Why do japanese people do that thing where they use an English word instead of a word from their language in anime...

Why do japanese people do that thing where they use an English word instead of a word from their language in anime (probably in other things as well?)? for example, saying "dokuta" instead of their word for doctor

American influence? They probably think foreign words are cool.

onomatopoeia is 象聲詞 in Chinese (Traditional)

Japan basically used an entire phonetic alphabet to describe foreign sounds. To them that can mean like 'fwa fwa' (fluffy) or 'cokuru kora' (Coca-Cola)

Cause they are colonized by burgers.

This is very common in Japan.

They say "JOSSO" instead of "JUICE"

Loan words are a thing in every language

It depends, the sentence structure, the feeling, anything could change the meaning of their own version of the English word. Mostly, it's just the same meaning but keep in mind that another language borrowing a word from English could either have the same or different meaning (but the same point). For example, master, マスター (masutaa) could mean the same or mean someone perverted.

But usually loan words are for things you don't have a word for.

Exotic. they are also excited with American culture which they consider great and superior.


No, they aren't

turkish is full off loanwords from french, english and arab languages aswell

i hate japs for doing this. it makes their language sound impure, chinky, and silly

I didn't say they're only like that but when I think about it there few things that I would use the english word like the "play" button instead of "reproduzir" or "record" but I think it's because it's written "play" in the thing so I think people got used to it.

Do you guys say things like "Ich möchte ein Juice, bitte"?

Yes, kind of. Most loanwords have a finnish equivalent. You could hear someone say "käyn gräbää (grab) cässhii (cash) marketista (I'll go grab cash from the market) even though finnish equivalents of the words cash, market and go grab exist. Saying something like that makes you sound incredibly obnoxious though.

Ah, I think you hate hit on English's problem with that word 'pretentious'. Literally it just means 'pre-described tension'. This is also another way of saying 'ready to strike the hammer'.

Intelligence or 'superiority' is not how English rewards the speaker without some disrespectful behaviour (See: Trump)

I am confused

Hm, this is a big cultural concept.

You see English is ONLY borrowed words. Greek or latin, romance languages, random bits and bobs from Imperliasm.

I cannot explain it to a Finn because it is probably alien as fuck.

English is a Language brute-forced because when England began to matter (after however long of it being the stepping point for Europeans to travel the world) they needed to learn Language Of The Court.

Meaning whatever ruling culture or language there was, which we also call 'Lingua Franca' or the 'most honest tongue'.

How else could you do business? Words can lie, but words between trusted entities NEED at minimum one trustable communication medium.

I find it annoying too but not because of weeaboo reasoning, just because their pronunciation sounds really cringeworthy and annoying.

ハロー ブラジル

That's a shitty point because anyway お医者さん is using chinese character which is as well foreign.

English has a kitsch appeal in Japan, so it's trendy to use English loan words there.

The worst thing about traveling or living in Japan as an English speaker studying Japanese is how many people try to speak English with you, when almost none of them are remotely fluent. It's depressing when you're surrounded by vapid slanty eyed retards trying to make you say English swear words so they can burst out laughing.

Why do anime-imageboard users do that thing where they use a Japanese word instead of a word from their language in discussions (probably in other things as well?)? for example, saying "kawaii" instead of their word for cute?

>The whole german language is foreign because they didin't create the writing system.

Why did you go to the land of the vapid slantey eyed retards then? Because your autistic self got rejected here, so you ran away hoping that anime country will accept you for who you are: a fat lazy fuck.

So its cool when we borrow words and butcher the pronounciation, yet when Japan does it, its because little dick Asians secretely want big white dick in their mouths.

Are you guys really this dumb?

They're weaboos.