

You can't be fucking serious.

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>any year


You can't be fuckin' serious

It's funny to think that most people are concerned about the idea of a "big brother" government but seem to love the idea of a "big brother" god

most people don't believe in a "big brother" god

You come to a place like Sup Forums, you're going to see some yee-haw religionists

Yeah, I don't subscribe to desert fairy tales either Netherbro, but I also am not a faggot who thinks "If if everyone in the world thought and believed the same as me, the world would be perfect" either. Frankly, I feel like we would have still figured out a moral code to live by, but some more impressionable people need that almighty wagging finger and to be told to act good for eternal paradise.

I don't believe in god or follow any religion, but what do you expect to gain from shitting on those that do?

>being a bourgeois materialist
>any year

>How is Melbin this time of year?

We just make sure not to call them 'religions' any more and you silly goyim still fall for them. 'Equality' is simply a made-up pagan god. Doesn't matter if I tell you because you're already fanatic believers.

>they claim to be above religions
>immediately believes a new made up religion and all it took to convince them was was 'no it is an ideology'

That's where militant atheists fuck up, they act like dickheads and that just reinforces people's positions on the whole thing, because who wants to end up like a dickhead? If you're cordial to these people and they aren't indoctrinated enough, they'll come to logical conclusions as well with little to no effort on your part.

Mormons especially. I had one toss his name tag into my garbage can after a little chat on my front stoop one day.

>most people don't believe in a "big brother" god
yes they do. they believe got knows everything you do

>As apposed to magic

>if you don't believe in god, you're pro-equality
Nice assumption

>Nice assumption
It is a fair one though. All the politically active atheists are. The ones who aren't don't affect anything anyway. It's the equality-believers who are now receiving tenure at major universities across the western world (and get their views shared across major media and in schools) and form the backbone of basically any political party that isn't far-right-nationalist.

I'm not saying that you believe in equality or that all atheists do: only a majority of them fell for the ruse. What do you believe in or fight for anyway? Your blood? Your land? Not any ideals?

We're white, brother. Jews are the intelligent master race. Tanks and Planes are made with superior intelligence, not from IQ

>What do you believe in or fight for anyway? Your blood? Your land? Not any ideals?
I don't get why people think atheists have nothing to fight for. They might not believe in god, but why does that mean that they couldn't want a better world for them and their children?

>not washing hands

You can't be fucking serious.

>why does that mean that they couldn't want a better world for them and their children?
I don't know, why do they overwhelmingly support civilization-destroying policies like mass immigration and women's suffrage?

Athiests are so anti-religion they organized their own churches.


Why is that so hard for people to understand? A lack of an almighty creator being doesn't mean we don't cherish life, we're maybe just a little bit more realistic about it?

Because it's what they're taught to do.

Just in case anyone is surprised that so many people in Turkey wash their hands, it's because they use their left hand and water to wash their ass after shitting. Also, it's Turkey we're talking about, so it's likely that a lot of them lied.

Swallow the true redpill, user.

I wash my hands BEFORE taking a piss, because the world is a filthy place and my cock isn't. I want it to stay clean.

bosna is great

>be highly educated professional
>understand the importance of evidence in analysis
>the literal lives of people hinge on your ability to be as empirical as possible

I don't, because were not all equal, you fog-breathing sand nigger hybrid.

Like a plant with weak roots, they're liable to be ripped up by whichever negative force happens to be around at the time. They fall for these ideologies because they have no firm moral grounding.

Exceptional individuals might be able to formulate their own truly conducive-to-prosperity moral code (funnily enough such a moral code would be more or less indistinguishable from Christianity). But on a civilization scale? It's not going to happen - and it hasn't.

I'm not religious myself, but if you don't see how atheism has been a disaster for the West then I think you are delusional.

>They fall for these ideologies because they have no firm moral grounding.

As a young fool, I used to despise religion. Now as an older fool, I understand it's a necessary evil.

Belief is a beneficial evolutionary trait.
As long as that trait is with us, we will have religion. Abandon one, and people will create or flock to another, usually even more retarded than the first.

>disaster for the West
I think you mean Protestantism friendo

So, why did you dodge the question? I wasn't even poking fun at you. I was just curious.

But you didn't even answer the question.

What do you believe in or fight for?

>usually even more retarded than the first.

There's already 3000+ religions on the planet as it is, and each one promising everlasting paradise if you worship their god(s).

Given enough time, I wouldn't be surprised if the frosted side of the Wheaties became a god if you threw enough retards on the fire and promised them a consolation prize for box tops.

You'll grow out of it eventually.

It's the absurdity of human existence, that everything is fucking stupid a and there is no reason to believe in anything, yet faith and conviction are the only things that will give your life meaning.

> they're liable to be ripped up by whichever negative force happens to be around at the time

Maybe said negative forces are the problem, not atheism.
>funnily enough such a moral code would be more or less indistinguishable from Christianity

Isn't believing in god a part of the Christian moral code though?

I think that one should believe in their country and try to improve and preserve it.

I like how Norway is not applicable for some reason.

Do Norwegians not poop

>logical conclusion
Wrong. Atheism is a phase. Dig deeper.

I don't believe in anyone or anything but myself and fight for whomever I choose, mainly my own interests. Frankly, I don't have to fight anyone really, though you religious folk scare me sometimes on just how far you'll go to prove to everyone else that your god has a bigger dick than someone else's god.

No. Not until belief is no longer a human trait.

Because they'd need to have more than one child apiece to have children.

the percentage of each country coincide with whiteness and norway would score over 90%

>Maybe said negative forces are the problem, not atheism.
Those negative forces are just the manifestation of the worst parts of human nature on a mass scale. If you think you can change that you're no less utopian than a commie. These things have to be counter-balanced by a rigid objective morality.

>Isn't believing in god a part of the Christian moral code though?
Yes, but there are people who more or less adhere to the earthly tenets of Christian morality without actually believing in God (myself included). Though among atheists, I'd say we're an extreme minority.

Yeah but if you can't explain exactly how everything works then you really just gotta believe in ancient Jewish fairy tales op. Your big bang theory hasn't been thoroughly explained to me personally so I've decided to stick with the talking snake and the magical apple, seems legit.



>I don't believe in anyone or anything but myself and fight for whomever I choose, mainly my own interests.

Why? And what is stopping atheists from having more than one child?

>the percentage of each country coincide with whiteness
The white countries in the image are the ones with the lowest percentages though. Probably because of African/""""Asian"""" immigrants.

What are you talking about you fucking idiot, kikes are the ones who push atheism down our throats see degenerate media, (((Harris))) (((Hitchens))) they have been dismantling it since WWII

Philosophy and the need to make sense of life in the current year? LOL

Dig deeper? Where? Dig deeper to your imagination?


Dig deeper till what? I go full circle from kind of-sort of believing in your nonsense back to outside of a few good bits of advice, you're full of shit? Really, whats your end game here? You already pick and choose your own morality as it is because NO ONE follows their holy book to the letter, not even the towel heads.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you were toothy hypocrites.

>one should believe in their country and try to improve and preserve it
That doesn't sound so stupid coming from an Austrian at least. If you were from somewhere like Sweden and said that, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from laughing.

>I don't believe in anyone or anything but myself and fight for whomever I choose, mainly my own interests.
Then ultimately you're irrelevant to the improvement/preservation of the culture of your society. At least Austriabro flat out claims to be a nationalist. Still a weak stance to hold in a democracy, but at least it's something.

Atheists literally believe that if you take a bag of lego and shake it for 5 seconds, evolution will build a helicopter... uhh, hello? Why isn't there any life growing in my peanut butter? I left it in direct sunlight for 5 years and it just went mouldy. No fish, no mice, not even an insect!

>And what is stopping atheists from having more than one child?

Their belief that white people are Satan incarnate, and that those same evil white people are the cause of overpopulation.

That's no more logical than any magic sky fairy religion, yet I'd wager that most athiests BELIEVE it with all their heart.

Christianity itself doesn't seem immune to those negative forces though, just look at the current Pope.

>this person is allowed to reproduce

> If you were from somewhere like Sweden and said that, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from laughing.
What's so funny about a Swede who wants to improve and preserve his country? Considering the current state of Sweden, this kind of stance should be admired and promoted, not ridiculed.

Not all atheists are white though. White people who don't want to have children because of their white guilt is a problem caused by PC indoctrination, not by atheism.

Sorry, don't buy into all the apple pie and Chevrolet bullshit either. The US has it's issues, some of which I support, but most I don't. It's not perfect, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that anything I can do is going to change the state of things. Like the rest of the world, your fate's we sealed, sold, and shipped to the highest bidder a long time ago. That's including damn near country on the planet as well mind you, it's all a part of the big globalist game.

I've been has edgy and certain as you before. One day you will learn. Try reading some real philosophy.

Christian doctrine is based, but the leaders of many churches are sadly Equalists disguised as Christians. The Bible itself has plenty of warnings against the Talmudists and Muslims alike, even though both groups didn't technically exist at the time it was written.

Probably the most annoying thing is that so few Christians question that the NIV is made by a (((publishing company))) who keep (((revising))) the thing every few years or so.

>Their belief that white people are Satan incarnate
Are you serious? Because someone doesn't believe in your sky person means that they hate themselves? Just because you don't believe in fairy tales does not mean that you can't be a nationalist and right wing. Get fucked retard.

>not praising kek
How can other gods even compete?

How to impregnate 2D girls?

>Not all atheists are white though.

Most are, from my observations. At the very least, the most vocal crusaders of Athiesm are white.

>White people who don't want to have children because of their white guilt is a problem caused by PC indoctrination, not by atheism.

Exactly my point. We're hardwired for belief. Take away one religion, and people will always create another.

Congrats on learning to belive in non-existant things. It's good to keep up the traditions and I do agree that the bible has some good teachings, especially the teachings of Jesus. However, the things about God are not true. Jesus had very good points about how to live your life so that the community may prosper. That does not mean that God is real.

>real philosophy
Who then?

Certainly not Nietzsche, Camus, Stirner, Sartre and Singer right?

is the existence of religions a guarantee for wars at any time?



>What's so funny about a Swede who wants to improve and preserve his country? Considering the current state of Sweden, this kind of stance should be admired and promoted, not ridiculed.
I laugh because that's the only way I can handle it. I poke fun at it because it's far too sad for me to want to deal with the reality of it. You're right in a sense, but I'm pretty sure Sweden is too far gone at this point.

>White people who don't want to have children because of their white guilt is a problem caused by PC indoctrination, not by atheism.
Atheism opens the floodgates to PC indoctrination, because atheists far too often fail to spot religion disguised as secular ideology, and you need to be in tune with Christian concepts to see that equalism is nothing more than a corruption of it.
By that I mean it's nothing more than a little word-substitution game. For them:
Equality = God
The Patriarchy = Satan
Privilege = sin
and so on.

>I'm not going to sit here and pretend that anything I can do is going to change the state of things. Like the rest of the world, your fate's we sealed, sold, and shipped to the highest bidder a long time ago.
You're a real defeatist, aren't you?

>Try reading some real philosophy.
I recommend Leo Strauss if you do go ahead and try to read some philosophy. Especially 'Persecution and the Art of Writing'. You'll have fun reading it if you're into intellectually stimulating writing and it'll give you a whole new lens through which you can read any sort of historical text.

I converted to Islam and since my life is a lot more fulfilled.

>Are you serious? Because someone doesn't believe in your sky person means that they hate themselves?

I'm very serious, and I don't have a magic sky person. In fact, I used to consider myself an Athiest, before they started their own churches. Their apparent hatred of themselves comes from their new religion.

>Just because you don't believe in fairy tales does not mean that you can't be a nationalist and right wing. Get fucked retard.

Settle down, Beavis.
I never said can't, I just pointed out that most DON'T.

>coming from a protestant country

not surprising

oy vey

So let me get this straight. Kikes are interested in goys abandoning THEIR holy book in which one of THEM is proclaimed to be the creator of the Universe? Yeah right, makes perfect sence.

Seriously though, historically, atheism is a specifically European "invention".

You have to realize atheism is not the "normal" state of a human, and then they get forcibly converted. On the contrary, we've been religious since prehistoric times, since humans exist practically...

Being without religion is something new, modern, it's an invention, and it's an invention of Europeans like Voltaire, David Hume, Nietzsche.

It's wholly European, not Jewish.

As a matter of fact I would say one of the most distinct feature of Europe is its lack of religion.

Give your soul to Christ, ye wretched sodomite.

So you're saying that many Christian institutions have been infiltrated by equalists? Wouldn't that mean that Christianity is ineffective as an objective morality, as it is easily corrupted by outside forces?

Does political correctness really qualify as a religion though? Sure, its followers are strongly convinced of it, and there are things that they are for and against, but that doesn't make it a religion.

I'm surprised this Kek meme doesn't seem to bother Christians on this board, to me, it seems like the golden calf all over again.

Fine then faggot, put down that petrol, pick up whatever gun your nanny-state felt obligated to let you still have, and go storm the gates of Globalist HQ. Perhaps your god will be on your side and you'll be successful enough to watch those globalists get replaced with another system of corporate feudalism.

That's another thing I never got about you faggots. You think humans are so goddamn special when it is strikingly apparent that we are shit tier organisms that think very highly ourselves because we lack any reference or comparison. Hell, we'll probably see the end of our species within our lifetimes, but it's all ok because if your a good boy, you'll die and go to heaven with your waifu, have bottomless tendies and live happily ever after.

>that's you
>thats what you sound like with your potato tier arguements

Microbiologist here. This guy speaks the truth. In 99% of cases it makes more sense to wash your hand BEFORE touching your cock.

>You have to realize atheism is not the "normal" state of a human
Why not? Every human being is born an atheist. People only become religious later in life.

>hurr durr "too far gone" hurr durr let's give up LOL amirite guys hehe I'm secretly Canadian as you can tell from my shitposting hehe

Take that defeatist attitude somewhere else

The mould is life you fucktard

Actually, what I said was wrong, every human being is born an apatheist.

S-so.... D-does that make me a god? I've got a whole wondrous universe of majesty that I uh... "created" in my fridge :3

gtfo leftie

No it makes you a fucktard who let his peanut butter go mouldy

>Wouldn't that mean that Christianity is ineffective as an objective morality, as it is easily corrupted by outside forces?
Fortunately no, because the Bible itself remains true and based. Even if many churches fall, a reformed Biblical Christianity can always rise from the ashes.

>Does political correctness really qualify as a religion though?
I refer to it as a religion because it functions exactly like one, but I wouldn't call PC a religion. I call it equalism, because the 'god word' they believe in is 'equality'. Amusingly, categorising it as belief in equality provides a link between feminism (gender equality) and communism (class equality).

You sound awfully nihilistic. Do keep searching for a reason to fight for something. I hope you find it one day.

Nah you're right. I'll stay optimistic about Sweden and the other European countries which are steadily edging towards a civil war.

>Belief "there is a God" per country based on Eurobaromer 2005 poll.
Romania is far away from becoming a european country.

Now that I think of it again, this doesn't seem accurate either, as apatheism is still a stance towards religion, something people only find out about later in life. So basically, every human being is born without a religious stance. I don't know if there's a name for that though.

As I see it though, you either end up agnostic or atheist. If you're scientifically minded you end up as an atheist because "he who makes the claim should prove it" and if you are philosophically minded you end up agnostic because logically you can prove neither the existence or non-existence. The third minority are just people who are sick and tired of the whole goddamn debate and do not care anymore or are solipsist.

Well, not necessarily peanut butter, but there's a few thing in there that part of me wants to say would baffle modern science. I think I even heard muffled talks of mutiny and rebellion from the other side of the door.

When you are born, you don't know about the concept of deitys. When someone tells you about gods, you can choose or not choose to believe. But saying that everyone is born atheist is wrong.

Maybe in a couple of billion years if you rule your fridge with a too heavy hand.

>Does political correctness really qualify as a religion though?

Absolutely. PC is a belief system, not grounded in empirical evidence. In fact, it very often contradicts readily available evidence.


synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed

a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
"the world's great religions"

a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
"consumerism is the new religion"

Atheists believe this is all an accident.

A land mass shaped exactly like the British Isles on a map just happened to form by random chance.

Okay I'll admit it that made me laugh.

Appreciate the back-up, user.

It just always seemed like common sense to me. You wash your hands before eating; why? Because you don't want to ingest everything you've touched sinse the last time you washed them. Why wouldn't you give the same courtesy to your cock?

God created the universe after all in order to give Britain an Empire to conquer.

>Why wouldn't you give the same courtesy to your cock?
Because your cock doesn't ingest things? I mean, you do you and all that, but my cock doesn't ingest things at any rate.