If you like it or not there is a spiritual realm out there

If you like it or not there is a spiritual realm out there.
If you like it or not there are spiritual entities who are more powerful and intelligent than us.
If you like it or not they do have imact on us through world elite who control the media and world events.

And the most important one:
If you like it or not we are weak and ignorant, limited beings. Demons want us to believe that we are gods, because they like to use our ignorance and arrogance against us.

I know that it's comfortable to tell yourself that everything is OK, that hell is not real etc., but let's face the truth. World elites do believe and have contact with spiritual realm and they know. They work with demons and the reason behind all that mockery and hate against Christians is because Christianity has a power against these demonic entities.

I'm not Christian btw, I'd like to call myself Buddhist, but I don't observe all the basic rules of Buddhism, so I can't really call myself a Buddhist.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Hey guys hell and demons exist watch out!
>I'm not a Christian btw lol buddhism xD

So you by admission want to go to hell where all the demons are you are warning us about?

Didnt he name his son Ataturk or something?

soo, we really are trying to outshitpost canada yes?
time to rev up them bbc threads

Buddhism is the most accurate religion, but I believe that Christianity has some legitimacy too.

Heaven and Hell are in Buddhism too, but they are not enernal - you live in them for few millions years or even longer, but they end when your heavenly/hellish karma is burned out.

Fun fact: the deepest, worst hell in Buddhism is described as the lake of fire.

So how can you regain your heavenly/hellish karma? Doing good things in heaven or doing bad things in hell? And why would you want to regain hellish karma?


Your daily reminder that "angels" in religious scriptures appeared to people from beams of light

Think about this for a minute...

If aliens have mastered faster than/light travel—that probably means that they travel by literally becoming light, right?

Read Revolt Against the Modern World. I think Evola's take on the spiritual realm is pretty decent

fucking burgers.
dont take me on it but afaik you gain karma only after reincarnation by doing good/bad things, and you dont remember your previous lives so deal with it

Didn't Crowley also say somewhere that scientists would be the new priest class, somewhere?

>you do good things
>you gain good karma
>you are reborn in good place in good body
>you use up your good karma
>you die
>you go to another place according to your current karma
the same thing with bad karma

Hell isn't real. Why would God allow it to be real?

it is, the same as heaven and other realms
if you don't want to go to hell, recite this dharani
here is text version: here is sutra about it: fodian.net/world/967.html

My personal interpretation is that Hell is merely an allegory for being further away from the source of existence and the manifestation of all things. It's a result of free will--that we can choose to ignore the interconnected nature of all things, or separate ourselves from the oneness of origin.

Why would an all loving God allow that?

polan be new leaf
save us all

Is it eternal suffering like God says?

>all loving God
why this meme?

God only loves his people
why else would be smite Sodom, or sinners?

>God only loves his people
Who are his people? The Christians? That doesn't really make sense since anyone can become a Christian.

>why else would be smite Sodom, or sinners?
Because when they die they go to heaven, he is helping them.

Wouldn't you have to first quantify "eternal"? Did "God" actually say that, or did man say that 'speaking for God'? Perhaps "eternity" is a finite time period, we're merely incapable of understanding?

>Demons want us to believe that we are gods, because they like to use our ignorance and arrogance against us.
This is probably the most profound lie told to us by many religious leaders.
I believe we are made in the image of God, we are a small scale God not just a piece of it. And thus all the spiritual entities are and must be obedient to us. We create our reality!

This is too confusing for me. The Bible is the word of God.

sorry mate, it is not an allegory
it is as real as our existence here, on earth
some people have bad karma and suffer here on earth
some have even worse karma and suffer in hell

Yeah its out there, but you will never see it unless you believe in it. Meditation is the key.. or should i say visualisation. If you get good at it you will find it. Then shit gets real. I found it on accident.

what you are saying right now is the essence of demonic doctrine
there is nothing to achieve, forget yourself
we do not create our reality, our karma creates us and our envirovment and Buddhism teaches how to escape this cycle of incarnations and suffering

What is hell like? Many people say it's different. One Bible passage says it's burning, another says you are just really thirsty. Which is true?

How do I get demons to make me rich and bang hot chicks?

>Jack Parsons
>One of the most historic figures in the history of the U.S. space program
>Follower of Aleister Crowley

I have a gnostic friend who is forcing his kid into it.

He literally shits on Christians because his parents did the same with him about Christ.

He doesn't see the irony.

Hell is desire unchecked. Heaven is being happy with what you got. Jesus was a crypto buddhist. All the shit he says is buddhist as fuck, if you dont take it literally. Btw by god he means the subconscious, the devil is ego. Ie follow your intuition and you are in heaven, follow the ego... hell. Christ consciousness is enlightenment.

Read the chapter "Observations of Retribution of Human Beings resulting from previous Karmas"

as I said before - you can destroy your hellish karma by reciting Usnisa Vijaya Dharani

I have family members who died without reciting that so I'd rather go to hell with them.

>demonic doctrine
There is no such thing, there are benevolent and malicious entities but what you're painting here is a mental cage, a leaf in a wind. You become the wind, it is possible.

>there is nothing to achieve, forget yourself
this is way too escapist for me

>we do not create our reality, our karma creates us
that's what you have chosen and that's the reality you get brother.

>and Buddhism teaches how to escape this cycle of incarnations and suffering
I don't really care what this and that religious doctrine teaches. I base my beliefs on my experience, I'm sort of a gnostic.

Mind > matter, you are capable of co-creating reality you live in, you have your sphere of influence - use it for good (or don't), and the goal is to stare into the Light of God-creator, the primordial force. There is an enlightened evolution going on and it bets mainly on our consciousness

You have to be really stupid and closed minded to think that Hell and Heaven are a place.
It's more like a state of consciousness.

>you can destroy your hellish karma by reciting Usnisa Vijaya Dharani
Wow so it's really that simple? How come?

If you like it or not this is a slide thread.
If you like it or not, OP is having paranoid delusions and trying to pass it off as normal.
If you like it or not, you should probably be prescribed antipsychotics so you'll stop embarrassing yourself online and in public.

Even thought I do agree that ego = suffering and letting go and being here and now = bliss, I have to tell you that there is no such thing as Christ consciousness - this is some new age lie.

other buddhist here, have never read or been told anything amounting to what you said. it reads like fanfiction

there's no demons either mhara's the only mention of anything resembling one

finally hell is a state of existence not a place

sometimes you get branches like pureland that are so intermixed with chinese or tibetan paganism that it might as well be its own entirely separate religion

>itt occultists argue semantics with pedantry abound

Most insuffrable thing about discussing this is the nonstop chiming in of faggots offering up a slight spin on an already mentioned concept as if all previous discussion were incorrect.

God among men, killed by the CIA

sorry it bothers you so much maybe you could fuck off

>Btw by god he means the subconscious, the devil is ego. Ie follow your intuition and you are in heaven, follow the ego... hell
That's very Jungian and I agree to some point but ego serves men and it is absolutely necessary to make use of it if you want to survive. There are idiots (low consciousness level) people all around us, you have to employ ego in order to prevent them from making you harm. Or better, if you have a great idea and want to communicate it to others you will have to make use of ego again.

Making completely rid of it would dehumanize and to a certain degree harm us in my humble opinion.

Please enlighten us with your reason bro

man, i'll be honest with you
i've been there, I loved Robert Anton Wilson and I believed in "creating reality", but it's a very deceptive lie.

Of course, our reality is relative, but we do not create it. There is actually no "you". You indentify with your thoughts which are not by any means you.

You believe in false doctrine. It's very complicated and I dont't really know how to explain it to you. The "evolution" is another way to decieve people with egoistical and arrogant doctrine of becoming something better.

Please, at least listen to this, so you wont end up in lower realms after death. youtube.com/watch?v=SgoCnLGcS3k

Stop shooting Ivans krokodil up your arse Sergei. You are turning into a hippie.

You are talking BS, Paveł. There is no spiritual realm, medium or whatever other crap, no demons, angels and shit.

We are just meat bags, when we die we cease to exist. Death is the end. Sooner you realise this sooner you can forget all the fantasies and start living your life.

>cycle of incarnations and suffering
Good, you are enlightened.
But how can Buddhism help?

have you read any sutras? I did and there were mentioned hell, demons, heaven, devas and so on

Pure Lands are real too. If you believe that what Buddha said was all methaphores and you are interpretating it in your own way, you are like those Christians who accept homosexuality and other sin because "Jesus loves all dont judge".

>finally hell is a state of existence not a place
Read The Sutra on the Original V
ows and the Attainment of Merits of Ksitigrabha Bodhisatta

>But how can Buddhism help?
you don't come back anymore

OP is right.

The occult is about controlling masses of people, by manipulating the collective subsonsciousness. That's the reason elites are into it. It's not about the supernatural.

Non degenerate religions like christianity give you a natural defense against it. That's why communists tried to make everyone atheist. They are easier to brainwash.

I don't really see how Buddhism can stop it...

>Robert Anton Wilson
His theories are great and to be completely honest with you I am already creating my own reality piece by piece. And if you really read his metaprogramming passages you'd realize you have just switched one "reality tunnel" for another. Nothing wrong with it but be honest with yourself because YOU yourself have chosen to do so.

>You indentify with your thoughts which are not by any means you
I do most of the time, but there is light in the end of the tunnel, I have seen it and I want to explore it, I want to be fully surrounded by it.

>You believe in false doctrine
It's really simple if you map reality this way. As I said there is no doctrine I follow.

>The "evolution" is another way to decieve people
I know it's a rationalistic attempt but it makes sense to me to a certain degree.

Thank you, listening to it, sounds kinda gay but if THAT is the thing saving me from the lower realms of existence and salvation is this easy.. why not? hahaha

Christianity is degenerate Celto-Germano Paganism is the only way.

well i'd explain it but i'm not trying to convert you or anything so it probably wouldn't accomplish much

I'm closer to the Golden Dawn
Immersed in Crowley's uniform
Of imagery
I'm living in a silent film
Portraying Himmler's sacred realm
Of dream reality

Buddhism teaches you how to escape this cycle.

Lol, ok ok ok...

First of all, please define "You". I seem to be a construct of my own devise, that is, an ego constructed by my brain, which is a certain arrangement/pattern of matter.

This has led me to a nihilistic perspective (from Catholicism) and if you are saying that another arrangement of matter, somewhere down the line, constructs an ego and that thing considers itself I, as I consider myself me, and that some quality of it is/was dependent on what I do now, then, nothing has really changed at all, and it goes back to nihilism, I.E. still no reason to care.

Is there any actual insitinces of what OP is talking about being involved with governments. Other then the occultism in Nazi Germany.

Ok so in Buddhism how do you escape? Do you go to Heaven?

well there is a massively spread out cult of Saturn

So if Christianity is good and Buddhism is okay then what does Catholicism mean ?

In my opinion big bang = the end and the start. That's the point when everything repeats. I'm interested in how do you think the cycle works and how can Buddhism help to get out of it?


Sage and report any thread made by Polacs, they're filling this board with off topic garbage

Eh.. I was raised Catholic and was a firm believer, and
1) had nightmares of religious idols having lizard eyes chase me around
2) Had a hallucinogen related badtrip where I was condemned to hell for not believing (with a benedictine medal in my pocket)
Among other things, point being, NOT THAT HEALTHY for a mind.

The only true way of salvation/defense against mindcontrol I see is, well, 100% rationale, EVERYTHING must be weighed in accordance with the ONLY light of humanity.. his reason.
Reason guides us to such heights that eventually we transcend our biology, THAT is true God.. the fact that there is no power over you, WRITTEN into this system. Take that with you where EVER you go.

Sage all burger threads with off topic garbage like Hillary.

What is this cult user?

Buddy, I was once OBSESSED with metapgrogramming, here's my old OC.

It is REALLY convincing and seems to be logic, but it's like 90% nice meal, mixed with 10% poison. You die anyways.

The essence of your delusion is desire to become something better. Or just anything. You desire of BECOMING will lead you to suffering. Selflesness is the way, not selfishness. There is nothing to achieve. Person with imprinted "neurogenetic circuit" is no more special than a reagular person functioning on 1-4 circuits.

As i said - BECOMING is the key word of demonic false doctrine. It's based on egoism and leads to suffering.

I stopped my atempts to create reality. Now I just try to be here and now and be fully in that moment.

I think it's a psyops. Was an idea that saturn is actually controlling everything and that's what the black cube in mecca represents.

Was pretty interesting though.

there are two ways
1. hard way - you meditate and esapce on your own
2. easy way - you recite Amitabha's Buddha's name (Namo Amitabha Buddha) and aspire to go to His Pure Land after you die, where you are learning Dharma and become enlightened

Search for Amitabhas Buddhas Vows

Saturn is an ancient god of time. He eats his own children as we are slowly decaying. He is the true lord of the rings (often referred to as), the lord of bonds. He is the "cruel castrating father" archetype as the time's always pressuring us into anxiety.
All governments are essentially based on this principle, it's the cube we're put into, this 3D time-space continuum, the fear of loosing credibility/money/your life... you get the point.

I think not every religion and government is involved in this project, some are in without knowing.

looks like a Scandinavian Troll

contemporary pic of Saturn's north pole, the hexagon or in 3D - the cube

you gotta learn more, can you go to hell forever when you die?

>Who are his people? The Christians? That doesn't really make sense since anyone can become a Christian.
how does that not make sense? You seem to have a very rigid and idiosyncratic idea of God that you project into the universe and mistake it for what God actually is or could be -- then you discard the idiosyncratic God that you yourself created. It's a very silly thing that atheists do.

Peace and blessings be upon you all.

I'm not a atheist I am a neo-Pagan.

>You die anyways
That's the best part, I hope I'm prepared.

>The essence of your delusion is desire to become something better
Idk man but you'd sound like a piece of crap saying this to a starved child or a disease ridden poorfag.

>You desire of BECOMING will lead you to suffering
I think this is what makes us human - the abyss in ourselves, the painful, eternal darkness. This is the internal push to do something, to project outwards.
I have experienced this pit, it is literally hell on earth and this is within all of us.

>Person with imprinted "neurogenetic circuit" is no more special than a reagular person functioning on 1-4 circuits
But would you not agree that a world would be a better place where people are fixated higher on the Wilson's scale? If we could all choose to live better lives?

>It's based on egoism and leads to suffering.
Why's there such witch hunt for the ego in the present syncretisms? It arose in the human mind and it will slowly develop, this way or another. I think you are demonizing yourself (the ego part) bro

>I stopped my atempts to create reality
Maybe you shouldn't let it go so easily. What were the means by which you were metaprogramming yourself if I may ask?

>and hate against Christians is because Christianity has a power against these demonic entities
was reading until there, if anything Christianity is another part of your "problem". Also; ireported you post to the feds you faggot.

What do people think of the secret qabbalistic teachings of judaism, because that shit is CRAZY and sounds so on point but it's juuuust outlandish enough for me to be like, give me a fucking break..

Search Philokalia.
Don't allow yourselves to be taken by demons.
They have many tricks.

>>Demons want us to believe that we are gods, because they like to use our ignorance and arrogance against us.

>>I'd like to call myself Buddhist

Don't you think it's a little hypocritical to say that... then go into a polytheistic religion? Book of John says, "Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. But every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God is the spirit of the antichrist."

Remember that when the voices in your head tell you to do something stupid.

calm down texas

seriously though, this obsession lately with the "ego" and "ego death" ect is misguided.

our ego is what drives us forward as people and a species.

look up second order cybernetics, the macy's conferences, gregory bateson and his relationship to 60s-70s eastern mumbo jumbo.

anyone asking you to kill your ego is trying to make you into their slave.

see here for a start:

Who here based /Zoro/?

Daemons you say?

not literally forever but there is one worst hell which last for innumerable years and im talking about billions of years or even more

I could read proverbs...

But lets meditate and have butt-sex with nasty poo-in-loo cult leaders instead.

I was trying to reshape my thought process, but i realised that ego is also a thought and there is no need to bouned by it and its desires. For example desire to create something else from what is now.

Buddhist believe in all sorts of demons, gods, and spirits.. they just believe that they're effectively no different from humans, and that no good can come from worshiping a god

A child of his time.

How exactly did Aleister Crowley contact that supposed demon?

Don't you think that third eye looks a lot like 666 on your forehead?

you reported me on what? lol

Any thoughts on the idea that the board that you're posting on is a cesspool of neuroses and very much tied up in egoistic yearnings and impulses of one sort or another. Maybe you're rarely here? Or maybe you just watch with detachment? Not to put words in your mouth.

We never did bbc threads

Actually it's said his chosen people are the Jews

Probably drugs. However, it wasn't even the first being he contacted, either.

He pruportedly contacted his "Holy Guardian Angel", or some deceptive spirit claiming to be that, at his former house in Boleskine, Scottland.

People may think it's bullshit, but if you've ever slept there, you would've experienced the most significant """"sleep paralysis"""" experience possible. I'm talking straight up rape by the """"old hag"""", and dogs scratching at the door to your room.


Wait what?