The elections

What are Sup Forumss opinion on this pic?

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half of these idiots don't even know what demagogue means

>Trump is literally Neo-Hitler. We are living in an age where an evil fascist demagogue has won over America with racism, sexism,& xenophobia


Sieg Heil!

>literally Hitler
>really made me think

Oh look another person calling trump *insert buzzword* how can he ever recover?

If all Libs can do is throw character insults at someone they are going to be sorely disappointed when he rises to power.

I could replace the word Trump with Hillary easily. There is no substance to that argument.

My opinion is that OP is a cum guzzling hillary supporter spamming Sup Forums like a liberal bitch.

I'd love to explain the socialist welfare side of national socialism to a leftist without mentioning Hitler. Tell them about universal healthcare, a sense of community and having a duty of care for your neighbor. Taking power away from public bankers and fighting corruption, giving power to working people and squashing ineffective bourgeoisie. I bet they'd love it. It always makes me kek when people use Hitler as a litmus test for evil when his ideology was far less divisive and extreme than Marxism.

These cunts really need to look up Fascist in the dictionary, it's misused so often it's not even funny.

*Private bankers

National Socialism is considered far left. They basically would agree with everything Hitler taught except for Aryan superiority.


>mfw anarchist liberal communists exist

Too many buzzwords.

How does anyone take this shit seriously?

They believe in White superiority though.

That's why they are constantly telling us that Blacks are inferior and need to be lifted up at every opportunity.

They just use PC words for inferior like 'disadvantaged' or 'underprivileged'.

>tfw stuck at a cousin's wedding and he goes on a rant about how we all have to vote for Hillary because Trump will cause WW3, genocide all the gays, blacks and hispanics, plus take away all the rights women have
I wasn't going to be that asshole who stands up and gets into a big argument with the groom at his own wedding, but holy shit people are so fucking brainwashed.

I've never seen anyone more racist than a liberal. They could look at a black millionaire and claim he only got there through luck because of how oppressed he was the whole way. I would get sick of hearing that if I were black.

the fuck is up with that dudes facial hair

hes pretending to be black

Wtf I hate Twitter now

That was his speech? I'm imagining that he did that cliche shit where you tap your glass and say "I've got something to say everyone!" and then instead of talking about how great his wife is he went on a Shillary rant. What a programmed piece of shit.

Yes I too saw when they holocausted Peter Thiel right there on the convention floor for daring say he is a homo

He started with the typical "Thank you all for being here on this special day" shit. Then he went on about being grateful for friends and family and about how much his new wife supports him in everything he does, but after he finished with that, he said he wanted to add one more thing.
Cue almost 20 minutes of "Trump is Hitler and if you vote for him we're all going to die."

About half the room was gobbling it up, but all the older folks, like his parents and aunts and uncles, were just sitting there with angry scowls on their faces.
It was a 7 hour drive and my mother, sister and I took one car. 7 hours of listening to my mother call him a retard ended up being even worse than listening to him in the first place.

can someone explain to me how is trump sexist? I can understand racist and xenophobia but why sexist? Because he runs vs women candidate?

>No association to Hitler at all as hitler is a worthless, hyperbolic buzzword at this point.

>No relationship to fascism at all. See above.

>Not a single proven case of racism...not to mention shitstain libs don't even know how to define the word anymore.

>Not a single proven case of sexism as Trump hires people of all genders and colors and his personal reputation among people he works with is virtually spotless.

>Xenophobia does not apply in this case because what Trump is doing is not not "Fear of a culture just because they're different." He's protecting against a culture that clearly commits and supports violent acts against innocent people who don't believe in the same sky man.

Something something women should be punished for abortions. Something something he runs a modeling company that ranks women based on their bodies. Something something he has a trophy wife. Something something he has been divorced multiple times and his wives speak out against his macho behavior.

They don't know what the hell they are talking about. Anyone they don't like is sexist basically.

He was mean to Rosie O'Donnell after she insulted his hair and he likes models.

He's not. That's the point. Even the xenophobia accusations are stupid because it's not "Hating a culture simply because they're different" Islam has earned the title they have. There's a significant percentage of the ones who aren't violent who support the acts of the ones who are. A sound case can be made that they're not compatible with a peaceful world. That's not xenophobia, it's just an observation.

The person is an idiot, as hitler was never elected. :3

it's true, the right has always wanted a dictator so they can force their bigotry and idiocy on everyone

none of these people know what fucking fascism is oh my god. Funny how they always complain about conservatives using communist and socialist when it doesn't apply but they use fascist daily.

why did you cut out the username?

He was a feminist and nazy germany did put woman above everything

just look at trumps party ffs

Which bigotry and idiocy would that be? Perhaps we just don't want to live in the liberal paradise that is Canada.

notice how they are blind to themselves?

Looks comfy.

just another retard


the republican party is fascist? is this a leaf moment or are you retarded?

gr8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8

its over inflated liberal bullshit lies. however, it does make me laugh to think of libtards pissing themselves and running to their local safe space whenever alpha Trump speaks truth.

>whites built the west is apparently a racist thing to say
huh really made me think

>Perhaps we just don't want to live in the liberal paradise
you never will, half of your country wants to shoot everyone in the foot

>Politically castrate and scapegoat white males for decades.
>Wonder why the fuck there's a "sudden" blowback.

Baselessly applied, buzzword-fueled ad hominem.

Steve King said that white western civilization has contributed more in scientific advancement than any other society. This is a scientific fact. He is not saying other societies haven't contributed important things, just that western society has contributed more.

Are you saying that he is incorrect?


Sup Forums rules the memosphere

they did a lot of it on the backs of slaves
they've been looting the 3rd world to this day

The lefts main problem is that they have always said this about every one of their political opponents so the electorate just files it with the rest of their bullshit.

You just described the 2016 Democratic platform.

ppl around the world could loose their savings again

Fucking shieet

Post this on reddit or something

Which slaves? And "3rd world countries" are still begging for help.

don't care because he will win either way and they will all commit suicide

Hold on a minute. What exactly do you feel a slave's role was in society? You realize they weren't trusted to do anything more than be wet nurses and pick cotton right?

Slavery has been over for a long time now.

so the counter-indoctrination has begun

good.. very good

Fucking tweet this at him.
I got blocked last time I did that.
We could raid him in mass.

they built the whitehouse

>year 3016
>teenagers are now afraid to come out of the closet as cucks
>the cuck pride parade revers the great ancien western civilization where being a cuck was only mock and not punished by death
>death penalty for cucks was proclaimed after the 12 years old who couldn't formulate an idea without mentioning the word "cuck" grew up and accessed positions of power

This is painfully ignorant. Trump is the one fighting against Hillary and Warren and other Democrats to audit the Federal Reserve when the Democrats don't want him to audit the large banks.

oh yes the magnificent cotton picking made the west great argument.

I have a dumb question related to the title of this thread.

When people say "If Gary Johnson gets 15% of the votes he will have to be included in the debates". What are they talking about specifically? 15% of what? Is it those random ass polls cited by the news?

You realize slavery ended before the country even began Manifest Destiny and colonizing the West? Most of this modern country was not built by slaves and has nothing to do with slavery.

slaves litterally picked cotten. Practically built america right?

I should introduce that guy to my good friend Erdoğan

don't really care what random hippies on twitter think

lol trump made my policies look reasonable

Can we agree that calling the candidate with German ancestry “Hitler” is racist? It sure feels that way to me. I’m about half German, same as Trump. And it feels like a racial insult to me.

I’m not easily offended, but I don’t see any other way to interpret the incessant Hitler analogies directed at Trump. If he were female and Asian – with exactly the same policies – would we be comparing him to Hitler every five seconds?

I don’t think so.

Consider the Trump=Hitler analogy that is clogging the Internet. I’ll mention just a few flaws with the analogy.

For example, Hitler wanted to conquer other countries. Trump is opposed to war unless for defense. That’s sort of a big difference right there.

Also, Hitler tried to exterminate minorities. Trump’s policies lean pro-minority:

1. Veterans are disproportionately minorities.

2. Aborted babies are often minorities.

3. Trump wants to avoid people “dying in the streets” with no healthcare, and that benefit is good for minorities.

4. Trump wants to keep Social Security strong, which helps everyone, but mostly people at lower incomes.

5. Trump’s spokesperson is half African-American. Trump’s daughter converted to Judaism. And so on, and so on.

6. Stopping illegal immigration reduces job competition for lower-income families. Some say it also reduces violence to women of all ethnicities.

7. Trump wants citizens to be armed. Hitler didn’t want that.

I could go on. The point is that Trump’s policies are nearly the opposite of Hitler.
Unlike Hitler, Trump is happy to invite anyone with useful technical skills to the country, no matter their ethnicity. And unlike Hitler, Trump has never made reference to ethnicity. Trump often mentions countries of origin and also religion. But so far, not ethnicity. Not ever.

You might THINK Trump has said some ethnically insensitive things during this campaign, but that’s an illusion. He has railed against illegal aliens (regardless of ethnicity) and proposed a ban on Muslim immigration. I remind you that Islam is comprised of all types of ethnicities.

Thats perfect i'm sure the fine people of tumblr would really appreciate such a thoughtful post

Duke has some economic policies that would have been invalidated because of his history as a KKK leader. He is saying Donald made them viable. And besides, who cares what someone else says about a politician? I could easily point to Robert Byrd, a former KKK leader, saying that Hillary has great ideas.

for the wahabbies?
the backers of isis and al quaeda

notice he didn't say bernie sanders made my ideas look viable


Give me a fucking break. You should have saved the wedding and the bride and cucked him right there. Nigger do you not have something better to talk about at your wedding? I fucking missed Trump's speech Thursday because I was hanging out with a friend I've not seen for two years, and I assure you I like Trump more than he likes Hillary.

He is economically conservative. Why would he say that a leftist has made his ideas look viable?

Trump is literally Trump.

Did you even watch the interview? Trump is talking about siding with Saudi Arabia's current struggle against Iran in order to prevent Iran from attaining Nuclear Weaponry and secure our current trade deals with Saudi Arabia.

Also this should be a strange thing for someone who is so incredibly anti-Muslim to do right?

lots of ppl noticed

saudi arabis is attacking at least 3 different countries
iraq syria yemen

This is a generic list about cult leaders with Trump's name put in here. I could easily put Bernie Sander's name in here. Look at some of these points. The people think Trump is always right. Well what do you think the pro-Bernie supporters think about Bernie, that he is a lying sociopath? I can't believe you would take a generic list like this an attribute it as some kind of proof in anything. Can you not see how this is exactly the same with Bernie followers?

>a boy refering to himself as cute.
Genocide when?

you just don't understand how much authoritarians are like cults

This doesn't invalidate the point that trump is siding with a country in order to prevent a mutual enemy from attaining nuclear warheads and to keep vital trade deals going.


Nazis were not sexist. In fact it was the complete opposite

Are you telling me that Bernie doesn't have a cult of personality? Or that Hillary supporters wouldn't actually die for her? There are plenty of people out there who have given their rent and grocery money and gone basically broke to support politicians of every side. Especially Bernie Sanders.

difference is we want what he's offering
trump hasn't said what he'll do

I cannot express how fucking sick and tired i am of those words bring thrown around.

Its time for people to work again and stop being parasites

I don't even know how to respond to someone saying that the only difference between Trump as a cult leader and Bernie as a cult leader is that you like the things one of them is telling you.

I understand what sanders is saying
I also understand trump doesn't know what he's talking about or he's lying


The left tried to make people's beds and are get pissy when people complain about all the nails on the mattress.

Just because you are mentally capable of comprehending Bernie's talking points and not Trump's doesn't mean Trump is lying or wrong.

What exactly does Trump not understand? Are you telling me you can't understand Trump's points but at the same time he is lying?

a leaf

You know, I don't get it. I think I know what the powerful tru-conservatives want and expect (Mexican slave labor here and Chinese slave labor abroad) but what do the people expect? They aren't morons, they see the constant attacks on Christianity and guns and marriage and whatever, and they just keep lying back and taking it over and over again, and the one time one man comes up who, while not the perfect candidate, is for once at least somewhat aligned with their interests (unlike virtually every conservative politician of the last thirty years who does nothing but let the left win as they impersonate a Christian warrior or whatever) they lose their shit and continue losing their asses for nothing.