Does might determine right, or does morality exist?

Does might determine right, or does morality exist?

Morality exists as much as beauty exists, in your mind.

Laws are opinions with guns

God defines right.

white is right.

and god is all powerful

Miley Cyrus has tattoos?

>Laws are opinions with guns
deep shit right there

Morality is a spook. Might makes right.

might is an enforcer of morality and blasphemous evil/wickedness. Morality does exist, morality is objective, not subjective and relative.

>probably also muslim
>Morality is a spook
Only a inbred would say something like that

then what defines it?

But there is no God in the first place.

Morality is subjective, might does effectively make right.

I think the base of secular moral should be the sustainability of society.
Might does not make right, for the simple fact that might can force people to do self destructive things.
Look at the refugee crisis for example. Under might makes right, then it would be moral to allow thousands of refugees in, because it's the will of the government. But from the point of view of society's sustainability, it is immoral because out weakens society.

Might determines RIGHT, and this will SHAPE Morality, if a powerful society imposes Slavery,then a whole set of Moral principles would be set into society on how to handle slaves,but it WOULD NOT abolish or change Slavery

Might has always determined right, even when you think it didn't

why the fuck is he pointing at it?
he's not fucking colombus everyone ones that island is there!!

Might does not make Right.

Right, Makes, Might.

Might makes right, then morality exists, then might makes right and so on

>Laws are opinions with guns
fuck off edgelord

Then why did Hitler lose?

>"I think you shouldn't fuck children"
>fucks a child
>gets arrested by armed men
It's exactly what they are.

Morality is the excuse for righteousness for the mighty who made the bitter realization that human willpower is made of clay, not iron.

Cause he tried to use Might to make more Might, in what he saw as right.

Had he simply slowed down, instead of the blitzkrieg that was done.... And not sought so much "correcting historical injustices", he would have won the long game.

The Allies turned their head, time and time again. Hitler thought this would last forever.