Electing Donald Trump is playing Russian roulette

Electing Donald Trump is playing Russian roulette

Not so different with Hillary Clinton - just that in that game, it's 5 bullets instead of 1

So both Trump and Hillary aren't ideal, but Trump is better? Thanks for that incredibly original opinion.

Trump is Russian Roulette with 1 bullet.
Hillary is Russian Roulette with 12 bullets.

Get it right, Toki.

No, electing trump is like taking a 1911 and shooting your friends and then make new friends.
Electing Hillary is taking that gun, putting it to your head and shooting yourself.

Electing hillary is playing jewish roulette.

Trump could save the country.
Voting for Hillary is just accepting defeat and letting the country burn.

>irrelevant piece of shit of a country trying to communicate with the greatest country ever

he is a high risk person. He will take high risks that sometimes gives really high payoff and sometimes fucks up the economy. that's what he have been doing in in his private life and that's what he will be doing as a president most likely. So you have to be at least comfortable with that if you are voting for him.

Russia roulette has a winner.

Electing Hillary is more akin to playing global thermonuclear war.

I have become far more racist since 2012. I don't like being angry at someone because of their skin color or accent. I blame Obama's policies and division. I will take Trump over the same bullshit we've had the past 8 years.

>a 1 in 6 chance Trump will fuck up
>a 1 in 1 chance Hillary will exploit the system to make her pockets fat

sounds like an easy choice.

Trump did 911 vote for hillary she is a friend of the muslim world.

>just that in that game, it's 5 bullets instead of 1
So the revolver only has 5 chambers?

>American intellectuals

>implying 5 shot revolvers don't exist

Actually, Donald is like talking a walk with your dog, but then your dog catches a frisby that was meant for another dog, then that dog's owner comes over to you and accuses you of stealing their frisbee, and you're all like "I didn't do shit, you shouldn't have throw the fucking frisbee in our general direction", and they're like "Well shit, I didn't fucking mean to you asswipe", and then your primal instincts kick in and you sick your dog on him then he sicks his dog on you, until you're both dead. Then, when you meet in the afterlife, it's like nothing ever happened, and all either of you can do is reflect on what it means to be alive and dead, breathing and not, conscious and unconscious, even real and not real. Then, all of a sudden, the chamber of the hidden gun that was there all along is full of so many bullets that the analogy it was originally based on has lost all meaning, and all you can do is fall to the floor and start scurrying about in a raving fit of lunacy, as you realize that you're quickly becoming part of a higher power that you could never possibly understand in your form. Your mental state begins to reshape itself hysterically in ten trillion different ways every ten trillionths of a second, as you see and feel time and space and everything in between, meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is still wondering how she got away with her email scandals and is not only still in the running, but leading as the democratic nominee

Yes, most modern revolvers have 5.

get some sleep buddy

Stop shilling for hill, you fucking moron.

if we get Trump and he fucks up at least we won't be surprised.

America is so fucked up right now. All we want is certainly.


Hillary is Russian roulette with a Glock 19.

thats a wierd looking pig

I think most of you are missing the point, or know the game Russian roulette. Having one bullet instead of 5 means that the odds of killing yourself is lower.

The point is that with Hillary, we know what we get - we know that she ain't good.

>Having one bullet instead of 5 means that the odds of killing yourself is lower.
Thanks for educating us. Now you've really made me think.

So Polish roulette?

thats a nice cat.