How to refutre the idea that nationalism is without use in 'current year'?

how to refutre the idea that nationalism is without use in 'current year'?

how is nationalism important?

How boy, nobody told Pajeet he had to flush.

the people saying that are left wing, so approach it from a stance they will never argue against.

talk about how some shit non white country only gained their independence/freedom because of nationalism, about how this specific group of non whites wanted to work together and govern themselves and be free from whatever oppression

Because it puts the interest of the nation you reside in first.
Patriotism however is for spineless feel-good cuckservatives

Here is how I turned my Faceberg friends nationalist.

"I think the leader of our country should be unapologetic about the superiority of American ideals and unafraid of rejecting globalism. Leaders on the left have to break down Americans into smaller groups and special interests based on race or sexuality and cater to them to gain power.

I would prefer a leader that sees us all as Americans rather than competing tribes whose only commonality is a shared land mass.

My political views have changed drastically over the years. But always have been based on the same set of values. I was a hard-core liberal until I realized liberals have a very skewed version of cause-and-effect. Liberalism assumes that minority groups have little to no agency; The racism of lowered expectations.

I was a libertarian until I realized the nonaggression principle is nothing more than a philosophy, and assumes that those who would aggress upon you share the same philosophy and values as yourself.

Now, I believe that all people in all cultures have the right to self-determination. Common borders, common values. Regardless of race, or sexuality we are all Americans. Now I am an unapologetic nationalist."

Here is how I made my faceberg friends nationalist

"I think the leader of our country should be unapologetic about the superiority of American ideals and unafraid of rejecting globalism. Leaders on the left have to break down Americans into smaller groups and special interests based on race or sexuality and cater to them to gain power.

I would prefer a leader that sees us all as Americans rather than competing tribes whose only commonality is a shared land mass.

My political views have changed drastically over the years. But always have been based on the same set of values. I was a hard-core liberal until I realized liberals have a very skewed version of cause-and-effect. Liberalism assumes that minority groups have little to no agency; The racism of lowered expectations.

I was a libertarian until I realized the nonaggression principle is nothing more than a philosophy, and assumes that those who would aggress upon you share the same philosophy and values as yourself.

Now, I believe that all people in all cultures have the right to self-determination. Common borders, common values. Regardless of race, or sexuality we are all Americans. Now I am an unapologetic nationalist.

India terrorism.

Holy fuck

Wew, what are the odds the both of you would write the same speech.

>then the whole facebook applauded and I got a gf who took my virginity and gave me 100 dollars
Top reddit

> le reddit meme

Finally have some down time to respond. I think more people share our thoughts.

The problem with collectivism is which collective comes first. But first let's use tribe as a synonym for collective. Because at our most base, we are tribes tied together early in our evolution through mutual genetic heritage and much later through mutual belief systems ( religious and now more so political ). All tribes have in-group preference.

Luckily the founders of our country gave us blueprints for what they intended to be American values through their many writings, and the bill of rights. Those rights granted to us at birth. They also gave us a mechanism for adjustment via constitutional amendments which has allowed us over time to shake off those pieces designed with mutual genetic heritage in mind.

For example. Mike Pence saying "I'm a Christian, conservative, a republican in that order." Is part of the problem. It leads me to believe he not only finds abortion to be abhorrent BUT may find it appropriate to place limitations on the practice of.

Had he first identified as an American, I'd expect his views on abortion to remain the same but less likely to force the issue politically.

This is exalts where early anti-Catholic and anti-Irish sentiment by Americans came from, especially in the 19th century. How is it possible that Catholic immigrants who answer foremost to the Pope, who they believe speaks directly to God, could possibly respect the values and the culture of the Republic?

This exact sentiment is mirrored today in Trump's and the conservative stance on Muslim immigration which is labeled by the left as "racist." Meanwhile liberals and libertarians and constitutionalists are still battling policies shaped by the tribe of American Catholic voters as we speak. Irony is lost on the left.

With the exception of communists on the left, only those on the right seem to hold beliefs based on some set of principles or values written down.

Stop redditing you retard. Are you 17?


Nationalism is the last bastion against soulless globalism. You hate the 1% and Neocon warmongering? So do nationalists. Nationalists only want to be left alone to conduct their own affairs in peace. It is the globalists and those who claim to like the idea of a "Global village" who bomb poor countries into dust and keep the pendulum of hate swinging.

Without nationalism, humanity is doomed to either destroy itself or become consumer slaves to a corporate elite. Any leftist who is against globalism and proxy wars in the third world has that in common with nationalists. But instead of joining together against a common enemy, they divide themselves into camps that the elite goad into attacking each other, while they reap the benefits from the fallout.

It is classical divide and conquer.

Heritage and traditions. Similar mindset and naturally connected to the environment you live in.

Nationalism is just Family in a macro size.

Start with yourself and think who are important to you and who you can cooperate with in life. Then extend the sphere from there-on. You'll find things you need and want to protect, and considering finite rock we live on, you might have to decide who to save and who to sacrifice.

Of course, the larger a family/tribe/nation gets, the less unified it will be in practice.

upboated xd


Modern day nationalists just want splendid isolation, so a nation can focus on its internal affairs instead of trying to fix everyone elses

Adding some more.

It's like when you play connect-the-dots. The average dot is irrelevant. It's the shape they add up to that matters. The Left is obsessed with looking at individual symptoms under a microscope but refuse to see the whole picture. Racism, terrorism, prejudice. These are merely symptoms of a system that actively encourages this because it keeps the populace divided and scared. And while some claim to be aware of this, they have no plan to move forward beyond screaming very loudly at political opponents and patting themselves on the back afterwards. They have a vague idea but no plan for the present nor the future.

The Left and Right dichotomy is the biggest threat to mankind right now. Only nationalism where everyone works together for the good of the nation, will solve it.

Nationalism keeps society cohesive and functional.