What is your opinion on cartoons pushing fat fetishes on children?

What is your opinion on cartoons pushing fat fetishes on children?



I don't know but lots of my poor white friends would point out obese women as hot to me.

I think the standards for what is normal have fallen significantly.

You can't push a fetish onto somebody. They're pre-programed.

fat chicks = stable mates

it's why your mom is so fat

What show

poor people have always liked larger women aka fatties

You're fucking autistic

It can't possibly be pre programed.

Is the desire to dress up like a female fox hereditary?

What an outstanding argument. What kind of media should I watch if I want to develop a new fetish? If I watch Steven Universe will I start liking fat chicks?

I don't know man. I'm a footfag and I have no idea where it came from.

Liking larger women (i.e more filled out) is not associated very well with high testosterone, rather it -is- associated with growing up lower-class/ near poverty. On the opposite spectrum, those who like more skinny (i.e model-tier) are more likely to have been born upper class/ well-off. A few assumptions can be made from this data: (a) fatter women are more likely to survive raising a child in constant low-resource situations than their skinnier counterparts (b) skinnier women are characterized commonly, in high-society, as having the virtue of restraint, i.e intelligent/ of sound mind.

Though there may be retorts that "primitive tribes worshiped fat women" and "fatness is seen as a sign of wealth." To the first I say, early hunter-gatherer tribes had the same low-resource environments as in (a), before agriculture started truly flourishing (i.e everyone had a steady and full stream of food, most commonly starting from the 20th century in the U.S.A). This same worship of fat figure is still found in the world, although only in places of squalor (such as Bangladesh). To the last I say, once food production is optimized to the point that everyone of a culture has a ready supply of food, the qualities of fatness lose their significance. Where before it meant that someone had access to lots of food (wealth), now it means a lack of restraint and/or health defect (especially in modern times). Yet, there still exists the underclass that doesn't have a truly steady stream of food and resources that they still cling to the ancient value of plumpness.

Why did I write out such an autistic post? Because I've seen (rarely) some quality posts that have improved my understanding of a topic to a great extent and have opened new paradigms of thought.

t. Interdisciplinary (Sociology, Anthropology, etc.) Researcher

Fun-fact: The reason many Greek statues have such weird "soft" faces is because of ill-developed facial structure due to soft-food diets


before /fit/ I liked only thin women.

Now I strongly prefer high test women and think even slightly chubby chicks are hot

>Now I strongly prefer high test

Could that be less because of high test threads and more because your working out has increased your testosterone and thereby your natural desire for thick women who look like they'd bear good children?

Fetishism should be encouraged among all white children.

no idea. could be either really, or both.

>I don't know man. I'm a footfag and I have no idea where it came from.

I heard that foot fetishes are because some peoples' brains develop with the neurons for the foot getting cross with the sexual reflex ones. Literally crossed circuits.

I believe fetishes based around more complex things like animal people comes from some sort of exposure in early childhood or some deeper component of your personality.

Provide examples.

>You can't push a fetish onto somebody. They're pre-programed.

The only thing our brains are preprogrammed to do is breath, eat, sleep, and fuck people who aren't sick, dying, or blatantly flawed. Natural selection just isn't as important Now and people get bored horney and creative. And those degenerates should be euthanized to preserve resources

>and fuck people who aren't sick, dying
gonna have to uh, respectfully disagree there

Who cares? My friends dates fat girls but his mom is a fat ass so if you want to get Freudian....I tend to fall into the same category, my mother was skinny and small, and I often find myself attracted to small, somewhat frail women. I don't have mommy issues, at least I don't think, but I don't care what people are sexually attracted to. If poor guys want to like big fat bitches, good for them. Everyone needs someone, and fat girls need love too. Also, as I said before, if you want to get Freudian, there moms and other women in their lives are probably fat too since they're poor.

Look at all the male cartoon characters. Effeminate fatsos with man boobs like stephen universe.

They promote complacency. I hate it.

>not one single "noice"

I'm disappointed.

First girl I had feelings for betrayed me.

Now I'm a BDSM Dominant who ties up his partner.

I didn't have a love for controlling women until this betrayal. Took me a while for the pieces to come together in my mind.

>Why did I write out such an autistic post?

Is it really autistic if you write something comprehensive, well thought out, and related to your field of study?

>I believe fetishes based around more complex things like animal people comes from some sort of exposure in early childhood or some deeper component of your personality.

What kind of experience specifically?

I think Steven Universe having a guy being in a relationship with chubby chick is his example.

>The only thing our brains are preprogrammed to do is... fuck people who aren't sick, dying, or blatantly flawed.

If we can have instinctual programing to want to select and fuck certain types of mates, and those instincts are inherited, couldn't it be possible for different/defective sexual instincts (footfaggotry) for example that are passed on in a similar fashion?

What about sexuality? What is homosexuality if not a very strict fetish? It's not like you can just choose to be gay.

Stephen Universe. A very progressive CN cartoon.

I kek'd.