Free Speech vs Hate Speech

Really makes you think.

Reading that made me lose part of my sanity.


Why, it's true. Words DO hurt people and it's about time we recognise the violence of words and treat it like what it is; assault.

Quality posting OP. Much better than any leaf. I'm sure you make all the cute abo boys in Melbourne swoon.

RMYT should be a Fucking bannable
Offense already

sums up any emotional speech

You wouldn't know if there were abos down in Melbourne mate. Unlike the leafs, we don't see race.

What does the person who made this image classify as "hate speech"?

This is deep.

>sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
If the truth hurts, it probably means you're living a lie.

Kinda... Makes you... Think

yes,hate speech is free speech.
you don't need laws to protect speech people want to hear.
You don't need laws protecting your right to tell your politicians they're pretty and doing an excellent job.
you are stupid and your logic is weak and girl like.
go kill yourself(i say this with no thoughts of hate,only pity for your feeble mind)

>They see me trolling

Notice the wording

>costs part of their self respect, or part of their sanity

So telling someone who believes false information the truth is now hate speech

Anything that is offensive to someones race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. It's really not that hard.

That's wrong because "hate speech" is subjective. As soon as you say some speech is okay and some is not okay and gets you put in jail, human beings will exploit that to the point where anyone who says anything they disagree with will be silenced and jail.

What if you say you hate Doritos? Is the Doritos corporation going to put you in jail?

Being anti-hate speech can be summed up with the attitude,

>I don't want anyone to have the legal ability to say anything that makes *ME* look or feel bad, but I want to be able to say things that make those people I don't like look or feel bad without consequence.

Fucking agreed. Jesus Christ of all the boards Sup Forums is like a toddler, they find some a button that makes a noise and won't stop smashing it while it's driving everyone crazy. Same with "Sup Forums BTFO!" and "what did they mean by this" ... it's not funny or clever when it's every fucking thread. But again, it's like a little kid without the ability to get sick of something annoying yet.

Every time political speech that I don't agree with is permitted it costs someone part of his or her self, part of their self-respect, or part of their sanity. It rips people to shreds and destroys society.

Really makes you totalitarianism

Hate speech, noun.
Definition: speech that hurts my feelings

Yea but where do you draw the line between actual offense and the offended just being oversensitive.

>tfw they never define what hate speech is

>It rips people to shreds and destroys society.

No that's Islam

Free speech does not exist so that we can talk about the weather.

Surely, the affected minorities get to choose.

Ahh that pic brings me good childhood memories

Ah yeah but the point about free speech is that you can say good or ba things. 'Free' doesnt mean 'moral'.

Hate Speech is okay against White males though

Dick-sucking faggot

Oh don't mind me. I'm just ripping society to shreds.

Dindu Nuffin
Basketball American
Oven dodging Jew
Redskin savage
Slobbering gimp
Aboriginal, stick-inventing, quasi-evolved, missing link
Land whale
Quivering, cellulite-ridden, formless pile of flab
And last but not least,
Goat-fucking snackbar

Fuck you, OP.
Fuck you.
Fuck you long, hard and violently.

Of course. How can you be hateful towards an oppressor? Rebelling against injustice is justified while oppression is simply politicized hate.

Dumb cunt alert...... Time to fuck off coon loving lefty filth

whites are the true minority on the planet.You have realized we are global now,right?

so stop oppressing white people,we aren't fun to play with when we are angry.

>rips people to shreds
No it doesn't you kangaroo fucking, one post by this I.D. abbo fuckface faggot. If you want to rip people to shreds, buy pictured.

There are toughts in my head motivated by this post

Saying hate speech isn't free speech is like saying bad movies aren't movies, or junk food isn't food. Whether or not it's "hateful" is a fucking opinion. Morons.

Intentionally inciting a violent group of people to attack others is the only line you shouldn't cross... And that's only assuming people DO start attacking.

wtf i hate speech now

Exactly. We have the phrase "to take offensive" *take* being the keyword there. The offensive is on the table, you can just leave it there, you don't to take it. It's a choice. Some people these days are taking way more offensive than they even were given, stealing other people's offensive even! Because we've rewarded that, when someone's a victim they get a restitution, a reward, so now everyone wants to be the offended victim because it means you get your way, you get the money or attention or whatever it is you're after.

Fuck off shill all speech is free in this country you poofta cunt faggot bitch

Where's you get that image, Canada?

We often hear that private companies like Twitter are free to censor who ever they want. I want to RESIST that notion that free speech is MERELY a constitutional right. It is not just a constitutional right - it is a human right.

You're offending me right now, stop with these micro-aggressions before I have the cyber police backtrace you and charge you with internet hate speech.

wtf i hate hate speech now

>be British tax collector in 1770s America
>try to collect exorbitant taxes for the Crown indebted after a war
>colonists start insulting me and the Crown that I dedicated my life to
>tell them they're being hateful and disrespectful
>they tell me to fuck off
Extremely problematic, don't they know it costs people a part of their self respect and sanity when they use hurtful language like this? The Queen will hear about this.


Hate speech hurting is self hatred. Go get therapy.

There is no such thing as hate speech.

No one has the right to not be offended.

Which makes it all the more shocking how much whites dominate the world through their oppressive practices.

Why are people so over valued these days?


Sticks and stones you sensitive little kid, grow a pair and realise that the world isn't your safe space nor will it ever be

The same people pushing this are the people who now control what classifies as hate speech so naturally they will be for it. The issue is that there will come a time when they do not agree with what the government decrees as hate speech. One day a government they dislike can come into power and begin classifying their things as hate speech but this reality will never dawn on these people, these are the people who say things such as "the right side of history", believing that their views will always be held as right and true to the end of days.

I wish I could have that much faith that government would be a good and impartial judge who will do what is right but I am not a fool, everything about the constitution was written as a way to stop government power, from limiting what you say, arming yourself against them to providing an attorney should they wish to take away your freedom. The only way to stop this slow decent into tyranny and ever increasing government power where it can determine which words will send people to jail is to simply stop it dead in its tracks as free speech has done. Without free speech you will see German type raids over stupid Facebook posts and while people may cheer for it now as they agree with it there may come a day when they don't, then they will wish they had limited the powers of government and never let it expand into their daily life and control them.

Literally "your rigits end where my feelings begin"

So then stop committing hate speech against NatSoc shitlords.

Hate speech is a subjective term. It only benefits people who have the most powerful lobby. That is why people can go on twitter and say #killallwhitemen and nothing happens.

But feminists don't have the most powerful lobby? Women need to struggle to get their opinion heard in the day and age.

I always find it odd that my fellow countryman can turn their back on our culture to adopt some mangled form of American dick-sucking.


So do you have anything to refute or are you going to defend our inferior system? Call it cocksucking if you please, the truth is that you can't insult me without facing repercussions from the government.

Defend your right to be offended and send people to gaol all you want

"Really makes you think" has got to be the shittiest meme of all time.

Shouldn't we ban Islam then? Those fucks always commit hate speech against infidels.

We didn't invent free speech. Our rights were inherited from the then-English constitution. We just did a better job of preserving those rights.

It's the rest of you who turned your backs on our Anglo roots.

If you label any speech you dont like you are attempting to silence it. Everyone must have a voice.

>north korea


>putting turkey right next to germany

Yeah fuck you too, troll

This made me think

the world is one giant game of king of the hill.
don't hate because whites are currently winning.
instead of trying to weaken the strong why not try strengthening the weak?
whites are the minority worldwide.stop oppressing my people.

"Hate" speech is quite literally the ONLY speech that actually requires protection. If it doesn't offend anyone, then who would bother to attempt to silence it?

wtf is this? israel is not a country. it is stolen land.