped build up Southeast Asia.

>The transplanted Chinese were born entrepreneurs. The bulk of the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia have their roots in the coastal towns and villages of Fujian and Guangdong provinces – and these have been blessed with some of the best entrepreneurial genes in the world. They came very hungry and eager as immigrants, often barefooted and wearing only singlets and trousers. They would do any work available, as an honest income meant they could have food and shelter.

>Chinese entrepreneurs are efficient and cost-conscious. When they search for foreign hardware and expertise, they know how to drive hard bargains. They work harder than anyone else and are willing to “eat bitterness”, as the Chinese say. The Chinese are simply the most amazing economic ants on earth.

>Colonisation opened up Southeast Asia. The Europeans brought a semblance of law and order to the region and opened up rubber, mining and trading operations. Millions of Chinese, a tsunami of human migration, went south in search of better opportunities. The majority of overseas Chinese are moral and ethical people who practice fair play and possess a sense of proportion.

getting really sick of chinks spamming their shite here
somehow even worse than kremlinbots

Fuck you anglo Russia has tigers!

Everyone in SE Asia loathes chinks, they're the Jews of the region.

Oh, and the Third World shithole cunts who will suck China's dick for change.


white people colonized different lands because they believed they needed to spread their races, steal resources, and civilize others.

chinese don't believe that. they just want to get rich and be a nepotistic merchant minority in every country

Shitty cunts like Argentina sell raw materials to China and in exchange buy their consumer electronics brands like Huawei since they're too poor to afford Samsung or Sony.

As Africa proves, chinks are ok with stealing resources and making money off the locals, the whole "bringing light to the savages" idea doesn't seem to click with them.

Okay, why is a richer world a 'lose-lose' situation in America's mind? I think that is the more pressing question here. Did nobody teach it how to share or play nice?

because chinese and africans understand the whole interaction isn't about "bringing light to the savages," you dumb wh*toid

this is why many people are happy about the decline of the west. when you interact with white people there's always some bullshit about racial superiority involved. you can't just trade with white people with no strings attached.

100% THIS. The English Language basically was exported, but the culture wasn't because England ITSELF was an older culture. No culture/language divide like this has existed in human history; The English Language Dominates The Economic And Technological Sphere Only Because No Other Language Punishes Its Speakers So Brazenly In Ways The East Thinks Is Fucking Disgusting And Pornographic Even.

I bet this is that same guy who works at the Chinese embassy in Washington at it again.

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