You will never be a middle eastern male

>you will never be a middle eastern male
>instead acne filled white male

How do i deal with these feels?

inb4 t. Ahmed
LOL all racism aside i want to look exotic being white is so fucking boring

keep rationalizing your inferiority shitskin

b-b-but i swear im white :(

nah its cool i understand those comments, id make them too lol

isn't smoking and tattoos haram?

Only low T cucks and chronic masturbators get Acne. Why do you think it's so common in teenagers? They are all slaves to their flesh.

I shouldnt even say all middle easterners. idk why I generalized a nationality like that.

a good looking middle easterner*** FUCK i just want to look like zayn idk why hes so fucking good looking no homo

u will be consumed by kek's hellfire

t. doctor

I appreciate this shill thread.

I'll give it 3 out of 5 pepe.

*t.Jewish Doctor.

What the fuck? I totally think he's a beta max faggot cunt now.

If some shit gave me shit for smoking I'd tell him I do what I want with my life and he should live his his way instead of trying to seek approval by changing mine. If that actually happened to this cunt, why are these people celebrities?

Have you ever wondered why one of the symptoms of steroids were pimples? Contemplate that whilst everyone realises how full of shit you are.

i want to look like zayn so fucking bad. even isis soldiers in the videos in the bg are lowkey attractive

i dont want to be an Ahmed tho, more like a... zayn


jews aren't white you fucking kike

You know Trump is going to win the election, right?

how about that gross gay earring

as a gay man I have to say that trend of big flat opaque earrings among gay men is very unfortunate

>Only low T cucks and chronic masturbators get Acne

excessive testosterone causes acne

a symptom of roid use

Zain Malik was definitely the cutest one out of One Direction, but that's not hard to do when your competition are Irish and English.

I think we can all agree that Southern Europeans are the most handsome.

As someone who actually works in the healthcare field, acne is when the kidneys push toxin out of the skin instead of your piss or shit. Its just from being too acidic. Do a water fast on 9+ PH water for 3 days.

Well i'm an acne filled sand-nigger.


Isis cool tho, plz no CIA is just pol

but thats mainly upper back and chest, I think he means face acne, but ideekay


acne isn't "toxins" coming out

it's oil-secreting glands getting clogged and infected

the only relationship to toxins is that some toxins can cause a weakened immune system and thus acne