Tfw being br

>tfw being br
>tfw not born in a strong nationalist nation
>tfw not born in a white nation
>tfw country is filled with niggers and the only whites are the leftist cucks that enable them
>tfw country is ran by jews
>tfw being br

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Enjoying life as a favela monkey?

Why are you complaining? we have samba!


sounds like america..... is that the joke ?

and you guys have sexy pardos


C'mon it's not that bad.

What about being BR?
We don't need nationalism, we need patriotism.
No white nation, so what? Have you done better than Machado de Assis, Aleijadinho, Capistrano de Abreu, Lima Barreto ou Gonçalves Dias?
Filled with half-bloods, half-breeds, whatever you want to call us.
Jews? Stop using this bullshit scapegoat. We failed as nation, because we allowed that.

You are no better to our culture, we need to fight for ourselves. Make this a more conservative pro-capitalist country.

I wish I lived in a world power and not this frozen backwater. You should be proud. People here are complete multicultural cucks.

At least Brazil has pride, and a lot of white people in the south.

We need Integralism

Simple, if you look white and have decent a appearance, is willing to work hard and create value to society, just move to a less shit country.

That's what I'm doing.

The whites in your country must be liberal cucks. I was just reading about the socialist hellhole that is Argentina.

We don't have pride right now, not at all. Our country was fucked by communists, badly. Perhaps in the 60's and 70's we've could make some progress, if we've kept our conservatives toughts.
And depend on what you call whites. Here, race wasn't suppose to be an issue, and must not be an issue. Just some asshole want to make out of that an issue. There is a lot of halfs in the south.

one thing that can unite all the world here, other than indians, is having a country run by Jews. please put on good shitshow olympics brazil. if nothing happens will be biggest letdown of all time.

Just Move to the Brazil south bro, is close from your country, they like Argentines, mate and churrasco

Son, if you are white come to your fatherland.

Alma mater

>The whites in your country must be liberal cucks.
They are

> I was just reading about the socialist hellhole that is Argentina.
It's not that socialist anymore, we have a Conservative government now. But yeah, this country was cucked, from 2nd richest in the world to Portugal-tier in a generation thanks to Peronism.

Thanks, South Brazilians are basically our brothers, culturally speaking. But I ain't moving, I'm pretty comfy here. I just wished my people had some sense of national pride and historical awareness.

You just need another FHC

As I've said, you are no better for this country; no with this thoughts. But I do understand that, you must do what you think it is good to you. But don't you think you don't held responsibility for this country being a huge piece of shit (we all do).

I'll stay and fight for this shit until the end.

Come home hue son.

br? br? br?
gibe monie or i repor u

The fatherland calls, will you answer?

Yes, a new kind of. Specially in this time.

>You just need another FHC

Yup. Ain't happening though. All the young hippy-dippy socialists hate him despite basically saving the country. Pretty much the huehuebr Reagan.

Nah... he is a soft socialist, we don't need that. We need folks like Dr. Enéas Carneiro, Roberto Campos, Médici ou Castelo Branco.

I would just be happy if Brazilians stopped yelling into the mic and spamming in vidya

He approves. Do it.

Join BOPE - fuck shit up.

Do it. it's in your genes.

We are trying. The republic has failed with us, perhaps monarchy... another Dom Pedro II would be good.

Still orders of magnitude better than being Romanain, desu. At least you are somewhat relevant.

True mental strength, going day by day without gassing yourself with that kind of family tree.

how about i fuck your shit go make brazil great instead of shitting up western nations!

>That tree

My fucking sides. No wonder you are a worthless NEET. Rape anyone lately?

The opposite. Portugueses made Brazil their brothel, they had an harem of autochthonous and slaves which represents the genesis of us.

I know you are mate.

Shit gets darker before you can see the silver lining, but whatever you do don't lose hope hue son.

You future is yet to be fulfilled. You have winner genes within ya mate. Nothing can take that away.


Go back to fucking abos you degenerate.

>The fatherland calls, will you answer?
Only if I get to kill muslins in the process.

Do I get to kill muslins in the process?

Dad please tell me what can I do to make you happy, please, I want to make you happy daddy.
Please take our people, make good use of them as you wish.


My son, our identity was built on fucking over muzzies and anybody that tries to dissuade you otherwise is a faggot. Portugal and by extent Brasil was built o killing towel heads.

Hue son if your love for the fatherland is that intense, your heart will guide you.As much i'd like unity between us, you must thread your own path, but if the gods may grace us i hope we both help each other rise to grasp the future we deserve.

>My son, our identity was built on fucking over muzzies and anybody that tries to dissuade you otherwise is a faggot. Portugal and by extent Brasil was built o killing towel heads.
Then im in, gonna request dual citizenship and go live there asap.

How is the job market? I have a bachelour degree in biological sciences.

OP, we need to build a national identity - and I think the solution is to study brazilian history and recognize that the future of Brazil depends on the reinforcement of the European and Natives (índios), and that slavery was a big fat fucking mistake that messed up Brazil forever.

We need a ethinic idendity - which should be whiteshy (if you want any chance of success as a nation);

We need also a cultural identity - which must be something related to the joy (alegria) of living, and somehow to redirect this idea to nobler goals.

We only need tolerance with diversity to the extent that will take a huge time to reduce diversity - even with proper policies, such as: immigration privileges to Europeans, North Americans. Immigration restrictions from Africa. And someone somehow must have an idea to create an incentive to white people embrace western conservative values and reproduce.

If I were you I would start by reading A Carta de Pero Vaz de Caminha, so you can have a bit more pride in your nation and its potential.

Have the dual citizenship just in case. I can't really comment on how the market is for your particular major but for whatever reason you might want to come here. You'll find it's a pretty nice place to live in.

>You'll find it's a pretty nice place to live in.
That is good and all, but it is a bonus only. Im going for the chance to remove kebab.

Nope. It's no about race, but about culture. We need to enhance and strength our culture, use the work force we have and make this country good. Carry this eugenic though elsewhere.

I wish i could help you with that, so to in my bosom burns the desire to remove kebab. But that isn't so much up to us but to international developments. But passionate lusitatinias are always welcome here and that is my message to you.

Do you honestly expect black people to adhere to western cultural standards? Even if they are a very significant portion of the population?

Or do you think we should have all sorts of cultural nonsense in Brazil mixed togheter (what we have today).

I mean, the issue with Brazil is that the diversity of culture is so huge even within a big city, that if you ask people what they want for Brazil, you get different answers.

You want a free, open, joyful, everything-goes society? - some brazilians do.

You want an organized, respectful, ethical society? - soem brazilians do.

You want carnaval 365 days per year? - some brazilians do

We don't know what we want, and if I had to choose I would choose European values.

The race issue is a thing which is just a long-term important process. But it is very important, race and culture are very connected.

And don't get me wrong, I think we should be very very tolerant to all races. But I would support policy that encourages ethinic balance - without ever using any violence.

How the hell is favoring immigration from certain regions eugenics? That's restricting reproduction, and going as far as executing and aborting undesirables.

He literally said nothing wrong, our only hope is to continue building our national identity, respecting both our settled land and our settlers.

IF you ever need inspiration or just feel comfy when reading shitty news about Brasil, i'd recommend this book.

Is really comfy book.

"A dada altura, comandou Afonso de Albuquerque seis naus nossas, com cerca de 400 homens a bordo. Após ter subjugado e, em parte, destruído diversos portos tributários ao Rei de Ormuz, fez o que ninguém julgou possível: entrou na baía de Ormuz, ficando cercado por 250 navios de guerra inimigos e juntando-se, em terra, um exército de 20.000 guerreiros, todos prontos para o aniquilar! Quando o Rei lhe mandou um emissário a bordo para questionar sobre os seus intentos, Afonso de Albuquerque enviou-lhe a seguinte mensagem: «Renda-se!!!»"


He is my personal hero.

If you want more juice kebab removal passages please tell.

aprende a bien el español

"Esse que o agasalhou era já de idade, e andava por louçainha todo cheio de penas, pegadas pelo corpo, que parecia asseteado como S. Sebastião. Outros traziam carapuças de penas amarelas; outros, de vermelhas; e outros de verdes. E uma daquelas moças era toda tingida, de baixo a cima daquela tintura; e certo era tão bem-feita e tão redonda, e sua vergonha (que ela não tinha) tão graciosa, que a muitas mulheres da nossa terra, vendo-lhe tais feições, fizera vergonha, por não terem a sua como ela".

Índia Brasileira > Portuguesa

"Deste Porto Seguro, da Vossa Ilha de Vera Cruz, hoje, sexta-feira, primeiro dia de maio de 1500."

Mete-te no caralho indio. Em terras lusas fala-se português.

read uncle adolphs book anons
stalag edition, not one translated by kikes
it gives a good roadmap for building a movement from the ground up
life is a competition and we need more of it, we have gotten lazy.

we would be friends with any NS country whose people know who they are and try to make themselves better.
good luck anons

Hahaha I'll take a look at the book.

We've had our own version, which built much of what we have today

It's like the wait staff at Macaroni Grill.

"Respecting both our settled land and our settlers"

I liked that, will use it.


Yes, I do. We need more of Machado de Assis, Aleijadinho, Capistrano de Abreu, Lima Barreto and Gonçalves Dias. As I've said above, have done better than them? Those very ones that helped to define us?

No, everyone must do what one wants. If they rather whites, good; if they rather mestizos, good; if they rather blacks; good. It's not up to you to decide that, I'd rather preserve freedom. We must live under the same culture, enhanced by our diversity.

Indeed, that's why we shouldn't impose this to them. We should impose a excellent education, and create an excellent environment of opportunities for all.

No that. I mean they must choice what they like, but not that far. We must impose the conservationism, in order to create a respectful and ethical society, but not totalitarianism. You play among extremes.

Yes, I want a organized, ethical and respectful society.

No, I don't even like carnival. If they want to celebrate, fine. Not with public money.

I know what I want; I chose some ecumenical Europeans values, brought to us by the Portugueses, the conservationism, and create an integrated society, which shares the same values. Imagine each state under this sames values, we'd pass China easily.

Not in our country, we are a bunch of half-breed and you know that. One must choose what he or she likes. With this thoughts, you are not helping this country. You do good to leave this country.

P.S.: Casa Grande & Senzala, você deve ler isso; e tentar buscar o melhor para todos nós. E ver que podemos criar uma cultura bela e importante. Vai na do velho slogan; Brasil, ame-o ou deixe-o.

Not here, pal. Keep this to yourselves.

Passage from one of the stories in the book:

"Quando António da Silveira recebeu a carta do turco, virou-se para os seus companheiros dizendo:Vejamos o que o perro (cão) do capado! e leu a carta em publico. Suleimão Paxá prometia aos portugueses livre saída de pessoas e bens desde que fossem oara a costa do Malabar e entregassem a fortaleza e as armas. Prometia esfolar todos vivos se não o fizessem e glorificava-se de ter reunido o maior exercito em Cambaia, tendo muita gente que tomara Belgrado, Hungria e a ilha de Rodes.Perguntava mesmo a António da Silveira com se iria defender num"curral com tão pouco gado!"

António Silveira mandou vir papel e tinta e, estando todos presentes respondeu:

"Muito honrado capitão paxá, bme vis as palavras da tua carta. Se em Rodes tivessem estado os cavaleiros que aqui estão aqui neste curral podes crer que não a terias tomado.Fica a saber que aqui estão portugueses acostumados a matar muitos mouros e têm por Capitão António da Silveira, que tem um par de tomates mais fortes que as balas dos teus canhões e que todos os portugueses aqui têm tomates e não temem quem os não tenham!"

*perro do capado diz

Is there literally any chance of anything like that habbening?

In case any of you anglo faggets are wondering that picture is our version of the Wicker man. Done in parts of our north center country. Mostly likely Celtic or pre-celtic tradition.

Admiro, e muito, a cultura Lusa. Devemos nos aproximar mais dela, mesmo que falemos um português corrupto.

Genivaldo não tenho problemas em falar com quer que seja do mundo Ibérico ou Sul Americano. mas esse filho da puta estava a procura de merda e eu respondi à altura.

De resto não tenho qualquer problemas com quem for de falar, desde que haja boa vontade.

>tfw getting my venetian citizenship soon
>mfw leaving this shithole soon

I don't think so. But this is a different ideia. This symbol is to sum, not to divide or subtract, this is for EVERY Brazilian; a conservationism we need so badly. In order to break any communist spine.

Mate, saying a Thomas Sowell exists in the world is not the same of saying it is possible that a mass of people from a completly different ethicity will adhere to cultural standards from another. Yes there are black geniuses and white idiots, but when we are talking about the whole population we have to work with statistics not with exceptions.

I wish to live in a community with less diversity - I don't have this freedom in your plan. In your plan, diversity is enforced. You can't seem to realize how Owrelian you sound:

"We must live under the SAME culture, enhanced by our DIVERSITY". This is a oxymoron. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

I also want freedom. But if I want to live in a quiet, ordered and respectful culture - and my neighbor wants to live playing funk 12h per day and smoking shit and making parties, we have a problem. If I impose my ideals he is restricted, If he impose his ideals I am restricted. We need to work towards some sort of cultural uniformity - a NATIONAL IDENDITY.

You are also starting from the premise that all races are identical by nature and individuals differ only by cultural and educational influences in life. This is simply not true. You can make the best education system in Somalia, it will not make their country successful by our standards. There are important aspects to race that shapes instututions and behavior on a mass level, even with a lot of exceptions.

Now, I agree that this rethoric is a terrible idea in Brazil right now. But we do need to start recognizing, even if secretly, that race plays an important role in development.

But I'm with you when you say we need a society that share the same values - the thing is, a extremely diverse society, will not share the same values.

Don't pray for a saviour, be the saviour.

“As armas e os Barões assinalados

Que, da Ocidental praia Lusitana,

Por mares nunca dantes navegados,

Passaram ainda além da Taprobana

Em perigos e guerras esforçados,

Mais do que prometia a força humana,

E entre gente remota edificaram

Novo Reino, que tanto sublimaram (...)”

We both want the same things actually. It is just a philosophical disagreement, lets be on the same side.

Hue son i think this poem is as true to Portugal as it is to Brasil, hear me out:

Nem rei nem lei, nem paz nem guerra,
Define com perfil e ser
Este fulgor basso da terra
Que é Portugal a entristecer-
Brilho sem luz e sem arder,
Como o queo fgo-fátuo encerra.

Ninguém sabe que coisa quer.
Ninguém conhece que alam tem,
Nem o que é mal ou é bem.
(que ânsia dsitante perto chora?)
TUdo é incerto e derradeiro.
Tudo é disperso, nada é inteiro.
Ò portugal, hoje és novoeiro...

É a Hora!

Pernando Pessoas, Nevoeiro, a Mensagem.

because what you have now works so much better?
multiculturalism is dildos... segrigate + confederacy if you even want to be in the same country as your dindus.
same problem as the us actually.

did you address the jq?
why did it go down?
also from pic there was not enough discipline they are not even in the same uniform sloppy af


You are wrong burger, Brasil is what you will look like in a not so distant future. They are simply in a more advanced state of decay.

Brazilian Σ of friendship and tolerance


Oh man, but the task of restoring pride, national idendity and good values in Portugual seem so much easier than in Brazil... You just have to look at the past to pick a lot of great stuff to know what you want for the future and build your communities around those goals and values.

Brazil seems so absudly distant even from starting anything like this.

This song kinda sums up the feeling Hue son.

Absorb it.

Nice poem btw.

Hey, I heard Brazilian fascism makes lefties pretty salty

That's only because your republicans have the need to make past history shared with us something dirty. Your past is our past. Just reach out and grasp it.

Sorry i fucked it up, was literally speed typing while looking at the book.

still whiter than argentina
>get fucked boludos




Thomas Sowell it just a proof of how an education, a good one, changes people. I don't mean just Blacks, I mean the mestizos as well. Here the majority of the individuals are mestizos, this race disparity were diminished by this. Gilberto Freyre proved that. We must convert Brazilians to the same direction; the right. I know about those statistics, also I know about those statistics lowering when individuals get more conservative; more educated and not brainwashed by the leftist agenda. As I've said, I'll keep fight for this country; for all Brazilians can live with dignity.

Hold your horses, pal. Your are misleading things here. Multiculturalism is bullshit. What I meant was; a general culture (as we have) sharing the same universal values, enhanced by our diversity. [Um Baiano fala "Oxente", um Mineiro fala "Uai", um gaúcho "Barbaridade"; e essa é a nossa mais bonita diversidade, como cada comida típica, com cada festejo regional]. And by this universal values; I mean, mutual respect.

I'm not implying all the races are equal, they are different; that's true. What true determines a society is the education and culture [Europeans provided the blueprint of the civilizations], if Somalians get this high level of education, they'll change; that's a fact. This "a lot of exceptions" are Blacks not brainwashed by the leftist agenda. If you are a racist, ok, everyone must have a opinion a freedom to express themselves. But, dude, wrong country for that.

Again, no. I'll keep fighting for all the Brazilians, as a patriot I am. This majority of halfs.

Lastly, agreed. But what I mean by diversity is the sub-product of our society, not our universal standards.


Thomas Sowell Is an abnormality though. This is the danger of relying on the culture to do the heavy lifting. the thing is, if there isn't a certain biological predisposition for smartness no matter how culturally indoctrinated you get someone, he will never say something truly intelligent.

Brazilians, how do you pronounce that meme laugh I see everywhere "hue"? Is it "hyoo" and rhymes with "you" or is it "hweh" and rhymes with "eh"?

Pal, I agree. Multiculturalism is bullshit. You are right to protect your country. I have anything against that.
The same way I'm trying to protect mine. But I'll try to fight for all my countrymen, race for me is irrelevant. Once our racial complex is so dense.

Ok, I concede on race, for the sake of the argument. Let's just assume that it is possible to create universal values with massive ethnic diversity (which was our disagreement).

Which would be these values? And how would you go about strategically to implement them? Polliticaly?

Just changing the tone to a constructive conversation.