All of these people are jews

Everyone of them are jewish.

After careful analysis, I've determined that jewish people really are big brother.

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wait, you forgot her

lol you really can look up any movie or sort of cultural thing and find (((them)))

rats, well that destroys this whole theory

Oh my! A high IQ people who emphasize education and success are overwhelmingly dominating high paying fields!

pure coincidence ;^)


Don't forget academia.
I went to Rutgers.
The infiltration levels are mind boggling

remember when this guy covered bohemian grove vs making false drama with TYT?


Oh god thats one of the biggest/worst parts lol..every level of education is jewish indoctrination (these days?)

Nixon was based

dont listen to the vaporjew

Murica why let the juden take hold of you? In Iberia we fought hard to trough them out and you just embrace them? why?

They control us all dude, I bet they even control North Korea

they slid it jews always hide my discoveries, this time the walking dead cast were found to be jews

Even Corrral?

Nixon was a great man, and he was not an anti-semite. Two of his most trusted advisors were Jewish. He didn't trust tribalistic Jews, especially ones that promoted Israel's interests over America's.

how much power does media and 'education' have when it comes to controlling the masses?



Joe Berethal is a measly percentage jewish even I have more kike blood.

Why aren't jews considered white? I mean fucking hispanics are white for all intensive porpoises but jews arent? wtf?

They are, but it is complicated by both anti-semitism and crooked Jews.

Some tribalistic Jews say they are white when it benefits them and then backdoor special privileges and benefits for Jews. See college admissions.

really every single one of em?

no wonder theres so much racemixing going on in the show

spanish people arent white in the sense that northern and western european people are.

probably because you ARE a kike : )

i couldnt determine, i decided either yes or he is a jewish hollywood sex slave

haha yep, every character that is "white" is jewish(except the old hag and a few randoms) and every nonjew is a minority.

>this is what the world is like without our system goy