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Let the memes flow.


can't sprain the kaine.


Will this keep the millenials home?

Literally who?

Kaine is a FUCKING WHITE MALE corporatist democrat

Semen Stain Kaine

Look at his many young girls saw this before they died?

was a bowl of cold oatmeal not available?

you never go full Plaxico Burress


they announce this on a friday night. has there ever been a candidate so awful they go out of their way to ensure they get as little press as possible?

Does anyone know who this is?

All right start digging you autists, KEK will aide us but we must do out part

"I did not have sexual relations with that man"



Apparently is a pretty moderate dem. Shill is trying to pander to the nevertrump folk.

Nigga Reince Benis is probably masturbating furiously to this pick because they got all the oppo research on this guy.

He accepted a lot of "gifts" in his time.

kek really?

What the fuck was she thinking?

Since she's alienated the far left her only hope are the cuckservatives.

All 12 of them?

Tell me about Kaine. Is he a big guy?

>anti abortion
>for free trade
>supports fracking

good job Hillary keeping that Bernie block, this will for sure convince them


Question: Were bernouts in denial hoping for benis as VP?

I want some of those tears

It's not like the Sander's block are well known for going out to vote anyway

Trump was about to announce Pence on Friday night but cancelled and then announced at like 5 am Saturday.

I was predicting it given how hard he sold out. I thought he got some kinda deal out of it.

an older white man is probably the best choice for pushing away young liberals. they won't run to trump of course, but they'll def stay home. good choice, shillary.

The safest, most unsurprising vp pick since who cares.

Only the most delusional ones. Most of them hopped on the Warren bandwagon

I truly believe liberalism is a mental illness.

Sigh, another boring old white cis male.

He's personally against abortion but sully supports roe vs wade.

Who's gonna be the first one to shop Bane's mask onto him?

Actually they've turned on Warren as of late

>supports fracking

Oh no- working class Americans having access to high paying jobs! Imagine the horror!


Actually he was going to announce friday at 11am est, with an actual press conference

>Run outside to tell libcuck friends the news
>"Hillary just picked a fucking wand maker from Harry Potter."
>They all bust out laughing
>"She picked fucking Bilbo."
>Raucous laughter



Kasich please go. Fracking fucks up the land and contributes to earthquakes. Literal shit tier energy. Enjoy your irradiated water.

who #insane4kaine here??????????????

Yep, on Friday.

> So many things that can rhyme with Kaine

> Picked him just to court male voters who do not have to support their wife's son.

Shut the fuck up, only the most reatarded of retards believe fracking does anything more than trigger china and russia because it basically means infinite cheap gas.

>fucks up the lad
nigga do you know how deep does that tube go?
>irradiated water
double kek

Oh god yes, he's pro-fracking? Can't really attack Trump with as much zeal on the environment crap.

Pro-TPP? Even better. There's now a very clear choice between which side is pro-TPP and which side is not.

Abortion issue will make democrats averse to him, but not necessarily drive them towards Trump.

I like this meme, i give it 5 out of 5 meme points


Tim Kaine was literally



was going to be Hillary's Vice President in 2008

ayy lmao

he's more anti-abortion than trump

what the fuck was Hillary thinking?

>Do you know how deep that tube goes
Do you?
>Irradiated water
Kek all you want. That leftover shit goes straight into underground water reserves/wells. Which you then drink, unfiltered.
I'm a geology fag. They may not cause huge ones, but they can reach 4.0 on the richter scale. Shill harder. Take off your proxy Israel fag.

Damn, it's like she own Google.
Oh wait...

If there's one idea this election has reinforced, it's that she's not.

Great pick. I was on the Kaine Train since 2008 and really wished Obama picked him. Romney did a good job, but not as good as Kaine will.

But Pence is Pro-TPP too. It means nothing. He'll likely pull a Pence and shut the fuck up about it. Hilary is against TPP in her current narrative.

Proof, cited sources etc. Don't just spout nonsense and think it'll stick.

She threw the bernouts under the bus and is now going for nevertrump cuckservatives.

>tfw Virginia is officially a blue state

and how does that make you feel, Sup Forums?

>fucks up the land
it fucks up wells mostly, people should be compensated for that but it shouldn't be a dealbreaker
wew lad i live in fucking fracking country and the worst that happens is 3 to 4 on the scale, which isn't even noticable

fracking is the reason gas is below 2 dollans again around here

>Wow. Looks like Crooked Hillary chose Tim Kaine as her running mate, the same man she chose in 2008! Our country needs new ideas!

>Shit from 2005

Sorry my nigga but that shit ain't going to stick.

Also, unlike Pence,

" but is "largely inclined to keep the law out of women's reproductive decisions."

Trump is for fracking too, doofus

CNN just released interview on TV with him saying that he is against abortions

how fucking dense are you?

Trump has been against it for years though. It's been a part of his platform since the race started. Hillary only adopted it to lure in Sanders folks, then shut down any attempt to put anti-TPP wording in the party platform. Hillary has rallied for years in support of NAFTA and TPP, which she called the "gold standard".

but bernbots were against it, the base Hillary was aiming for

I hate liberalism now wtf

Good fucking grief. Virginia is literally the most cucked state in the union.


Shooting yourself and ruining you entire career?



From the wikipedia you linked me,

"Kaine, a Roman Catholic, is personally against abortion,[116][117] but is "largely inclined to keep the law out of women's reproductive decisions."[116] Kaine has said: "I have a traditional Catholic personal position, but I am very strongly supportive that women should make these decisions and government shouldn't intrude. I'm a strong supporter of Roe v. Wade and women being able to make these decisions."

So not only are you sourcing the Clinton News Network as basis but not even reading the links you give me as evidence against him?

Once again, great pick. Very low baggage. Mike Pence, another radical zealot, has said far more damning things and it's not effecting shit. Hilary has the LGBTQ community in the fucking bag and Trump shouldn't even bother.

And no, Bernie Sanders or Warren should have not been the pick. Trump is probably very unhappy she picked someone as bland and safe as Kaine and he can't meme it out like usual.

PA fag here, ferk off we need dem jerbs
Anti fracking is shilled for hard by the hippies, honestly it's the lesser of two evils.

What about everyone in the Appalachians that has pink toxic water that they can't drink because of the cracking there hmmm?

>he can't meme it out like usual.
but Sup Forums will.
Sup Forums will always find a way


Actually Sup Forums has single handily made Trump tweet less because he's sick of the bad Hilary memes shitting up his comments section and does not want to associate with them as much.

Old Trump made 25 tweets a day at the fucking least. Now it's lucky if we get 5. And no, it's not because "he's busy".

Honestly I believe Sup Forums will be actually one of the leading reasons why Trump does not get elected and they're either too young or deluded to realize what they're doing. A normie clicks on Trump's twitter and they see that radical racism and just don't want to be associated with that.

This is one of the most forced and pathetic memes I've ever fucking read.

Apply yourself.

#MentallyHill #IncrediblyInKaine

Meme this pls

dude I would sell my soul to get up in that warm wet hole


I seriously hope you goys don't do this

Since he knows spanish, does that mean he will be using Hillary's Twitter account from now on?

wtf i hate memes now