Holy shit, you guys weren't fucking joking

Holy shit, you guys weren't fucking joking

>Rick: Mm, there is no God, Summer. You gotta rip that band-aid off now. You'll thank me later.


Stick a blumpus up your grumbo, you christcum.

Wumby frumpy ping pong!

There's no god (ones described by religion), though.

Your (You)s, gentlemen.

And might I say that's an EXCELLENT fedora, my good sir.

the line fits the character, not sure what you god believers are getting so angry about lol

To be fair the pilot isn't very good.

Rick knows for a fact that in there universe there is no god. I see nothing wrong with that.

epic, simply epic. u just won the internet good sir *tips fedora politely in ur direction*

>in there universe
in where universe exactly?

why the fuck everyone forgets that Rick genuinely pray to god when he saved morty life in the dual screen episode?

Except Rick has literally met Satan, and genuinely prayed to God in a moment of distress.

I'm tempted to believe you've never actually seen the show, you fake-redditor.

Is this the cartoon big bang theory?


Hell to the no, Rick & Morty is MUCH funnier than that garbage.


I get the feeling that you faggots would hate the Simpsons or Futurama if it was released today, for no reason other than trying to fit in

So you believe in God? Do you go to church?

i just realized how db atheists are, this atheist show made me realize that atheists are stupid

paper man on paper was created by an artist but doesnt believe the artist made him, despite him obviously being created. he believes the paper, ink and frames for his life just randomly strung together in a random explosion of random numbers out of nothing

man on earth, obviously created by gods, doesnt believe he was created by god, he believes he, and the world he lives in, just sprung out of nothing

atheists are borderline mentally retarded

>obviously created by gods


try harder next time

So this show is a collection of skits, rants and opinions that are oh so epic and great for a tumblr gif?

genuinely no.

they are both normie-approved entertainment, but rick and morty's whole shtick is cynical nihilism and pushing buttons, while big bang theory is popular because it exists to be as saccharine and non-confrontational as possible. a forty-year old cbs fan would hate rick and morty, while a twenty-one year old atheist would hate Big Bang

Wubba lubba DUBS DUBS

No it's more like a sitcom with a sci-fi bent, a la Futurama.

It really sucks that atheism was killed on Sup Forums because of fedrora picture induced insecurity.

What you started believing in magic because some of bullying via hat memes?

Atheism is normal.

No, this fifty-five second clip does not represent the entirety of two seasons of television. Dumb question, honestly.

You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty.

maybe watch it and you might even find out that you find it entertaining instead of listening to contrarians on Sup Forums?


Yeah it's a fine analysis, but I'm sure you like plenty of things for pathetic and stereotypical reasons.

You're an anti-atheist on Sup Forums in 2017 posting anti-reddit fedora memes

since when did not believing in god become an edgy thing?

are people just being contrarian for the sake of it or are Sup Forums full of god fearing christians?


chill. Don't take criticisms of rick and morty as a personal insult.

That's a part of his character
Holy shit, they even put EMPHASIS on how much of an asshole he is about it, which seems to go right over everyone's heads here.

There was a scene where he's about to die, prays to God, then goes right back to saying some shit like 'fuck you god you don't even exist' the moment he gets saved. It's Rick that is the asshole with the god complex. That scene SHOWS that it's just his opinion that God isn't real.

>Atheism is normal.

It's actually incredibly abnormal and has only been around in any large capacity in the last few centuries. Pretty much every culture throughout history had some concept of god(s)/the transcendant.

>Pretty much every culture throughout history had some concept of god(s)/the transcendant.

Yeah, because they needed a way to explain the universe. If it bothers you so much to not have a transcendent god belief just become a Pantheist or something.

One line. It took one line in the entire show to make christcucks so buttfrustrated they felt the need to make multiple R&M shitposting threads a day

I'm not, I'm explaining the fault in your reasoning. Don't be so defensive, just thank me and move on.

>Pretty much every culture throughout history had some concept of god(s)/the transcendant.

Yeah humans sure like to create mythologies don't they

I'm not the guy who even made the original post. You just sounded triggered.

But I wasn't, which suggests that maybe you're projecting.

Sounds like you're actually the one projecting. That's just the impression that I'm getting.

>he believes the world of physics, rules and order just randomly appeared out of nothing
>he thinks hes smart or smarter than other people because of his believe
>his atheist beliefs literally define him as mentally retarded under his own science (nothing cannot equal everything and nothing can come from nothing)
>he believes that something came from nothing (NOTHING ( NO THING )
>he thinks there was a space with nothing in it and that a universe just appeared with perfect programming

It fits the character

I want to have a laugh and a good time, and the show does it.

Fuck, apply your reasoning to any other creation, and there won't be much to enjoy.

I know that I am not projecting, so it's only reasonable to assume that you are the one who is currently lashing out at his own unconscious impulses. Don't be embarrassed, it can be hard to recognize when you're doing it.

>pickle rick
>rick in a pickle
>rick is in a pickle


Im honestly just watching because this show and gravity falls are linked, I should not be this upset about that show ending, but I am....

I'm not so sure that I agree. I can only say for sure that I'm not projecting. One of us definitely is and, if it isn't me, it has to be you.

>it's a christcuck completely misrepresents the facts he's disputing because he doesn't understand them episode

No one is saying that something had to be created from nothing, it was an expansion of matter and energy, not the creation of it. Read a book besides the bible for once.

>he believes there's a sky daddy that made Earth in seven days and who'll get upset if you masturbate or put your dick into somebody's pooper

All because he's made insecure by science he doesn't understand and people who point out that he's stupid for not getting it.

I actually agree with your assessment of the situation, at least partially. One of us is definitely projecting. I'm afraid the source of contention is on who this person is, because it turns out it is you, not me.

>and has only been around in any large capacity in the last few centuries
Not the best argument m80

How are they linked?


I don't think this is going anywhere. I've already developed a very clear conclusion that I'm not projecting. There is no physical way that it can be any but you.

I bet Sup Forums would complain about golden era Simpsons if it were released today as well...

The show's funny and well liked by most young adults, get over it.

You also think something came from nothing, or does your God have a creator too?

>he thinks the universe just came out of nothing
>he only believes this because he read it in a book once and some cool smart guy in a movie told him to believe it
>he claims other people are stupid to get their beliefs from books or because priests told them
>he actually think hes smart for this belief

>he thinks the universe just came out of nothing

I can't imagine being so stupid that I can't comprehend something taught in middle school. It must be sad.

suck a plumbus christcum

why does everything sound so shitty in this show? I don't mean the intonation but just how everything sounds in general, it sounds like a web show.

I'm pretty sure that everyone knows about the portal with stands mug, pen, and notepad flying out, but also in one of the r&m prisons, it has those items. When Ford(or the real Stanford) gets taken by a security bot from the crashed alien ship, it is revealed to be a prison bot and the cordinates match the front of the R&M federal prison, and also There is a wanted photo of Ford, or Stan, (I forgot which) and on it are symbols which if decoded say "Rick was here". And also some other stuff but I forget what.

It's not a really shitty show, it's fun, but fans and anti fans are assholes who can't just enjoy the show for its entertainment value.

P.s I'm a Christfag and I still like the show, I can take humor, not all of us have giant glowing rods up our asses, I just enjoy the show because it reminds me of when I watched veggie tales when I was younger for some fucked up reason..

God is a completely psychological phenomenon. So you're wrong to say it doesn't exist, it's like saying depression doesn't exist. You can only say that there is no God to you.

if God is real how come all the douchebags get gfs while I am a virgin?

He made possible for you to exist, and gave you free will.
What you do with that is your own problem, in fact, what humans do to each other is their own problem

>there is no god
>nothing matters hehe
>being cynical is cool
>haha anyone with any beliefs is fucking STUPID
>stop liking anything love isn't real either LOL.
>marriage is a joke haha

People like this character?

Or, mayhaps, some people just don't find it entertaining?

>a character needs to be likable in order to be entertaining

pleb 101

Underrated post

I think you guys are missing the point, in a later episode, he's about to die and starts pleading to god to stay alive, only to subsequently say "fuck you, there is no god" when he's going to live. It's more of an ego thing than an unironically edgy, fedora thing. Rick's character is a scientist so he's playing into the trope that scientists play god sometimes.

I like how they constantly claim that transgenderism is a mental illness because it's so delusional, but they still accept an invisible sky wizard.

When people talk about this show they refer to it as "Reddit humour" what exactly is reddit humour?

If you have to ask, you have Reddit humor.


Sup Forums thinks its cool to be christian now that religion is the counterculture

it all comes from Sup Forums telling people that liberal atheists are destroying their "values" or whatever

I can see why reddit likes this.


>it's a Sup Forums gets triggered by opinions episode

So then what is that I find funny that defines it as Reddit humour

>doubting the magic sky wizard.

The pasta above actually sums it up perfectly. Redditors, as in people who have accounts, actively post on reddit and care about karma and upvotes, are young, pathetic people. They dont have success in academics, work or social life. If they did, they wouldnt spend their time carefully tailor making comments for maximum upvotes and the possible, illustrious reddit gold. These people believe that the reason they are unsuccesful is the world around them, that their failings are a result of external factors. They blame the school system, "the system" as a whole, politicians, main stream media etc and become nihilistic and disillusioned. Rick and Morty hits all the buttons for these people with its portrayel of the world as cynical, meaningless and ultimately pointless, as well as extremely superficial criticism of the western status quo. It gives them a false sense of superiority and intelligence that they have never felt before in their lives. Acticely supporting the show on reddit allows for the spouting of memes like "get schwifty!", that make no sense for anyone who hasnt watched the show, which further strengthens the fake shell of intelligence as they get validated by likeminded plebs. Without reddit, there would be no success for Rick and Morty because there would be no place where so many pathetic people could fellate each other about how supposedly great this kindergarten level show is. Rick and Morty *is* reddit.

So many fucking typos but I didnt bother checking my spelling, point is the same, Rick and Morty fits reddit like a glove.

>Sup Forums doesn't know that half of these anti R&M threads are being started by Justin Roland, since he outed himself about trolling Sup Forums

nice pasta

People are still crying because a cartoon character said that story about the talking snake and the magic apple is bullshit? Who cares, you can believe whatever dumb shit you want to. He's just a cartoon people, get over yourselves.

It's a tiny veiled Sup Forums thread leave them be.

Dog, athiests here

You're a faggot

>Fuck, apply your reasoning to any other creation, and there won't be much to enjoy.
This is as mythical as the 'reddit doesn't mean anything, it's just applied to stuff people don't like!' canard

You cannot seriously be implying that 1300 years of English writing, from Piers Plowman to Hamlet to Wordsworth's poetry, has an equally or even comparably surface-level engagement with philosophy, aesthetics, and narrative as Rick-and-fucking-Morty?

The_Donald tier pasta

you're not supposed to like Rick for saying this you moron.
Morty is who you're supposed to relate to most.

Not him but a lot of people that dislike the show probably hasn't seen a single episode. They say that this is edgy anti-religion propaganda when there is a ep with satan and one that's basically pro-religion.

That post gave me cancer.

Holy shit, Sup Forumsedditors absolutely blown the fuck out. Time to close down the board.

Yeah it's among the first line after he intro in the first episode, but there's hardly anymore God jokes throughout the season.
At least nothing saying God isn't real.
Fucking Satan himself is a character in an episode.

why the hell would anyone relate to a little kid?

>A chracter has to be around your age to be relatable
That's self-inserting, Why would you try to relate to an edgy old man?